LMR: 004

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004 - Chey's POV

"Are you sure I can do this, Kai? Well, I don't think I can, though." I gave up and handed back the bicycle to him, "Plus, I'm scared." I pouted.

"Why are you scared? I'm here." He smiled, "Don't you trust me? I won't let you get hurt." He handled the bicycle as he was carefully helping me get on it as well. His two hands are busy.

"Now, try paddling slowly." He held my waist from the back, "I'll hold you in case you lose your balance."

"Kai, you'll hold me well, right? Please, don't let go." I begged him before I start to paddle. It really is scary, but I trust him. And that trust is what makes me paddle for the very first time.

I've never tried riding a bicycle before, this is my first time. And it was Kai who's with me right now. I'm so happy. He's the one who's teaching me, so I feel more confident.

My hands are shaking, but I tried to relax so I won't lose my balance. Kai is still holding me well at the back, "See? You can do it, baby."

I feel more motivated, so I tried paddling a little faster, "Whoa! Kai, Kai! I can do it. I can. Look! Kai!" I got excited that I can't control my feet from paddling faster.

I'm still doing well, I think, when Janet suddenly called my name, "Chey! Look out!" And the next thing I knew was I crashed into a tree.

And it hurts. It really hurts. But before I realized it, Kai was gone. He disappeared, and I don't have any idea when and where the heck is he now.

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