Prologue 1 : With Great Power...

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Alright, let's do this one last time. As you might know, my name is Y/N. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last week, I have been the one and only Spider-Man! Pretty neat, right? I'm pretty sure you all know the rest...

I... Well... Hm...

Dang, what did I do?

As the alarm clock blared, Y/N groggily opened his eyes and adjusted like always, stretching his arms out and yawning violently just to clear the system and mind. With a deep sigh, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, yawning loudly. As he glanced out the window, he couldn't help but notice the cloudy, grey nature of the day. The sky was a muddled grey, covered in a thick blanket of clouds that hid the sun. It wasn't bad weather, but it most certainly could be a lot better. What also could be better is the noise. Even this early, or maybe because it was so early, the traffic blared its chaotic choir loudly. It surely would have destroyed someone's mind had this been their first experience with such sounds, but Y/N was born and raised here, accustomed to and even thriving in such environments when steady, but for now he was too tired to care. Such is New York, Y/N summed up. The boy rose from his bed and shuffled across the room to the window, gazing out at the city below. Even with the gloomy weather, the bustling metropolis still held a certain charm. The honking of car horns and chatter of pedestrians below was a symphony that never failed to keep him entertained. Even the buildings were enthralling to Y/N, their sheer size leaving him speechless at times. Some nights, he would simply read the large letters which adorned the skyscrapers... lots of big industry names that Y/N wished to work in, due in part to his dad. He was a scientist for OSCORP, more specifically a high-ranking researcher in the development of military weapons. It was a very hush-hush operation, but what little it did Y/N's dad told him, it was enough to encourage the boy to continue on his father's step. After simply sitting in silence, Y/N decided to tidy up and become proper. Forcing himself up from his bed, he would slowly wander out his door, crossing the hallway into the bathroom. It was a messy collage of sanitary products, but Y/N knew the ins and outs of this system and quickly found his toothbrush. After a quick brush and fixing up of himself by also putting on a shirt and shorts, he'd go to the dining table, where he would find his dad eating cereal while reading a newspaper. Looking up at Y/N, his dad would shoot him a smile as he placed the paper down, his attention now being focused on Y/N.

"Hey there Y/N, how was the sleep? Feeling refreshed?"
"It was good enough. What's new to change what we've had?" Y/N mused, sitting across from his dad on the small circular table.
"Nothing really, although I got a little surprise for you. You know that birthday I couldn't make because of work?"
"Yes, I still remember, you always speak about it like you did something evil against me... Dad, seriously, you don't have to make up for it, you and Mom are busy people, besides, I'm a bit old to care about it that much."
"Hm, don't care?" Y/N's dad would rub his chin comically as he pretended to be deep in thought before responding as if he had found out something genius, having a smirk across his face.
"Even if it was a present that involved a tour through secret OSCORP labs?"

OSCORP, labs, and a tour? Now those were enticing words to attract people with dreams, people like Y/N. He lit up in all aspects, leaning forward with a straighter posture, his eyes bright as he anticipated the next words that might come out of his dad's mouth.

"No, you didn't," Y/N said astonished, being simply met with the smug look of his father as if he achieved victory by gaining Y/N's attention.
"Yes, indeed I did. It was a hard ordeal, admittedly. Lots of favors I had to cash in plus a little manipulation, but now, you're officially able to come with me for a day within a secret lab under the guise of an intern. This new one in particular which I'll have the opportunity to show you is aiming for genetically enhanced soldiers. OSCORP is doing experiments regarding splicing and combining certain elements of animal DNA and adding it delicately into human DNA. I'm still dark on a majority of the details, but it involved the animal DNA in question being modified a lot, but all questions should be explained or at least elaborated on when we go see it. Its also a school day so you get to leave early... unless you don't wa-"
"Yes! Yes, I'll go." Y/N said enthusiastically. This was a dream come true! Seeing the ins and outs of a potential dream job of his? Wow! It simply made him want to go. His dad could tell that he was ready to go, so he stood up, taking his bowl, and dropping it into the sink.
"Alright then, shall we?" Dad said, shaking his keys towards Y/N to motivate him.

They would begin to put on their shoes and other miscellaneous items. Y/N noted how he was going to wear simple sneakers compared to the dress shoes his dad wore every day to that lab. He noted its deep creases and marks that were mostly hidden under the leather's dark color. It really made Y/N think about how long his dad actually worked there... maybe it was ten, twenty years? All he knew what that he worked there for all of Y/N's life and before. He knew of his extensive reputation there and the respect he garnered, and that veil of such respect covered Y/N as well, who acknowledged his father as one of the smartest and most knowledgeable man he knew, even without any bias. Any later admiration would have to wait, however, as Y/N has to savor the rest for this exciting event.

The two hopped in a bronze-colored car, one which has been with the family for years, and it's evident by how weathered the outside is, and how withering the insides is, with peeling padding and slightly stained chairs, a car you wouldn't suspect to see a scientist to ride. It was surprising that it still worked considering that it was subject to three separate car crashes and multiple issues that came up, though it still remains active due to Y/N and his dad's constant maintenance of it, a constant deed that they both felt pride in, yet the mom would happily agree to buy another car. Nonetheless, the engine would start and the two were off. They rode along the streets of New York, bumping some rap tracks off of cassettes that Y/N's dad had when he was his son's age. It was still a banger, and his dad would always spout about how "the traffic was much less congested back in my day", and that "tech back in the day was much more fun". The rants were funny to Y/N, and just simply lounged as he let his dad talk about the good ol' days while he just looked out and watched the moving environment, envisioning the blurs of passing structures, lights, and people as abstract art.

This blurring motion would slow down, as Y/N's dad would tap at his shoulder to point at something through the window, breaking Y/N's zoned-out state. It was a bronze statue of a man in a webbed pattern suit and large eyes posed heroically, none other than the now late Spiderman. Around the base were collages, paintings and pictures, and candles. All of these constantly maintained and well kept, with people still standing around in groups around the hero's statue. Y/N took note of a particularly saddened man holding his child, as they both looked up. One was a look of somber, and the other of childish confusion. He would hear his father tsk tsk tsk as they drove past, shaking his head as he looked at the road again.

"A shame. Spiderman was an icon, a man who just wanted to help, and did so incredibly. He saved me, you know? Some robot villain threw cars and debris around and I almost had been crushed, but luckily Spiderman was there to save me. I'm forever grateful to him, all of New York is. I mean, without that, I wouldn't have met your mom on that date we had planned!"

Y/N's dad laughed, though it quickly subsided as a somber tone took hold of him again, continuing the rest of the trip silently. Y/N thought silently too, it really was still a whiplash for the city to experience Spiderman's passing, even if it was already a year. People still mourned, and some criminals even turned themselves in out of sheer respect, but lately, New York has gotten a bit out of control in terms of crime. Many opportunists took the lack of a looming protector and used it to bring in much more gang activity and incite a lot more illegal activity, even the police were becoming a bit overwhelmed. A particular incident that served as a harsh reality of Spiderman truly being gone hit New York hard. It was an intense stand-off with bank robbers who had attempted a robbery on an armored van in public. Due to rampant gun-running in the city, these robbers had heavy firepower that resulted in many police and civilian deaths before their subsequent surrender and capture. That incident was horrible and people mourned for weeks.

Y/N was determined to change the city for the better. Sure he may not have the abilities and willpower to deal with criminals directly, but he hoped his intellect and drive could make something positive out of New York. Yes, he would train and soon be one of the best minds in this city, then he would develop many tools and advancements to get an advantage and finally, just maybe, he could leave a footprint of change that could equal that of even Spiderman.

He wouldn't think long on this, as he would soon be jolted forward to the car being parked, and he realized where he had finally arrived in. The biggest corporation in New York... maybe even the entirety of America. Y/N's dad could see his awe, and he looked up at the giant pillar of glass and concrete in front of them, reaffirming Y/N's belief.

"Yep. This is it, son. Welcome... to OSCORP."

Uh Oh, Spiders! - a Peni Parker X Male Reader fanfic 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now