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gabbys pov

gabby - guys where's the bar

russia - i'm going there now what do you want

gabby - something strong

russia - try not to get to drunk pls

gabby - i'll try my bestttt

5 minutes later

while gabbys waiting she has to log out of justin's instagram

russia - here it's vodka redbull cranberry juice and Malibu

gabby - " sips it " ohhhh that's liquor

russia - yeah no shit now come on let's go dance

gabby - okkkk

they dance for
5 minutes then gabby gets ah text


handsome justin - where are you

i'm next to the dahgo table with russia abby and linda why

handsome justin - noting i just wanted to see if you was ok

yeah i'm good you wanna try my drink

handsome justin - what is it

vodka malibu redbull and cranberry juice it's so good

handsome justin - i have the same thing in my hand


handsome justin - ok i'll check up on you later try not to drink ah lot there's lotta shit guys here

okkkk i'll try not to

end of text

in person
gabbys pov


gabby - girls come on let's go dance with bianca this is probably the last time we could

all of the girls go to the dance floor to dance with bianca

this song starts playing

gabby - it's mine and bianca's song

" listen to it for this part "

gabby and bianca singing - she was covered in leather and golddd 21 year olds i lost her in the cold it's unfair she's out there somewhereeee somewhereeee somewhere in brooklyn

someone taps bianca and tells her to go with them to see someone

gabby - i'm gonna cry i miss her already

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