I'm sorry.

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"Hey, what's wrong?" Y/N rubbed Wally's back.

"I'm fine...I just need to go to the bathroom." Wally said before getting up and walking away.

Y/N stared at Wally until he reached the bathroom. Her heart was filled with so much worry. She could tell that he was not clearly fine. She also noticed some changes in him. He used to not like eating apples but now he does?

The same puppet named Wally Darling on the famous Welcome Home TV show loved eating apples too. Additionally, her husband looked very similar to the puppet as well with only a few differences. His hair was much longer and was let down. Not only that but he had some bruises on his back. She had noticed them when he was changing his clothes. What cause him to be a puppet? Furthermore, is he really her husband?

Y/N slumped in her seat. She was ashamed she had such questions in her mind. She really wanted to believe that he is her husband but now, it's getting more hard to tell.

"Hey..." A voice called out.

Y/N jumped in her seat upon someone touching her lap. She looked down and it was Wally. Wally glowered.

"Something wrong?" He asked, putting his hand over hers'.

Y/N forced a smile. "I was just thinking about something"

Wally giggled and sat with her. "Must be some hard thinking. You looked really stressed."

"Yeah..." Y/N replied.

After they finished their meals, they went straight home afterwards. Well, Wally did take some time to stop by a shop for some hair gel but nothing else after that. When they reached the door of their home, Y/N decided to tease him a little. She picked him up and carried him around, princess-styled but stopped upon seeing Wally's face. He looked terrified, really terrified...Y/N quickly put him down and apologised.

Wally Darling x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now