Chapter 2: Assault Of The Senses

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Scene One: Jefferson High School

"Peni Parker?"

Y/N looked stupidly while she continued speaking. While Peni spoke and talked a lot, Y/N slowly zoned out and focused on the facts. She was the source of his ringing, and judging by how she looked at him, Peni was aware of the situation as well. He looked at her while she presented, just trying to find her angle and what she was trying to pull... but then realized that was a weird thing for someone to do. Before she could acknowledge his stares, Y/N turned away and faced the front. He looked at anything there, the various globes, maps, even the chalk stains that were left, anything just to take away this odd feeling that the ringing and she left. Maybe it was a coincidence that this all was happening, or even a product of his time in that lab... or what if he's just imagining this? What if it's all a dream... wait that's dumb, Y/N reckoned. Regardless, what could it be!?

"...And that's why I decided to transfer to Jefferson High School. I believed it would help me reach my full potential and the programs provided would be great to be in!"
Peni would end off, her last words finally heard by Y/N. Unlike his awkward explanation and demeanor, Peni would come off as much more confident and likable. A small applause would be given to her, and she acknowledged it all with a nod and smile that could melt hearts before she sat back down in her seat. 

For Y/N, it just made him feel a bit sucky that his accident wasn't worth any claps, but "No biggie", he guessed. Mr. Charter would be one of the clappers for Peni's introduction, nodding in agreement. Despite the small moment of solidarity he shared, it was momentary as he would then immediately begin to teach today's subject, about the physiology and mindsets of humans during the Feudal Ages. Y/N had his notebook as he wrote his notes down, no passion in any of the pencil strokes that wrote this knowledge. It felt like second nature just writing what he heard and saw, and before he knew it, the bell rang for the second period.

The students congregated in their groups again chatting away and walking off to their separate classes. Mr. Charter would head back to his desk and prepare for his next class, hands clasped in front of his lap as he waited for all of them to leave. Y/N packed his notes into his backpack, simply shoving it in sloppily as he tried to just get through to his next class as fast as possible. He looked around if Peni was still in the room, but she was not. Figuring she left, he put on his backpack and went to the door. Walking out, Y/N would be met with a surprise scare, as Peni would jump out from the right, coming out of nowhere.

"Hey there Y/N!"

Despite her cutesy demeanor, dress, and face, her maneuver still startled Y/N heavily, yelping as he stepped back a little, immediately with his arms up as if he expected an assault. There was that faint ringing, but it was not as loud as when he first met her. What students remained in the hall, they would simply stare and awkwardly walk away. Looking around and simply letting his arms hang, he turned to walk to class, much to Peni's dismay. She jogged to catch up, walking side by side with him. Y/N tried to ignore her, but finally relented, turning his head to talk.

"What?" Y/N said, a bit colder than he would have liked. Luckily, Peni was happy-go-lucky and simply responded with joy with an initial side glance.

"'Nothing. I just noticed you looking at me, and you just seemed... cool! I'm sorry that you got hit by two cars, must've really hurt." Peni said guiltily as if she was the one who struck him.

"I... well no, I got hit by one car, bounced, and hit another car before hitting the road. You don't need to apologize, it's okay, not like you drove the two, right?"

"Ouch." Peni winced at the thought. "You're all good now though, right?"

"I'm all right, thank you. Hey, look, I'm sorry for staring. You just had a weird feeling that I kept being disturbed by. Vibes or whatever. It's okay now, for some reason." Y/N apologized, to which Peni would wave it off happily and stepped ahead of Y/N, overtaking him.

Uh Oh, Spiders! - a Peni Parker X Male Reader fanfic 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now