•Take a break•

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"No..." , Gwen put her head down in disbelief. Where could he be? Was he okay? She was so worried, the most of them all.

Pav gave her a pat on the shoulder.

"He's surely okay..." , he tried to reassure her, but he himself wasn't so sure if that was true.

"Theres's nothing we can do right now. Let's just take a break, I'm tired." , Noir seemed to be the most tired of them all, probably because he was the oldest in the group.

"...Meet you guys tomorrow here then?" , Peni added.

"...Yeah." , Gwen didn't look at them as they left back to their respective dimensions.

"Gwen, where will you go?" , Pav asked.

"I guess I'll crash at Hobie's again."

"Oh...okay." , Pav said in a little upset tone.

"Would you like to come too? Hobie won't mind. You still will be babied by me after...you know..." , Gwen tried to sound respectable and felt a lot of empathy after what tragedies happened in Pavitr's universe. His canon event.

That's right. Gayatri. She was gone. And so was her father. And his aunt. All of them Seems like he really couldn't do all at once and in the end could save neither of them. After his used-to-be girlfriend, he was in a bad mental state. He had no one to comfort him, he hid away to grieve alone. The one to make him feel better was Gwen. And sometimes Hobie too. After around a few weeks, he felt better. Usually, it takes about a week for a Spider-Man to recover from their canon event. But Pavitr had a really soft heart and was still quite new to all of it. He felt way more guilty and sad, but now he was finally okay and in a stable state. But his universe used to be  in danger of the Spot, who's holes disappeared from there, but the damage was already done. He now had to fix it all by himself.

"Okay." , he felt better saying this.

"A'igh, come on, then." , Hobie motioned with his hand for them to come with him into the already-opened portal.

They all jumped in and after a minute of swinging, they arrived to Hobie's apartment. It wasn't much, it wasn't tidy there, but Gwen got used to it and Pav didn't seem to mind at that time. They settled in, sat onto the beanbags in the room and while Pav was resting his head on Gwen's lap, she played with his hair. Gwen really reminded him of Gayatri, she was such a sweet person. That's why he valued their friendship a lot and they were quite close too. Hobie was strumming something on his guitar, but couldn't help but look at Pav. His eyes, his smooth shiny hair, he felt so in love now. Soon after, Pav fell asleep in the position, so it was just the two talking.

"So...what was the sudden 'let's split' about today?" , Gwen tried to break the quiet atmosphere, but was actually just curious.

"Oh. Nothin', we were just talkin' 'bout something." , Hobie tried to play it cool.

"Oh, sure..." , Gwen kind of picked up some hints of their close relationship maybe being something more. She actually shipped the two a little, it was funny for her, because she sometimes made jokes about it to Hobie. But now she felt like this could become real, as Hobie gave her some 'I am into someone' vibes.

"Hobie, do you like someone?" , she didn't even hesitate.

"Wha? Why so sudden, Gwenny? My life is private, ya know that." , he tried dodging the question.

"Come on, you tell me almost anything. You can trust me."

"No, everyone knows I'm a strong individual, I ain't need anyone-"

"Come on."

"God, fine. Maybe. Now shut up."

"Oh, now I won't! Who is it? Tell me! I'll give you advice~" , she wanted him to say who, but she had a suspicion it was Pavitr.

After some bickering, she found out...almost nothing. Hobie was really persistent in not telling who it was. He was embarrassed.

"You know, if it's Pav, I am the right person to help." , she couldn't contain her suspicion and said it out loud.

Hobie's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. How did she know? Now it was out, he had no way of escape. And he knew denial wouldn't convince her.

"...How are you so smart, Gwenny..." , he rested his face in his hand.

"Oh, I guessed it right?! Oh yeah!"

Hobie thought it would be so humiliating revealing such thing. But after he said it, he felt relieved. His close friend knew and it felt good, it felt right.
Gwen then gave him tips on how to impress Pav and what he likes and prefers. They had a comfortable conversation and then dozed off.

"Got 'em weird feels, man..." [A CHAIPUNK fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now