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Chapter 25 [2 updates, 5000 nutrient solution plus updates]
Only then did Shen Yuntang raise his eyes again.

She said: "The signal on your plane is very good."

Xie Yunting laughed: "I installed a device to connect to the ground signal."

Shen Yuntang sighed, finally put down his chopsticks, picked up the phone, and said expressionlessly: "Mr. Huo Busy people, are you free again today?"


The phone rang for as long as Huo Yuyan's fingers tapped on his thigh.

When it was connected at first, he snapped his fingers.

After hearing Shen Yuntang's words, Huo Yuyan was silent for a moment, then suddenly changed his posture, moved the chair forward and leaned against the desk with a swish, and skillfully and quickly picked up the signature pen with his free hand.

"I'm a bit busy." He flipped through the materials on the table that had been flipped through seven or eight times, making a clattering sound as if casually flipping through them, then looked at the stack of materials again, and asked in a casual manner, "Shen Miss, do you want to know why I called?"

A beep and hung up.

Huo Yuyan: "..."

His fists clenched.

Shen Yuntang continued to eat almond tofu, Xie Yunting paused, and asked politely: "Mr. Huo finished speaking so soon?" "

Yes." She didn't lift her head.

As soon as the voice fell, the phone buzzed again.

Shen Yuntang stopped his hands and looked at the phone, with an expression of "he seems to be mentally ill".

"—Shen Yuntang!" Huo Yuyan made an angry voice the moment he got connected, and said firmly, "Can you listen to what I have to say! Hang up again! I want to tell you that Shen Anguo's handle has been collected! You can sue!"

His voice gradually became lower as he spoke, "——you should listen to the words anyway, why do you keep hanging on me... You, I say you should listen for at least thirty seconds... right? ?"

The volume of the last sentence was too weak to be heard.

Shen Yuntang on the other end was really stunned for a moment, he didn't expect it to be done so quickly, and that scumbag Shen Anguo would be sanctioned soon. I don't know if Shen Yunhe's mother and daughter went back and told him if they did, I hope he won't be too surprised when he receives a court summons.

"Hello." Huo Yuyan said coldly.

"Shen Yuntang?" He continued to probe.

"Hung up again?" Huo Yuyan took the phone away, glanced at the screen suspiciously, and moved back.

"Did you hang up or hang up?" He kept saying, "Hang up and say, I'm busy here, I only have two minutes to listen to you." Shen Yuntang on the other end sighed

deeply With a sigh of relief, she picked up the phone, pointed it at the microphone, and shouted at her loudest volume: "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Okay, Mr. Huo?" Following her cold snort, her ears almost ran away from home on the

spot Huo Yuyan was shocked, and then realized that the call was over.

He took down the phone, looked at it for a long time, hesitated to speak, and then wanted to speak.

In the end, he stared at the phone and let out a sneer indifferently.

See, no matter how arrogant you are outside, you still have to say thank you to him at home.

His position as head of the family is still stable.

Huo Yuyan put down the phone and continued working. Even as he was working, he sneered from time to time, making people who didn't know the truth feel chills down their spines.

Xie Yunting was quiet for a while, then lowered his eyes and asked: "Is it a happy event, Miss Shen?"

Shen Yuntang didn't care much and said "Yes", "My mother's property was taken over by Shen Anguo, an old man, now I have obtained the evidence and are ready to prosecute."

He smiled gently: "Congratulations."

After a while, he asked again, "Is Miss Shen planning to start a business?"

"I didn't think so at first." Shen Yuntang bit the spoon, "But Seems like I'm thinking about it now."

The industry occupied by Shen Anguo was originally a cosmetics company, and Charles had the idea of ​​cooperating with her again. This good news came just at the right time, an incredible coincidence.

Xie Yunting nodded slightly, "If Miss Shen needs anything, I will help you at any time."

Shen Yuntang looked at him suspiciously again.

"Why are you so considerate?"

"I just feel that Ms. Shen is very much like my sister. We hit it off right away." Xie Yunting replied politely.

Shen Yuntang paused, and the last doubt about him was almost dispelled. If Shen Zhizhe wanted to hide it from her, why did he still mention it? Isn't he revealing himself?

So she also nodded, and said sincerely: "If I have a brother, it should be like you."

"My honor." Xie Yunting said with a smile.

Back at Huo Zhai, where she hadn't seen for a few days, all the flowers she had been waiting for had arrived.

Butler Li greeted him beamingly, and shouted excitedly: "Miss Shen! You are finally back! By the way, a lady called yesterday and wanted to visit. It was the one who took away the perfume last time. I said you are not here. Would you like Don't want to send her a message back?"

Shen Yuntang paused, and asked him: "She wants to visit me?" "

Yes, she also said that she wanted to bring friends to visit our garden, I thought you don't like dealing with strangers Refused——"

Shen Yuntang interrupted him: "Let her bring as much as she can."

Li Butler: "?"

Shen Yuntang turned and walked upstairs slowly, leaving only the voice, "I brought back a few boxes of Charles's perfume , sort them out, and give one away."

Li Butler: "...??"

Since a new brand is going to be launched, it must first gain a reputation among the user community.

Anyway, she picked up a lot, and she packed them in sacks from Charles, so she didn't feel bad.

Butler Li was dumbfounded for a long time before he saw the driver come in carrying a bunch of boxes from the outside, put them on the ground, wiped off his sweat and said, "This is the perfume that Ms. Shen brought back, please excuse me, Butler Li.

" Butler: "...???"

So many? All from the Charles family? ? ?

Confusion can't help but arise spontaneously in my heart—is Miss Shen going to attend the meeting or to rob?

When Gu Lan was brought to Huo's house, she was still a little stiff.

She sat quietly and stiffly in the car for a long time before she whispered, "Zhou Ying, actually you don't have to bring me here." She has been closed to herself for many years, has no

friends, almost no social interaction, and her hobbies of planting flowers, savoring fragrances and diving are nothing. It becomes ironing, cleaning and cooking. Even if they appear in the circle of those ladies and ladies, they have no common topics with others.

Even a social expert who is talkative and will never stand alone will feel dull and boring when meeting her.

Zhou Ying frowned unhappily, wanted to say a few words, then paused, and said, "You'll know when you see Miss Shen."

Gu Lan opened her mouth, but finally closed it again.

She was married for three years and retired for three years, and her best age has passed like this.

When he was most famous, Ye Jin cried and said that he didn't want to watch her work too hard, and wanted to give her a home. Every time he saw her fainting on the set due to diet and pressure, he felt so distressed that he wanted to slap himself.

She believed it.

After marrying Ye Jinze, she has survived the trivialities of marriage, family conflicts, and quarrels of all sizes. I thought it would be fine as long as Ye Jin loved her.

Ye Jin always needs her very much. After a while, she would lose her temper if she couldn't see her, and she only ate the food she cooked, and only wore the clothes she ironed. At first, she was satisfied with this kind of love that was needed all the time, and felt that the best love was nothing more than this.

Until Gu Lan's life was gradually filled with everything called "Ye Jinze", and she gave up all her hobbies for him step by step.

But at this time, Ye Jin began to treat her coldly.

Gu Lan didn't know what happened, and didn't know what to do, did she do something wrong, so that Ye Jin, who had always loved her so much, didn't need her anymore.

At such a juncture, she was not in the mood to socialize.

Zhou Ying looked at her and sighed.

They were not the first to arrive at Huo's house. Many people had already gathered in the garden of Huo's house. Gu Lan hadn't participated in such a gathering for a long time, she just felt very uncomfortable for a moment, stood at a loss for a while, and finally sat silently in the corner without saying a word.

Those wives who are familiar with her know what kind of personality she is, and they haven't come out to make fun of themselves, so she is a little more at ease.

"Miss Shen is here." Zhou Ying pushed her, "Go, go and say hello."

She pulled Gu Lan, but she didn't.

Gu Lan whispered: "No need, I don't know what to talk about."

Zhou Ying was a little angry, "Don't you want to go to the incense tasting meeting the most? It's rare that someone who has been to the incense tasting meeting is right in front of you. Don't you want to May I ask what it looks like?"

Probably Zhou Ying's voice was not low, and Miss Shen over there seemed to have noticed this corner.

Gu Lan was taken aback, her palms sweating a little.

Shen Yuntang glanced this way and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Could this be Gu Lan, the retired queen?

Shen Yunhe really looks a lot like her. But when it comes to good or bad, it's like the real blue-and-white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty and the 88 yuan two pairs of fakes on the street stalls. At first glance, the fakes seem to be usable, but once you see the real ones, you will see the fakes again. It's just full of blemishes.

What is the reason for such a appearance and figure to withdraw from the circle? If she was still in the entertainment circle, would there still be a place for Shen Yunhe?

Shen Yuntang was a little puzzled.

Seeing Zhou Ying walking over with Gu Lan, she smiled, propped her chin and said, "Hello."

Gu Lan bowed her head in silence, and after a while, she finally said, "Hello, Miss Shen."

Seeing her take a seat in the most inconspicuous position, Shen Yuntang followed her gaze again.

Then, she remembered what the lady said last time? It seems that after she got married, she listened to her husband and quit the circle.

In less than two years, she changed from a glamorous and popular beauty to a taciturn, hopeless housewife with no hobbies.

Was PUA.

This word came to Shen Yuntang's mind.

Man, it's really not a good thing.

The noble ladies rushed here after hearing that she was going to the incense tasting meeting, and soon chatted with her about the incense tasting meeting with great anticipation. " I really envy Ms. Shen. The perfumes and essential oils that come

out of the fragrance tasting meeting are hard to come by. I snatched them for a long time last year and couldn't get them."

, I don't have a bottle yet, so it's a bit embarrassing."

"It would be great if I could also go to the fragrance meeting, alas..." "

I wonder if Miss Shen has a channel to buy it?" Zhou Ying's eyes lit up looking at her.

This is the most important issue today. If she could also buy a bottle, would she still need to go after Wen Yanyan like that before?

Shen Yuntang asked someone to carry the box over.

"I brought back some specialties from Zharburg, you share." She raised her chin.

The ladies were taken aback.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw someone open the box to reveal the neatly stacked bottles inside.

Perfume, perfume, perfume!

Each bottle is affixed with a silver label produced by Charles, with the product name and ingredients handwritten in italics. And such things that are hard to come by in the outside world, here in Shen Yuntang, they are stuffed in a box and brought back.

Zhou Ying was tongue-tied, and after a long while, she blinked hard, and asked carefully, "This, this box was brought back by Ms. Shen?"

Shen Yuntang shook her head, "No."

Zhou Ying was a little disappointed after being relieved, But she also knows how it is possible that they are all produced by Charles. Even the row on the surface has already shocked her whole family. Miss Shen is too powerful. What kind of background does she have?

At this moment, Butler Li came out carrying two other boxes, lined up.

"I've been waiting for a long time. These two boxes are essential oils, which are packed separately from the perfume." Butler Li wiped his sweat and raised his hand to open the box.

The bottles with the same silver handwritten labels were displayed in front of everyone.

Ladies: "..."

Just kidding.

All of them? ! ! !

Did she say no, meaning more than that one box? ?

Zhou Ying was completely dumbfounded.

Shen Yuntang's smile at this moment seemed particularly unpredictable in their eyes.

"Everyone, you're welcome." She smiled and said, "Choose."


The ladies and ladies finally recovered from the shock, suppressed their excitement, thanked Shen Yuntang repeatedly, and went up one by one to choose their favorite perfume oils.

Shen Yuntang turned his head and saw that there was only one person sitting there without moving.

Gu Lan.

She held her fingers and rubbed the ring on her hand unconsciously, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Aren't you going to take a look?" Shen Yuntang asked abruptly.

Gu Lan was stunned for a moment, raised her head, and looked around, only to realize that she was talking about herself.

She forced a smile, "Thank you Miss Shen, now that I'm getting older, I don't like to use it very much."

Shen Yuntang raised her eyebrows.

"Aren't you only 30 years old? Does that mean you're older? It's not too late when you reach Huo Yuyan's age."

Butler Li paused, and whispered in his ear in embarrassment: "Miss Shen, Mr. Huo is twenty-eight."

Shen Yuntang: "...I'll say as much as he has."

It's all because Huo Yuyan looks old, why can't she tell that he is twenty-eight.

Butler Li backed away with a smirk, he had better not say anything, as Mr. Huo would be over sixty later, he would have to call brother.

Gu Lan seemed to be in a daze, and it took a while for her expression to finally loosen a little. She smiled veiledly, then raised her hand to cover her mouth, and said slowly, "Miss Shen is really different.

" The young lady held her face, tapped her cheeks with her fingers, and said without blinking: "Of course. I'm different from anyone else." Shen Yuntang is unique.

Gu Lan's eyes seemed to reveal some envy.

After a while, she said: "Where has Miss Shen heard of me? She seems to be paying attention to me." "I

heard that Shen Yunhe looks very similar to you." Shen Yuntang stared at her and said, "Shen Yunhe has a grudge against me, I think See what the real product looks like."

Gu Lan wanted to laugh, but when she heard this long-lost name, her shallow smile restrained a little.

She has deliberately not paid attention to entertainment news for a long time. The ups and downs now have nothing to do with her.

In the end, she only said softly: "Well, she is very similar."

"She is not as beautiful as you." Miss Shen said abruptly.

Gu Lan suddenly raised her eyes, her face became hot with embarrassment. It's been a long time since she was praised by anyone, and now she is a little at a loss when she hears such a straightforward compliment. In the end, he could only say: "You are also very beautiful."

"You should say ''''she is not as beautiful as you''''." Shen Yuntang instructed with some dissatisfaction, raising his eyebrows, "I like to hear such words. "

Gu Lan laughed, she had never seen such a unique person as Shen Yuntang, every word she said was on her point of laughter. She finally knew why Zhou Ying said Miss Shen was different, Shen Yuntang was like a pool of running water, you never know how many fresh springs she could come up with.

She couldn't help being envious of such freshness.

Shen Yuntang continued: "Then are you going to let her step on you like this? I think her marketing drafts are all under the banner of''''Little Gu Lan'''', and you will take her in on the day you quit the circle." Where are your sad fans?"

Gu Lan slowly clenched her fists, hanging on her lap, looked at the wives who were having a lively discussion over there, and finally said: "I am no longer a diva, I have no reason to come back, and No one is waiting for me anymore. I have my own family and my husband cannot leave me."

"..." Shen Yuntang lost his voice, "How old is he and can't leave you, is he over 18 years old? Our 17-year-old child can leave home to live in school, and he will cry when he sees you going out Is it?"

Gu Lan lowered her head, remembering Ye Jinze's recent indifference, she slowly clenched her skirt tightly, with tears in her eyes.

"He needs me, he can't live without me, he said he would die without me."

Shen Yuntang: "..."

I can't make it up to her all at once. Based on the mentality that the enemy of the enemy is a friend and respects beautiful women, she crossed her fingers, put her elbows on the table, gave a rare touch to the Holy Mother, stared at Gu Lan expressionlessly and said, "PUA. You got PUAed, do you know?

" His next step is to be indifferent to you, making you wonder what you did wrong, put down your body to save him, and then treat you hot and cold until you completely collapse, understand?" She shook her head: "I understand that a man has a bad life, and his heart

aches Men are unlucky for three lives."

Gu Lan turned her face away, looked at the ground, and raised her hand to wipe the overflowing tears.

Shen Yuntang shrugged, Gu Lan's mental state had obviously been suppressed abnormally. No one can save her but herself.

She leaned on the back of the chair, picked up the phone and flipped through it casually, and saw the news about Shen Yunhe again, she was really haunted.

"Why are you tearing up with someone again?" Shen Yuntang puzzled, "What kind of offense has Fu Hengze been offended by her? There are news of their discord everywhere." Hearing this name, Gu Lan and his obvious

body froze.

She raised her head, wiped her face hastily, and asked hesitantly but also in disbelief: "... Fu Hengze?" "

You know him?" Shen Yuntang said casually, "It seems to be a rock player, ah, he's pretty handsome."

Gu Lan got up suddenly, and after a pause, said: "I should go back, my husband is leaving work."

Shen Yuntang slightly raised his eyes, "Remember to take some special products with you."

She nodded hastily, took the wrapped bag from Butler Li, and left in a hurry without calling Zhou Ying.

Shen Yuntang looked away suspiciously, and searched who Fu Hengze was.

I remember correctly, he is indeed a rocker, twenty-four years old, the kind who wears a sleeveless leather jacket with chains on his pants, and is quite popular. Reckless and wild, with sexy thin muscles, he looks sad and handsome. What is more clear is that he does not have big flower arms, nor does he have any conspicuous tattoos of blue dragon and white tiger.

Does Gu Lan know him?

When she retired, he probably hadn't graduated yet.

Shen Yuntang closed the webpage.

On this day, Huo Yuyan finally went back to Huo's house when he was free.

From the day Shen Yuntang went out, Huo Xihuai also went to school, and he felt that there was no need for him to go back, and he had been living in the house he set up outside.

After Shen Yuntang returned home, there was no need for him to go back.

He used to go back to see Huo Xihuai, but now that Huo Xihuai is living in school, how inappropriate is he and Shen Yuntang who are alone and widowed?

Unless Shen Yuntang took the initiative to call him, it would be possible for him to find a time to go back.

With that in mind, Huo Yuyan lived outside for ten days.

Shen Yuntang has held two parties, but there is still no news that he will be sent back to Huo's house.

His sense of existence is so thin.

Huo Yuyan was silent for a while. He felt that Shen Yuntang probably didn't even remember that there was a missing person in the family.

It's not that he wants to go home, the main reason is that Shen Yuntang has not expressed his gratitude to Huo Xihuai for helping Huo Xihuai in his career, isn't this letting his character down?

He didn't really want to go back to Huo's house, the main reason was that Huo Yuyan could live with it after doing such a thing.

So, on the eleventh day, he finally called Butler Li.

He said in a flat voice: "Uncle Li, you said that if I want to thank Shen Yuntang a little bit... just a little bit, not too grand, just a little bit of gratitude, what should I do?" "Ah?" Steward Li was

stunned After a while, I looked at Shen Yuntang who was talking and laughing happily with the ladies in the garden, scratched his head and said, "Well, I don't know what Miss Shen lacks... Then, how about a candlelight dinner?" "

... "

Huo Yuyan was silent for a while.

Butler Li immediately realized how difficult it was for the two of them.

Just as he was about to advise his husband bravely again, Huo Yuyan at the other end spoke.

"It's not impossible."

"The main reason is that you have mentioned it like this. If I don't do it, it seems that I will live up to your years of hard work in Huo Zhai."

Li Butler: "..." No way.

Huo Yuyan made a decision: "Then I will trouble Uncle Li to inform her, oh, you suggested it, remember to tell her."

Butler Li: "...?"

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