•How it started•

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Miles was gone. Probably in his own universe? No one knew. But his friends were ready to help him.
Gwen, the one who lead her group of spider-people, grouped the friends together and they all agreed to join. They all met at a spot and she opened a portal to Miles's dimension. One by one, they jumped in.
At the other side, they immediately swung to Miles's room. At the window, they all peeked in and it was empty.

"Miles?" , Gwen called out.

Nothing. So, the other option was going to his home, where his parents lived. As they went, they swung in two smaller groups - Porker, Peni and Noir being the first group and Hobie, Pav and Gwen the second one. They talked to each other, catching up a little, mainly the first group. The second group was more quiet, having nothing to say in such situation, but the silence was a bit too loud, so Pav was the one to speak up, kinda awkwardly.

"I really hope Miles is okay."

"Yeah. Me too." ,Gwen answered worriedly.

Hobie didn't seem to like such a serious and emotional conversation, so he jumped in.

"Ey, he'll be alright, that man is a strong fella!"
(I'm sorry, I don't know British.)

They all got to the building and hid while Gwen sent Peni to ask, since she was the only one without a costume. She knocked and Rio opened the door a few seconds after.

"Hello miss! I was wondering if Miles was home?"

"Miles? No, he left and he is for sure getting grounded big time when he comes back. And who are you, little girl?"

"Uhm...I am...Pe...ggy! Yeah, Peggy...!"

"O...kay. Well, see you, Peggy?"

"Goodbye, miss Morales!"

Rio gave a small awkward wave and so did Peni. As door closed shut, they all came to her from behind the sides of the house.

"If he's not here...where would he go?" , Gwen said while seeming a little upset and confused.

"If his dad was the reason he wanted to return home, then where-" Gwen shot her head up in realisation. She turned her head to all the others.

"His dad! Is his dad even home?"

She then turned her head to Peni.

"Peni...Could you please ask once more, about his dad?"

Peni sighed.


She knocked on the front door, with Rio answering again.

"You again? Do you need anything, chiquita?"
(Also, I don't speak Spanish either lmao)

"I was wondering if, Miles's dad was here?"

"Oh, he..."

As they were speaking, the rest was hiding as the first time. Gwen, Hobie and Pav were on the one side of the house, Noir and Porker on the other. Hobie was starting to get a little bored, so he nudged Gwen, but she ignored him, so he turned to Pav, who was seeming to be focused too, but turned to him when he nudged.

"What?" , Pav whispered, trying to, obviously, be quiet.

"How 'bout we split with the rest of the group after this? Just two pals and a gal, hey?"

Pav, for some reason, couldn't help but smile at the idea. Thankfully, it couldn't be seen under his mask.

"Sure, but ask Gwen first, she's the one deciding all this."

"Aah, dictator Gwenny Gwen-"

His mouth were slapped shut with Gwen's hand because he started talking too loud.

"Shh!" she looked at him with an angry expression before putting her hand off and continuing to spy.

Pavitr giggled quietly a little, as Hobie looked back at him and the two just stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Not so much time to spend with ya greatest pals, right?" ,Hobie broke the silence.

"Oh, uh, yeah." , Pav awkwardly replied.

"Y'know, we coulda hung out more, ya stickin' onto me." ,Hobie said, now more quietly, as if he tried not to make Gwen hear it.

Thank god Pavitr couldn't see it, but he was blushing a bit. Embarrassment or something else? Hobie started to think about it for a bit, when everyone started coming back to Peni, who apparently finished speaking to Miles's mom.

"What did she say?" , Peter Porker asked from under her.

"She was taking sooo long to tell me, she started to tell me about how Miles is secretive and is always running somewhere. Well, about Miles's dad, she said he was on his duty, somewhere around here, since his shift is ending soon." , Peni said in one breath.

"Well, let's find some cars with flashing lights then." , Noir said with a rather tired voice. Who wouldn't be? They've been swinging and running around for a long time.

"Split?" ,Hobie offered.

"Alright. But you three, don't get lost, okay? If we don't find him, we return to this house." , Gwen told the second group and they were on their way.

"Okay, now it's just us three." , Gwen turned to the other two, crossing her arms.

"Let's go this way-"

"How 'bout me 'n Pav go a bit off trail, I wanna hang out with my man here." , Hobie cut her off.

"Now it's not time for hanging out, we have to find Miles." , Gwen stated, annoyed.

"A'ight, we'll be lookin' just having fun meantime ." , Hobie tried to persuade Gwen.

"*sigh* Okay. Whatever, I guess. But don't. Forget. I will know." , she said in a more threatening voice and then swung away.

"Was that...necessary?" , Pav looked confused as to why he wanted to be alone with him.

"Yeah. Now, let's go over there." , Hobie grabbbed his arm as they swung up and released it right after.

"Got 'em weird feels, man..." [A CHAIPUNK fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now