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Jimin got down from the car and Hobi waved him. Jimin smiled and went towards where Hobi was standing. It was their favorite garden to spend times.
They both hugged each other.
"How are you!"
"I'm so fine. And you?"
"Mee too" Hobi said and smiled. But inner he was in tensed a little if Jimin will accept his idea or not.
"So why do you call!"
"Actually know there is something important came up!"
"Hu? What is it!"
" I mean nothing big deal..just ..owh anyway tell me about you! Is everything good? How's your chicken shop going?"
"Yeah it's going good. Omma ,appa taking care of the shop. But.."
"But you know that debt which I still didn't pay. Agh this debt is making me tensed. I have to pay 1k won and I don't know how! I think I should hardworke for this."
"Ohoo..I understand..." Hobi suddenly smiled and smirked.
" Jimini "
"Hu! What"
"Can you do one thing for me.."
"Boya! Why you are so sweet suddenly?"
Hobi made puppy eyes and looked at Jimin.
"You know my dad..he again arranged blind dates for me!"
"Yeah and you know I really don want to go."
"Hmm..I see you hate blind dates."
"Yes yes only you know me better."
"Aii .yes I know you." Jimin said smilingly.
"So what I'm behalf..of .me!"
Jimin's smiled faded away. He made a straight face while looking at Hobi.
"Never." Jimin said and started walking.
"Wait wait..Jimin .. listen to mee please..."
"No no no way ..I can't go. Last time you sent me also. And this time no way."
"Yeah I sent you but everything was good right. You remember how we sent away that man!" Hobi said and Jimin looked at him.

"You are really a pretty omega!"
"You are perfect for me "
"By the way what's your name! Are you shy.."
"Hey why you are not talking!" The man asked and touched Jimin's shoulder. Jimin finally looked at the man in a weird way. He suddenly stood up.
"You know whom you touched!"
"You did a mistake by touching me!"
Jimin said and took out a water bottle which was also very strange looking. He then started spareding the water on that man's face.
"What are you doing!"
"Can't you see what I'm doing. Look over there..can you see!" Jimin pointed and the man followed Jimin's gaze. His eyes were wide opened.
"Ho..what ..I can hehe.i can see a ghost.. can you see..." The man couldn't finish his words before that he became unconscious in fear.
Jimin looked at the man and then looked at Hobi and showed thumbs up.
Hobi smiled and got down from the window who was wearing all white and long black wigs. He was looking horrible at the same time funny.

End of the flashback

Both Jimin and Hobi was laughing their lungs out.
"He was so terrified." Jimin said while laughing.
"Yes right.. I acted good." Hobi said.
"So Jimini..what I'm saying this time you also do something like that and I'm sure whoever is coming tonight for the date will go away and never call me again.
"Wh ..what no no..I can't go not this time."
"Nothing will be happe Jimin don't worry please!" Hobi said while making puppy eyes again. Jimin sighed and looked away.
" please Hobi..I just don't wanna go." Jimin said and smiled little bit and was about to leave
"I will pay for your debt." Hobi said loudly. And Jimin stopped from going.
"I will pay you double." Hobi again said and Jimin looked at him with his wide opened eyes.
Hobi smiled and winked.
"You have to look good ok...Soo let's choice dresses for you" Hobi said and came to a luxurious shopping mall with Jimin.
"This one.."
"Umm no not!" Jimin said..
"Yeah right what about this.."
"Not bad.."
"Not best let me choose best one!" Hobi said and again gave another dress.
"Wow yes"
Both Jimin and Hobi liked the dress.

"Now let's go for makeup!" Hobi said while dragging Jimin with him
" He must look good!" Hobi said to the makeup artist and they nodded.

Evening 7 a well known restaurant...

"Take deep breath Jimin yes..yes I can do it." Jimin said while waiting for the dating candidate who was coming here tonight.
"Jung Hoseok,,my name Hoseok yeah.." Jimin practiced what to say for a while and sat straightly.
Jungkook entered inside the restaurant. He checked the booked table where Jimin was sitting. Jungkook could see Jimin from far. He then took deep breath and started approaching towards Jimin.
"Excuse me! Are you Jung Hoseok?" Jungkook said from behind of Jimin and Jimin almost flinched and look at Jungkook promptly.
"Wh..what! Why he is so handsome. He ..he is good looking also!" Jimin thought in his mind while looking at Jungkook without blinking.
"Excuse me!" Jungkook again said and Jimin snapped out from his thoughts.
"What the hell Jimin how can you thought all these right now!"
"Yes yes please sit down I'm Jung Hoseok."
Jungkook nodded and sat down in front of him. They both smiled at each other.
"By the way I'm Jeon Jungkook from the company Good Food." Jungkook said and handed over a visiting card to Jimin. Jimin smiled and took the visiting card. Jimin then gave his own card.
"I'm Jung Hoseok,the well known director and makeup artist you know!" Jimin said while showing off.
Jimin then was reading Jungkook's visiting card and his eyes were wide opened. His heart stopped beating for a while.
"Je..Jeon Jungkook the president from good food..he.." Jimin said under his breath and again looked at Jungkook who was looking at him already. Jimin gave a force smile and again looked at the card .
"He..he is my boss from the company where I worked!" Jimin cursed under his breath.
"My first blind date has to be with my boss.. Lord help what do I do now!" Jimin was thinking hard in his mind.
"So ..tell me something about yourself!" Jungkook said while clearing his throat.jimin gulped and looked at Jungkook. He started sweating.
"Let's start Jimin!" Jimin said to himself.
" want to know about me..oh yes yes why not ammm you know I love expensive things,and I love hang out a lot with my friends. And the most important thing is..owh wait...umm isn't it hot here!" Jimin said in a attitude voice.
Jimin took out his upper jacket and the inner dress was showing Jimin's collar bone, his neck, his whole beautiful arms.
Jungkook choked on air at Jimin's sudden action.
"Wh..what are you doing! Aren't you cold!" Jungkook said somehow.
"Owh no no I'm feeling hawt you know!" Jimin said and winked. but his hands were shaking in cold air of the AC.
"But I can see your goosebumps!" Jungkook said while looking at Jimin's hands.
"Whatt!" Jimin felt embarrassed and looked at his own hands.
"No no...that's nothing my hands are like that don't worry." Jimin said and again gave a force smile.
"So I was saying you know I love to hang out and owchhh..I think I hit my toes with the table wait a min.." Jimin said and bend down.
"Aww my two babies are you alright. Owh I should have be careful. You both are so expensive yes I know!" Jimin said while rubbing his shoes. Jimin then looked at Jungkook thought that he had heard. But Jimin made disappointed face when he saw Jungkook looking at his own phone.
"What the hell he is doing! He ...he didn't hear anything!" Jimin said under his breath.
"Owh was an important message. Anyway what you were saying?" Jungkook said and kept the phone aside.
Jimin smiled at Jungkook and looked away.
"No nothing I think I should go now cause of course you will not like someone who wants a room at his first date!" Jimin said and again winked.
Jungkook tried to control his laugh. And nodded.
"You want to get a room!"
Jimin looked at Jungkook while a smirk was plastered on his face.
"Let's go then." Jungkook said stood up.
Soon Jimin's smirk and playful smile faded away hearing to Jungkook.
"What? Didn't you say you want a room let's go. What are you waiting for." Jungkook said and smiled. Jimin smiled back somehow.
"What...what's on earth is this! he mad or what!" Jimin said almost in a angry voice. He felt like angry crying inside.
"Where on earth I'm stuck God!" Jimin said and took his purse and started walking behind Jungkook.

Jimin:at the date night

Jungkook:at the date night

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Jungkook:at the date night

Jungkook:at the date night

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See you in next part 💜😉

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