•Alone time•

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They swung and came to a rooftop of some random building.

"Did you want to see something in here?" , Pav was still confused.

"Just lookin' around if I see somethin' interesting." , Hobie looked below onto the city.

Pav came next to him and looked around too. Hobie turned his head to him a little without him noticing and looked at him with a hint of blush. He then turned his head back.

"Actually, I was kinda thinkin' you'd gimme a hand with sumthin'." , Hobie spoke with a calm tone.

"Oh, sure! Do you need anything?" , Pav turned his head to him.

Hobie was best friends with Pav for quite some time, around five months now. Ever since he met Pavitr, he thought he was a great guy, truly a man to turn to whenever he wanted to hang out. But these feelings, they were really weird. Love, more specifically romantic feelings, such thing was not important for him. He thought finding a partner would just slow him down and all that, but now it was different. Did he even like guys? Just thinking about Pavitr made him feel something much more, his stomach twirling at the thought. It was actually embarrassing for him, thankfully no one knew about this. Not until now. He was brave, and so he would tell the one he loved first, without addressing the name, to get the best advice, right from the guy himself.

"Kinda surprising comin' from me, but I got 'em weird feels, man. About someone." , Hobie says calmly, but inside, his heart is beating faster than usual.

Pavitr's eyes shot wide open with shock.

"You?! In love?? Wow, Hobie! That's...great, man!" , he wanted to be happy for his best friend, but something just put off his happiness. Was he sad? Jealous? No, it can't be...

"Good for you...! Who is it?" , Pav tried to hide it.

Hobie blushed more at the question. What was he going to say now?

"Nah, I ain't tellin'! Just...you have some...advice or sum' like that?" , this was embarrassing, he thought.

Pav was not feeling well about this, but whatever made him truly happy, right? He didn't matter.

"Well...is it a girl or a boy? Girls have a different perspective, so..."

"It's...a he."  , Hobie said quietly.

"Oh, really? I didn't actually know you had such preferences! Okay, um... boys like more adventurous dates! Like a walk through a city, or some may like a quiet place amongst all the loudness of the city. Talking from experience here!" , he started to learn how to fake the heartache he felt. It hurt, but it didn't matter.

Hobie on the other hand felt much better. Pav was so supportive and now that he knew what he liked, he could ask him on a date without him knowing it was a date.

"Thanks, man. You're the best. C'mon, we gotta go find our man Miles." , Hobie jumped and so did Pav.

It took some time. And when they all met together again, they all had bad new, the same bad news - his dad knew nothing and Miles was officially missing in the entirety of his town.

"Got 'em weird feels, man..." [A CHAIPUNK fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now