found by a demon

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Azura makoto had aged 2 years in the dark abyss and is now drifting endlessly until a light opened up and pulled her through

In shinjuku, Tokyo All was quiet in the twilight mansion apart from the pouring rain outside there really wasn't anything to do

Yuki giou was looking outside watching the rain pour, the raindrops slid down the window as the forest behind the mansion became foggy due to the weather

A figure walked in wearing dark clothes "yuki" Luka said walking over putting a hand on his shoulder yuki tensed but then relaxed when he realized it was just Luka

"Sorry Luka I didn't hear you come in" yuki said with a sad smile "what's bothering you?" Luka said watching yuki closely

"It's nothing but a feeling I seems calm but I have a feeling that something extraordinary is going to happen" yuki said

As if the heavens heard yuki a huge lightning bolt was seen hitting somewhere in the woods making them cover their eyes in surprise as the light was so bright

A little while later...

The rain had stopped and the group had went to go see what had happened "do you think it was some type of dursa" hotsuma said

"I'm not sure even a demon couldn't possibly make a lightning bolt that big" shusei said "I think we should split up that way it will leave us more room to look for the demon" toko said

"If it even is a demon" tsukumo said as they split up looking for the place where the lightning had struck Luka walked up the mountain where the tree's we're parted

He saw burn marks on the nearby tree's and put his hand on it "it's still warm" Luka said as he walked through the tree's seeing a clearing

His breath hitched seeing a magical barrier Luka cautiously walked through the barrier with no problem then looked to see a body lying on the ground

Luka walked over and kneeled down looking at their features it was a female she was obviously unconscious with blood dripping down her mouth not to mention she was covered in scars

She had short brown hair and her clothes were nearly any help they looked to have been torn and burnt he felt her pulse

It was faint yet she was alive he turned her body over seeing her face clearly Luka couldn't help but trace his finger against her jawline and lips

Luka closed his eyes and sighed taking off his long coat and putting it on her so she would be decently covered so her body wouldn't be showing

Luka then proceeded to lift her up in a bridal style position and began walking down the mountain having found the one who had caused the unnaturally large lightning bolt to strike from the sky

"I didn't find anything" hotsuma said "well maybe you weren't looking hard enough" toko said sarcastically yuki sweatdropped at their argument

Yuki then spotted Luka but saw that he was carrying something or rather someone yuki ran over to Luka "is she ok?" Yuki asked

This made the group turn to face them "who is that?" Tsukumo asked "she's injured" Luka said walking down the mountain

They went back to the twilight mansion...

Yuki giou was obviously shocked to find Luka carrying a girl in his arms and walking towards one of the empty rooms in the mansion

Luka carefully set her down on the bed and pulled the covers over her sleeping silhouette "he's acting rather strange" shusei said

"You think so" toko said and looked into the room "though she does look awfully gorgeous for someone who's injured I think I'll go get her a change of clothes when she wakes up" toko said

Yuki had prepared a basin of water and a wet cloth and put it on her head lightly dabbing her head this made her flinch in pain

"Please stay still we don't want you to hurt yourself more" yuki spoke in a soft tone as he finished putting a wet cloth on her head

A few hours later...

Azura's pov

'Hey kid you alive' kairi said 'don't interrupt her sleep if she needs the time to rest to heal her injuries let her rest' Angela said

My eyebrows furrowed as I slowly opened my eyes seeing the night sky through the window 'good to see you alive and well kid' kairi said

I sat up carefully a cloth falling from my forehead I rubbed my eyes tiredly I wince in pain feeling the burns on my skin

"Why do I have burn marks on my skin?" I questioned 'you were carried by a lightning bolt and you were found by a demon' kairi said

"A demon! Should I be worried" I said 'he brought you here to rest so I don't think he's all that bad at least' Angela said in my head

"My muscles are sore" I said 'it's better if you rest we don't want you to strain yourself even more than you have already' Angela said 'she's right kid' kairi said

I heard someone coming and immediately shit my eyes closed laying down on my side pretending to be fast asleep

The figure walked into the room I could feel his presence in front of my and I felt him grip my arm only to move it under the blanket then caressed my cheek gently

I heard him walk out of the room and close the door 'looks like he's the one who carried you inside from the cold' kairi said observing the door

'He seemed rather nice he even caressed your cheek in a caring way' Angela said swooning 'oh God don't even start with the romantic bullshit Angela' Kairi said

"He was gentle" I said as I touched the place where he caressed my cheek as I closed my eyes breathing in the clean air and started drifting off to sleep

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