finding the cursed wolf mask

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Azura was walking with her great grandsons Zephyr and ezra who decided to take it upon themselves and watch her making sure she doesn't get into trouble

"You know you both don't have to watch me I can take care of myself" Azura said "we know" ezra said "we're just making sure you don't get into trouble" Zephyr said

'It's annoying how they could be so right' kairi said 'well we do have a record of getting into trouble unintentionally of course' Angela said

Azura's pov

'So in other words no matter what I do luck won't be on my side' I thought to myself 'yeah/supposedly' kairi and Angela said in unison

I sighed with a whine we went into the city and heard screaming "what's going on?" I asked "see this is what happens whenever your left alone" Zephyr said

'I hate it when the brats right' kairi said as a huge wolf creature roared appearing right in front of us it roared as I take in the detail of it's features

It looks like..'the cursed wolf mask...don't let  the wold get away catch that wolf and purify it then get the mask' Angela said

"There's the demon" I heard and turned to see toko about to attack the wolf as it had a crazed look in it's eyes 'somethings off it seems...crazed' I thought to myself

"Azura get back" hotsuma said trying to burn the wolf only for the wolf to get angry and roar Luka came in with his sword about to kill it

"No don't" I said hugging him from behind As the wolf ran off "what the heck are you doing we almost had that demon" hotsuma said

"It's not a demon it's a wolf being possessed" I said and chase after the wolf that was being possessed by the mask

Luka's pov

"Idiot's" a black haired boy said as he chased after Azura "what does she mean it looks like a demon to me "their may be more that meets the eye" a 6 year old boy said as he floats and Flys after Azura

"Azura's family is definitely interesting in a way" shusei said I nodded in agreement "let's go after them" tsukumo said as we follow after them

3rd person pov

Azura found the wolf again as it growled at her she slowly moved forward as it growled with a scar on his face

Azura's eyes widened seeing the wolf's memories only it was a little boy who had been physically and mentally abused

Azura felt tears streaming down her face seeing those memories "you've been through so much pain and suffering" Azura said walking closer

Luka and the other's arrived hotsuma was about to attack it but Luka stopped him "I think we may want to see this" Luka said watching as Azura walked closer

"It's painful isn't it never having the love of your real family and having to deal with pain from abuse you poor boy" Azura said

The wolf's growls softened and Azura came close enough to hug the huge wolf "I'm sorry you had to go through so much being alone and afraid" Azura said as she remembered the 8 years alone she had to endure

"I would never wish that upon anyone not even one as young as you" Azura said as she cried the wolf's crazed eyes finally turned normal heterochrome brown and blue

Azura went and healed the wolf's injury with her healing power and purified him with her blue Azure flame making him turn into a 7 year old boy with light brown skin and dark brown hair

The cursed wolf mask fell off his face and fell unconscious right in Azura's arms Luka stood there with a soft look on his face while the other's looked surprised

'It seems the cursed wolf mask works on those who have a rough life but it made him go crazy' kairi said as Azura lifted him up with the mask in hand

'I feel my heart aching...such a young child such as this having to go through such pain and abuse it makes me feel...angry' Angela said

Zephyr walked up to Azura kneeling down "do you need me to carry him" Zephyr said "could you take him" Azura said

Zephyr nodded as he grabbed the 7 year old boy in his arms and carried him Azura sighed grabbing the cursed wolf mask and putting it on her face

A glow shines around Azura as her eyes shine white having her memories being brought back piece by piece until the mask fell off of her and she fell

Luka ran to catch her before she could hit the ground she was unconscious Luka picked her up and the children showed them to the nougami mansion

Damien was a bit surprised when Zephyr carried in a a dark skinned boy and he was even more surprised when an unconscious Azura was being carried by Luka

"Can anyone explain to me what happened to Azura and why is Zephyr carrying a small boy in his arms" Damian asked

Ezra stopped floating and stood in front of Damian "she found the cursed mask on a werewolf boy and he ended up getting possessed by the mask itself and she was able to purify it and put on the mask bringing back some of her memories before it disappeared again" Ezra said speaking fast

Damian was actually able to understand everything he said and patted his head as Damian opened the door to Azura's room seeing Luka there sitting in a seat beside her bed

Damian looks at them then closed the door letting Azura rest as he went to go and check on the unconscious boy that Zephyr had carried into the house

Zephyr had brought him into Izumi's old room and Zephyr watched the boy sleep as Damian sat by his side "he'll be ok" Damian said rubbing his head making Zephyr nod in agreement

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