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Karn was near Ganga ghat, thinking how much his life changed, till yesterday he was nothing but son of charioteer, son of a suta, a Sutputr but today he is king of Anga, he is Angraj Karn               

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't noticed his both mitrs and Duryodhan's beloved cousins are there thinking how to approach him 

Since Ashwa and Duryo were close to him they decided that one of them should talk to him

"Aeda samjha hai kya? mukh dekh rahe ho mitr ka, yesa pratit hota hai ki agar aisa kuch prashan pucha to bhadak jaayenge"

("Do you think I am a fool? Have you seen his face, it seems that if ask this type of question then he will be angry") 

"Come on bhrata Ashwa, we all know he will only answer to you and bhrata Duryo"

"Mitr, Krishna is telling truth"

Then after arguing for few more minutes they all agreed to go to karn together and Duryo will ask him and with that they marched towards Karn 

"Pranipaat Angraj/Mitr"        

All boys greeted him in union which startled Karn but he greeted them back and asked them their reason for coming there 

"Umm... Angraj, I think we should go somewhere else to talk"

Yudhi suggested and now Karn was very confused, he firstly looked at Duryo's and Ashwa's face and saw that they were little scared but determined, he then looked at Arjun and he looked at Karn in pleasing manner, his expression were telling him,"Please come with us without any questions"

And he listened to it and goes with them to Yudhi's secret place

"Okay, since we have reached the place, someone will explain me what is going on??"

"Mitr, actually we wanted to know what was/is your relationship with Panchalkumari Vrushali"

Karn was stunned to hear it, but he knew one day he would have to tell Duryo and Ashwa about it

"I know why Duryo and Ashwa wants to know it, but what about you'll??"

"Angraj, we don't hate you but we care for you as much as we care for Duryodhan and we can not see you dull like that"

"But why?"

"Angraj, I know you had forgiven us but I also know that words are sharper than any sword in the world and you must be very hurt in the kalapradarshan when you were not given chance to prove yourself just because of your caste"

"And you must be angry at us also to insult you in front of  whole Hastinapur, Angraj we are vey sorry for our foolish behaviour"

Yudhistir and Bheem apologised to Karn, he didn't meant that but he wanted to know why pandavas were interested in his life and he was touched to hear those words coming from them were true and sincere 

"I didn't meant that but i was just curious why you were interested in my life"

Karn paused for a moment and said,

"I'll tell you all but on one condition"

"Yess, Karn bhaiya tell us quickly your condition"

Suddenly Arjun felt all eyes on him and he realised what he said

"Umm.... Angraj I'm sorry to call you bhaiya suddenly, actually I gets good vibe from you and you are elder than me so..."

Karn shooked his head, unknown to all, his eyes were teary and he said,

"You can address me as bhaiya, Arjun, you know you remind me of someone who was exactly like you"

Duryo and Ashwa knew what Karn was talking about and started to change the topic

"Mitr now tell us"

Karn nodded and started to tell them his condition

"You all can not say this to anyone, even if anyone ask you"

All nodded and promised Karn to not tell anyone and Karn started to tell,

"I'll tell you all that happened, when I was 14 years old and Mitr Duryo was 11 years old......"

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