The stalker👤 (part 2)

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Boss pov

"I promise."

Even though I promise noeul that I won't get hurt I just don't know the way I'm feeling right now I want to hurt that person I want to kill the person who took those pictures of us.

After noeul gave me back my phone I called pai I needed to tell pai what happened so pai can get things started by the time I get there.

On call

Boss:pai i think someone is stalking me and noeul.

Pai: WHAT!!!! How do you know boss.

Boss: pai I just received pictures of me and my baby having sex everywhere around are house I will be there shortly to decuss this matter and I want to find whoever did that and make them pay.

Pai: ok boss bring everything let's find this bitch.

Call end

I got up from the bed and walked out the room I walked straight to the counter and started collecting all the pictures that was on the counter and put them back in the yellow envelope.

I turned to noeul and hugged him so tight I know that noeul was scared this is the first time something like this happened to him but I don't want to show noeul that I'm scared to I have to me tuff for him.

"Baby it's ok I'm going to find who did this ok."

I felt noeul nod he's head against my chest and I also felt tears wet my chest I never wanted noeul to not feel safe in he's own house.

I made up my mind already once we come back tonight We are going to my house where it's safe and have plenty of Guards.

I moved away from the hug and pulled him with me to are bedroom we both got ready and grab everything that was needed before leaving that apartment because after tonight noeul will never be coming here again.

Once we made it to my car I opened the door and let my passenger prince get in first making sure my baby was comfortable.

"Thank you daddy" Noeul looked at me with that cute lil smile showing he's adorable bunny teeth.

"Mmmm.... you welcome baby." I replied back leaning in and pecking them soft plumped lips.

I closed the car door and walked about to the other side getting in as well. We made are way to my warehouse.

Once there me and my baby walked in and the first person I see is pai and some of my clan members standing around a circle table.

I Motion to one of my members to come here.

"Yes sir."

"Take my baby to my office and I want two Guard to stand in front of the door and if any thing happens protect my baby with your life." I replied looking at him with the most darkest expression I can make letting him know that I was dead serious.

I turned to my baby and kissed him once more quickly deepening the kiss only pulling back when I sense my baby is out of breath.

I pulled him into a tight hug and whispered in he's ear.

"Baby don't worry I will find who did this and make them pay."

I felt him nod he's head on my shoulders as he pulled away from me and looked in my eyes as if he was taking in all my facial features one last time.

"Baby if you need me tell one of the Guard or call me ok."

"Ok daddy" he replied.

I watched as rain walked away and I walked to the table joining myself into the meeting to catch this bitch.

So what do we have so far?....and oh here are the pictures.

Pai: boss we took the cctv footage from Noeul apartment complex and the footage leading to noeul apartment door.

"Ok what did you find?" I asked looking at the computer and back at pai.

Pai: ok we find a man sneaking around inside the building he know most of the blind spots so he won't get distracted but he missed up so we were able to find him again we watched as he walked up to noeul door at first he tried to break in but accidentally hit the door bell which shocked him so he throw the envelope in front of the door and ran off. He said looking at.

I bit down hard on my teeth as I watched the camera from the computer a whole bunch of what ifs ran through my mind was he planning on kidnapping noeul while I was sleep.

"What if he didn't accidentally hit the door bell."

"What if he got in what would this man have done to my baby."

I don't even wanna know what that man would have done but I still have one last question left.

"P'Pai was you able to identify this man.?"

Pai: yes this man is apart of the clam that tried to steal the blueprints from the warehouse that had escape a while back we find him and he is now tied up in the basement as we speak.

Good I will deal with him myself and get him to reveal who he work for.

This ends now.

End of the chapter....


Boss: Kayla we find him and I will make him pay

Author: remember what noeul said don't get hurt boss or rain will kill me instand

Boss: ok Kayla I won't get hurt I don't want noeul to kill me to

Author: oh shoot he coming

Author: 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️

Hello guys thank you for sticking with me I know I haven't updated in a while I'm trying to get it together I promise myself that I won't abandon this story and will continue to update
But in tell than I hope you like this chapter

And who do you Think hired this man to stalk them let me know in the comments

I wants to knows is y'all liking the story so far
I hope y'all like it

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