birthday girl

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gino calls justin

justin - sup

gino - where are you

justin - at the mall getting gabby some things

gino - ay you like her or not really

justin - the real she's lit why what's up

gino - i made us reservations for suger factory tonight we're gonna pick them up everyone's gonna be there

justin - alright i gotta buy an outfit

gino - dodday he gotta look good for her bujyyyy

justin - dosta i'll see you at the house go

they hang up

at the girls house

gabby - i got this dress at the mall should i wear it

paris - let me see how it looks

alexis and paris - i love it you look amazing

alexis - my girl gotta look good for justin bujyyyyyy

gabby - stop i'm gonna get heart palpitations from you

the girls outfits

alexis's outfit

alexis's outfit

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paris's outfit

paris's outfit

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gabbys outfit

gabbys outfit

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