Who is She?

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The sound of the school bell rang into our ears signaling the end of the classes. It was different back from my school since it was very loud. Like bro they made it sound like a disaster is coming. Imagine a running chicken screaming its lungs out...yeah, they sound like that.

"Okay class this will be all for today. Kindly don't forget your joint class with the other section with Miss Cess tomorrow." Our English teacher, Miss Olive declared in a loud voice, as she packs up her things from the table.

Yes! I raised my arms with joy causing Arien to notice. "Liking the school now Kurt?" He says while holding his bag towards his shoulder.

"Like it?" I paused grabbing all my things on the desk before facing him "I love it here! I mean you have photography class here and I very much like that 100%"

Arien chuckled by my answer. "Boy you still got that photo liking in you ever since we were kids." Hehe, I do admit my love for photography since I was young.

We both then walked towards the school's gate, while having a conversation receiving a few byes from our other classmates. As soon as we are near from the intersection, Arien taps me from behind.

"Hey Kurt" he says making me look at him. "I got a new video game from my dad last night. Wanna come over?"

"Sure, why not. Just let me come home first and tell my parents that I'll stay over yours." I assured him, taking out my phone from my bag. "That's fine with me. I just let you know though that mom's gonna stuff you again with her cooking."

Hmmm~ The smell of homemade food of Arien's mom. Can't wait to eat it again after so long.

"Looks like someone missed mom's cooking" he says playfully nudging me. "Let me tell you Kurt. Her cooking has very much progressed since then."

Arien paused for a second before he shrieked in disgust. "Bro stop drooling that's disgusting of you! Better not be late, Kurt!" He says before running towards his road to home.

I just laughed at my best friend while walking towards my street. Strolling towards the empty streets, searching for my parent's contact number.

At these moments, I felt my whole body tensed in fear. The streets of my way home were quiet......too quiet.

The buildings around me stood very tall as if it was there to swallow me underground. The eerie presence and the start of the dim light sky didn't much help making me gulp nervously.

Trembling in fear, I dialed my parent's number quickly. Still trembling, I put it to my ear. The sound of my ringtone echoed in the streets. Bro my ringtone just made this super scary!


I frowned, receiving as the phone call was cut. Guess they are still busy at work. Putting my phone back in my bag, as I prepare to run the eerie streets. With no hesitation, I ran with all my might while gripping my bag tightly.

I will not die tonight! I'm too young for this and I'm still single!

Not long after I was out of breath, leaning towards a near broken streetlight on an alley. Phew! I took many deep inhales before I noticed sounds...of punching?!

Hastily inspecting the source of the sound, towards the alley. I gasped in horror seeing a group of kids my age harassing a girl. Without wasting a moment, I hurriedly dialed my parents' number. Hoping this time, they would really answer!

"Oh, look what I found, Sue. An annoying mosquito prying on us"

I looked up to see a punch coming towards me. Avoiding it swiftly, before kicking his leg making him crouched in pain. Thankfully those self-defense classes are very useful. I quickly grabbed the girl's hand fleeing out the alley.

"She escaped! Get those shitholes back here!" One person shouted towards us making my grip on the girl harden.

I dragged the girl away from that alley towards near my house. As we started to get close, I slowed down making me look at her.

"Are you okay, miss?" Taking this time to fully look at her. I noticed that half of her hair covered her face. "Please wait here. My house is near and I can get you the first aid kit to fix your- "

"I don't need the aid for my wounds. They will heal in time. Now leave me." Her hands fully out of my grip.

Heal in time?! Is she crazy! Those could get infected!

"Wait!" I yelled before taking her hand again "These are open cuts. You need to- "

"Just leave me okay!" The girl shouts, facing me. My eyes slightly widened as I recognized the blazer she's wearing. Our school.

Before I could ask her, she ran away disappeared from within my sight. I didn't even dare to follow her as I got no energy left and she asked me. But one thing struck my mind from that moment....

Who is She?

Ooohhh first meeting~ Will they meet in school? So many questions! Heheh talking to myself. Oh yeah I'll the other chapters late since I already have classes starting August 9. Hope i still have time for thisss. Peace

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2023 ⏰

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