A Start of New

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I am finally here!!! After years of hardwork in my studies, I can study at my bestfriend's school!!! Looking at the school's entrance gate made myself proud.

My name is Kurt Cobain. An aspriring photographer and a student of BM Highschool. I am here today standing in front of my bestfriend's school.

Wanna know why?? Simple. I wanna hang out with him more...

Just so you know I'm not gay or anything. I just wanna spend more time with my bestfriend for 9 years. Like bro, he is like my brother. Not in blood though. That would be weird.

And now I am finally standing in front of the wooden door, waiting for the signal to come in.

"Okay now class let us all welcome our new student"
Hearing that said made me walk in with confidence. Hoping that my time here would be a new start of my high school....

"Hello everyone, my name is Kurt Cobain. Hoping to have a good year with you all" Saying that made everyone clap with some whistle from the boys.

Searching the room for my bestfriend, I immediately found him at the last row waving in excitement.

"Well Kurt, seems like everyone has taken a liking to you already. Since it's your first day today, I'll let you pick a seat" As soon a she said that, I didn't hesitate no more to pick a seat beside my bestfriend.

"Now that our dear Kurt has been set up, it's time for me to introduce myself. I am Marie Linda, an adviser of our proud grade 7-Mahal and a HS Filipino teacher of the school" Miss Linda expressed in a singsong way making us laughed.

I laughed at how Miss Linda introduced herself making me look at my seatmate, Arien Dhen.

"Kurt, buddy, I look forward to our high school days" Arien says holding out his hand towards me.

"I sure do also buddy. Also hoping for a good high school together with you" I said fully accepting his hand with a smile.

Smiles was on our faces as we shook hands. Looking forward to another good year at school with my best bud.

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