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Chapter 4

Butler Li's heart skipped a beat when he saw it.

This young master's presence in Huo Zhai is very special. If he is important, his relationship with Mr. Huo is not that good. If he is not important, he is also the young master of the Huo family and Huo Yuyan's cousin.

It's just because of the situation at home...

so I had to live in Mr. Huo's house and seek asylum.

This character has almost nowhere to go and is an eyesore everywhere.

Only Huo Yuyan who is not at home often can accept him to stay.

Also because of this, this young master endured Shen Yuntang's temper and several times of tossing in silence, never resisting.

Most of the time, his presence is hardly felt.

Butler Li couldn't help feeling compassionate, and asked him: "What's the matter?" The

sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy was at the time when he was the most sensitive and lacking in love. He must have suffered a lot when he came to Shen Yuntang from such a home.

Huo Xihuai looked at him, his quiet and quiet eyes did not move. After a while, he shook his head and said in a low voice: "Miss Shen...has it really changed a lot?

" What Xihuai means is that Shen Yuntang will really not get mad in the future?

He looked at him sympathetically and said, "Although I'm not sure, Miss Shen is indeed a different person from before."

He patted Huo Xihuai on the shoulder and told him not to worry.

It was only when he slapped it that he was stunned. The boy's shoulders were too thin, and his bones hurt his hands. Looking at his complexion, he didn't look like a normal healthy boy, he was too fair, so that he looked sick and weak.

After Steward Li passed by, Huo Xihuai's eyes became dark.

Shen Yuntang is different from before.

He suspected that she might also be reborn.

... Could it be so?

After being reborn, you didn't want to experience the suffering in the future, so you changed your attitude?

Huo Xihuai pursed his slightly pale lips.

He decided to observe for two more days.

If she is also reborn, sooner or later she will be exposed.

He will not let his brother who took him in be deceived by her. I won't let myself fall into that situation again.


With a bunch of suggestions from Shen Yuntang, Chef Ji Liang prepared a meal beyond imagination.

The entire long table was covered with dinner plates from left to right. When Steward Li saw it, his mind was filled with a few big characters—Cixi's birthday.

"Look, Ms. Shen, here are the crepes and cod in tomato sauce you want." Ji Liang enthusiastically opened the lids one by one. On the left side are hazelnut walnut brownies, crispy pork belly, Italian Meat sauce mixed with noodles, braised beef ribs, and on the right side are Western-style fried mushrooms and cauliflower, lotus root tofu, Japanese-style dashi oden and mashed potatoes.

It shocked Butler Li into a daze.

Why didn't he find that Ji Liang was still such a talent?

Shen Yuntang wasn't too surprised, but he felt that the chef was okay, so he managed to grasp her preferences.

The grievance after transmigrating into the book finally eased a little bit.

But how it tastes, we have to taste it.

The bones of the beef nest are stewed until they are soft and rotten, the meat is connected to the tendons, and the braised sauce is so thick that it will be peeled off from the bone stick as soon as you bite. The meat is fresh and tender, the juice has a strong fragrance, and it passes the test.

The brownie is soft and slightly sweet, the dark chocolate and nut flavors complement each other, and it is served with the mixing powder that is well mixed and each one is covered with meat sauce.

Shen Yuntang tasted the crepes and cod in tomato sauce she ordered again.

One sweet and one salty, it makes people sigh with happiness.

She just smiled a little, and Ji Liang was flattered and at a loss.

Butler Li sniffled and swallowed quietly.

This is so good at eating, he was so greedy that his mouth was watering.

I am so happy to be Shen Yuntang!

"This pork belly is still lacking in heat." Shen Yuntang wiped the corners of his mouth gracefully, and proudly said to Ji Liang, "There is too much fat in the skin, which is not enough to relieve the greasy, and it is not complementary to the meat. Continue next time."

Li The butler was stunned for a moment, obviously he ate up the whole plate, how could he choose like this?

But listening to her evaluation, Ji Liang's eyes became brighter and more excited: "Yes! Miss Shen must be satisfied next time!"

Seeing his enthusiasm for meeting Bo Le, the housekeeper shook his head inexplicably.

One wish to fight and one wish to suffer, forget it.

Thinking of the unfinished call, he thought about it and left a message for Mr. Huo.

"If you are free, sir, please come back."

It is a big deal to attend Master Charles's incense tasting meeting, and it cannot be solved by him alone.

And Mr. Huo didn't seem to want to listen to him talk about Shen Yuntang on the phone at all, and if he left a message to tell him, he might not read it carefully. It was so hard to be caught between this couple.


Shen Yuntang has very high requirements on the quality of life. Since she will live in Huo Zhai for a year in the future, the environment must be the best, and there must be nothing that makes her feel bad.

Once Shen Yuntang is upset, no one can coax him back.

At this moment, looking at the grass in Huo Zhai's garden, she felt dissatisfied again.

"Why are there no flowers in your garden?" She frowned and asked the housekeeper, "What's a garden without flowers?"

The housekeeper was very alert to her emotions, and immediately said: "I'll leave a message to Mr. Flowers come in."

"Does he dare not agree?" Shen Yuntang was surprised, "Sooner or later, it will be planted, why don't you clean up the yard first?"

Butler Li groaned secretly, and said bravely, "Yes, Miss Shen is right, I am called Someone clean up the yard."

What I thought in my heart was that it was time to pull the weeds, so I would pull the weeds first to deal with the difficulties in front of me.

Only then was Shen Yuntang reluctantly appeased.

But I was very dissatisfied with the fact that I had to ask "Mr." for everything.

He's not at home, why should he listen to his opinion on everything.

Don't her words count?

Seeing that Shen Yuntang was unhappy, everyone in Huo's house began to be cautious and act lightly, for fear of offending her.

Shen Yuntang was sitting under a parasol in the yard, lying on a deck chair, wearing sunglasses, and holding a small fan to blow on it.

The other people were stared at by her, and their movements suddenly became very agile, their waists no longer hurt, their legs no longer hurt, and they no longer dared to touch fish.

It didn't take long for Shen Yuntang to notice the young man standing beside Yin Cece, the one who put on her shoes, he was thin and tall. The bangs are a bit too long, covering the eyes and making it difficult to see the expression clearly, but there is an aura of "I'm so sad, don't come near me" all over the body, like a spirit behind.

She pointed at the boy, and said softly, "That one over there, what are you doing free? Come here and beat my legs." After

standing for more than an hour, her legs were sore.

The boy froze, slowly concealed his complicated expression, and walked over with his head bowed.

Shen Yuntang lowered his head and played with his mobile phone, without giving him another look.

Huo Xihuai knelt down beside her and remained silent for a moment.

It seemed that Shen Yuntang was really just ordering him around.

Is it just... calling him?

Nothing else?

This is so different from the previous life, he couldn't help but suspect that Shen Yuntang was also reborn.

Huo Xihuai narrowed his eyes, paused, overcame his psychological barrier, and really beat her leg.

As soon as she punched it twice, Shen Yuntang frowned and "hissed", Huo Xihuai stopped immediately, she felt so calm in her heart, she was going to use this excuse to get angry.

Shen Yuntang has become smarter, she will find reasons.

Huo Xihuai's whole body tensed up, and he had already started thinking about how to take revenge on Shen Yuntang, but he heard her coquettishly saying in dissatisfaction: "You hurt me."...


, coquettish.

The voice is soft and sweet. She didn't scold him, nor did she throw sharp things in his face, she just complained coquettishly and gave him a glare.

Even that glance was not offensive.

It looks angry, but this tantrum has a little girl's waywardness.

It didn't have the kind of malice that hit his face that he had felt before.

When Huo Xihuai was stunned for a moment, Shen Yuntang had already looked away and continued to surf the Internet.

In fact, his movements were already very careful, but Shen Yuntang was sensitive to pain and his skin was delicate, so he couldn't do it even a little bit heavier.

No matter how light and thin Huo Xihuai's hands were, he was still a boy in his teenage years, Shen Yuntang couldn't bear it if he didn't pay attention.

Would the Shen Yuntang he knew really do this?

Even if he was reborn and wanted to change his fate, but with those memories later, could he really be able to instruct him without any barriers?

If not, how could the original Shen Yuntang become like this?

Did he miss some key event that changed Shen Yuntang's temper?

Huo Xihuai thought wildly there for a long time, but when he raised his eyes again, he found that Shen Yuntang had fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

The sun shifted a few degrees, and a small part of Shen Yuntang's arm was exposed to the light, making his snow-white skin look extraordinarily transparent.

Huo Xihuai stared at the small patch of sunlight in a daze, and when he came to his senses, he found that he had unknowingly pulled up the quilt to cover that patch of skin.

......how so?

Probably obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Huo Xihuai sped up his movements to distract this part of his strange thoughts.

He kept beating Shen Yuntang's legs from the moment she fell asleep until she woke up. Shen Yuntang blinked, and found that the little boy was still squatting here, quite hard-working.

She stretched and sat up, and patted his head casually, "Good attitude, pay raise."

The little boy's hair was soft and smooth, very easy to touch, she couldn't help rubbing it a few more times.

Huo Xihuai's hair exploded the moment she touched him, but before he had time to be alert, he was patted on the head by her like a dog, and he was stunned.

What is Shen Yuntang doing?

She touched his head?

Huo Xihuai was immersed in this terrifying news, watching her get up and go back to the house in astonishment, he didn't recover for a long time.

Shen Yuntang didn't know that she had brought a huge shock to the boy with one action, and she was thinking about where the younger brother in the article was.

When she saw that little boy, she wondered if it was the younger brother who would become a mysterious boss in the future, but he was too young, he looked only sixteen or seventeen years old.

The point is...it also looks gray.

It's so pathetic.

It's not like a young master from a wealthy family at all.

It's almost the same as the young master's follower.

Forget it, this person will appear sooner or later. Shen Yuntang quickly threw away these distracting thoughts, and said to the housekeeper, "Has the garden been cleaned up?"

The butler, who was trying to call Huo Yuyan for the second time, trembled all over, quickly covered the receiver, and said, "Okay, okay, we can plant flowers as soon as the husband agrees." The male lead whose surname Huo hasn't agreed yet

? It's been two hours.

Shen Yuntang's expression made the housekeeper feel like a catastrophe was imminent.

There was a bad premonition in his heart, and he secretly prayed that Miss Shen would finish the question and go upstairs so that he could continue talking to Mr. Huo. How long had he been hanging out.

Sure enough, Shen Yuntang was not happy.

"He hasn't agreed yet?" The girl's voice was delicate and whiny, full of unimaginable anger, "What's the point of me being his wife? Can't even grow flowers?" The housekeeper's heartbeat stopped, and he clearly

heard The silence where the pen on the other end of the phone stops writing.

He broke out in a cold sweat and clutched the microphone even more tightly.

Shen Yuntang said: "You let Huo Luyan come to see me and tell him that I'm not happy." "..."


the dead silence, the butler said as if death was at home: "...Yu, it's Yuyan, the sound is the same as Yu."

Shen Yuntang: "..."

Shen Yuntang: "I know, I'm happy to call it that."

She misunderstood the name she chose.

The butler didn't dare to refute, he almost knelt down to Shen Yuntang, wishing he could hand her the phone and talk. Just please don't let him be this unlucky messenger!

But what made him even more frightened was that Mr. Huo on the other end of the phone sneered, put down his pen, and said, "I'll go back tonight."

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