Baby is sick 😔

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Noeul pov

Two days later.....

After the incident I no longer live at my old apartment i been living in my husband house and let me tell you it's so beautiful here I never know boss lived in such a big house.

But for the past two days I been feeling off I sometimes get cramps and always feel dizzy I don't know maybe because I'm in a new setting and a new environment but I don't want to tell boss or he might worried.

"Daddy I'm hungry" I said pouting.

"Ok baby what you want you can have anything" boss replied.

"Umm.....I want garlic shrimp with white rice...... can I have that daddy"I said showing off my best puppy eyes.

"Of course my love come so we can make it for you"he replied.

I happyly lifted my arms so my hubby can carry me. For these pass two days I've been completely obsessed with my daddy I don't know I feel like I need to be with him all the time or I'm going to go crazy and miss him so much.

Once we made it to the kitchen my daddy sit me down on the counter while he prepared my food I'm so hungry and excited to eat my hubbys food he cooks so well for me all the time.

But once boss placed my garlic shrimp and white rice in front of me something didn't smell right it smell sour and rotten to the point I almost throw up from the smell.

"Daddy something not right." I said holding my nose.

"What's wrong baby." He said with a lil confused expression.

"Daddy....this don't smell smell rotten" I said.

" way let me smell."he said as he lend in to smell the food.

Boss looked up at me with a confused face" baby it smells fine" he said I know what I smell and this do not smell good I'm not eating this I refuse. I pushed the plate away from me and looked over at boss folding my hands over my chest.

"Boss I'm not eating that it really smells bad I refuse to eat something that's rotten" I said looking at him with a slightly irritated face.

"Ok....ok baby umm what else do you want to eat". He replied.

"I want....a pickle with cream cheese pls....yes that sounds so good." I replied as my mouth started watering even just from the thought of it.

"WHAT!!! are you sure last time I checked you don't like pickles or cream cheese."

"But I want it now boss right now" I said as my eyes started felling up with tears.

"Ok....ok I will get it please don't cry." He said as he want in to the kitchen.

What the hell is wrong with me was I really about to cry because boss was taking to long no somethings not right and I sick or something.

I got pulled out of my thought when suddenly I got really sick and felt like throwing up I jumped out my chair and ran for the bathroom in are room it started to come out so fast that I didn't even make it to the toilet I flow straight to the sink gagging hard but nothing but spit coming out.

" where are you" I could hear my daddy calling for me but I could not respond
Because of the constant gagging that was happening"daddy....gag....I'm here...gag"i heard my daddy burst into the room running to the bathroom where he seen me throwing up my guts" baby what happened...let me call the doctor hold on" I reached my hand out to stop him from leaving out the bathroom"no...don't call the doctor I'm fine see" I said as I put water in my mouth moving it around to show him that I'm fine I'm so tired after all that throwing up that I just want to lay down with my hubby and cubble.

"No baby I'm calling the doctor.....your sick you never thrown up like this you always had a minor cold but nothing like this baby I'm worried."I looked up at my hubby eyes and he was I could see that my daddy was scared and worried about me so I agree with a small nod.

Ok....daddy but right now I'm so tired from throwing up can we lay down now." I asked as I grab he's hand pulling him into the bed room" hold on baby before we go to sleep let me call the doctor....ok" he said as he placed a kiss on my forehead and walked me to the bed to sit intell my hubby was off the phone.

"Yes doctor...ok I understand see you tomorrow" boss said as he hung up the phone and walked back to the bed giving me a hug and a kiss on my pouty lips.

"Daddy what did the doctor say" I asked laying my head on he's chest feeling he's heart beat that calms me down so much.

"Well...the doctor said that I should bring you in for a check up to make sure your not sick"he replied as my hubby ran he's fingers through my soft thick hair I sigh as I looked up at my hubby.

"Ok......can we sleep now daddy"I asked.

"Of course my love let's sleep and get some rest and find out what wrong with my cute baby" boss said as he pecked my lips.

As we climb into bed snuggling against each other with are feet intertwined with each other and are arm holding each other tight as are tiredness came over us felling into a nice peaceful sleep.


End of chapter....


Author: dang boss what happened to you it look like a train hit you.

Boss: I had a long night....I'm so tired.

Author: is noeul ok is he feeling better.

Boss: not really I just came to get him some water.

Noeul: d-daddy where are you I feel dizzy.

Boss: oh no bye Kayla I gotta go👋🏽👋🏽.

Author: I wander what's wrong with him....idk we will find out soon.

Hey so I decided to name y'all Raindrops because y'all be so cute in the comments and you guys give me motivation just like bunbun every day.

I wants to knows is y'all liking the story so far
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