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                    GABBYS POV
  i live with my mothers family and my cousins my whole life in queens
it's get ah little boring but whatever me and my cousins paris and alexis was walking to the store and my cousins tells me

alexis - gabby there's ah hangout tonight we're going wanna come

paris - cuz that's what she's gonna do we ask her everytime and she says no

gabby - the real i'll go im bored my mothers getting me nervous noting else to do home

alexis - alright let's go home and start getting ready we gotta be there be 6:30 7

gabby - alright i gotta find ah outfit what should i wear

paris - god knows we'll see at the house

gabby - alright ahven

                      time skip

                    at the house
gabby - alright i'm gonna wear my little mini skirt this shirt and my jacket

paris - i like it maybe you'll find ah babe there

alexis - ay i could ask my babe if he got anyone for you maybe his cousin he said he moved here from houston i know how you love ur texas boys

gabby - dosta yo

paris - ey mela she got lashov bujy but the real let's find you someone ur 16 and don't got anyone

gabby - i'll see what god says about this later

paris - oh really ?

gabby - echachess

                     time skip
alexis - bapo we need money

bapo bowy - alright how much you pieces of shit

gabby alexis and paris - ah buck each

bapo bowy - alright here don't get lost or make me ah great grandfather

gabby - oy bapo delow devono

alexis - breh we're gonna miss the train oy come on fat retards

paris - look who's talking but she got shit stuck in her ass

gabby - hooooooo yous lost it come on

                     time skip
                  they get there

alexis - come on we gotta go here

the girls follow her

gabby - fellas i didn't know this many people come here

paris - yeah it's ah blast that's why we want you to come with us

gabby - lex where's the delow i miss him

alexis - let me text him hold on



they run into each other and hug

alexis - ok i guess i'm just shit

gino and gabby - yeah you are

alexis - good life i got can't lie

                   till next chapter

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