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After they went inside their home, Wally sat on the couch while waiting for Y/N to finish bathing. Soon, she was done. Wally could tell that Y/N was finished because of the lavender shampoo smell she had every time it happens. Y/N dried her hair with a towel while glancing at Wally. Now that the fun was over, she should get to investigating her husband's odd circumstance. She sat down with him and put her arm around his shoulder. It felt weird because she had to lean a bit as he was really small.

Wally looked up and grinned, "Did you have a good time?"

"You mean the bath or the date? Cause' both were great." Y/N answered.

Wally chuckled a little. "The date. I hope it wasn't that bad even though the guy kind of ruined it."

Y/N kissed his cheek, "It was great. He did ruined it a little but I got to see you in action. You looked really angry. Hehe, it even scared me."

"...I scared you?" Wally muttered, frowning.

"Yeah, but only a tiny bit." Y/N said.

Wally put his hand over Y/N's hand.

"That's good to know..." Wally smiled.

Y/N smiled back and then cleared her throat, "You know the day when you woke up like that? What happened?"

Wally's eyes widened. He looked down and clenched his fists. He shook his head and looked back at Y/N.

"I'm not sure...I just knew I was like this when I woke up." Wally answered.

"How about work? What happened there?" Y/N asked.

Wally closed his eyes, trying hard to remember but his memories seemed foggy. He did remember being at work. He did remember that but what was he doing? Wally bit his lip. He tried again. This time, he saw glimpses of what had happened...

He was in a room. It was so dark that he could not tell what the colours of the walls were. The table he was sitting on was filled with various other puppets. Some of them had their eyes torn out. Some of them had no bodies at all. But not one of them were alive. He tried to move his leg but he could not. He felt very weak. All he could was wait in the dark.

Wally Darling x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now