cute wolf boy Rory

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Azura slowly fluttered her eyes open and woke up looking at the ceiling "how are you feeling" Azura heard and turned her head to see Luka

" the kid ok" Azura said Luka smiled softly in amusement that she was more worried about the child than her own self but that's just the way she is being so pure and sweet

"He hasn't woken up yet" Luka said holding her hand with his fingers entwined with her's which made Azura blush immensely

"I do hope that boy is doing OK it would worry me to bits if anything bad happened to him" Azura said making Luka look at her lovingly

"Your so kind and caring of other's don't you worry about your own self being" Luka said as Azura closed her eyes and squeezed his hand gently

"I do...but I'm not exactly obsessed with only taking care of myself I want to spend my time taking care of others as well" Azura said

Luka pinned her to the bed "you trust in people too easily they could take advantage of you without knowing" Luka said

"I know I can trust you, you haven't done anything to take advantage of me" Azura said "that doesn't mean I'm not dangerous" Luka said slowly leaning in closer to her lips

The door was abruptly opened and ezra walked in "the kid is awake" Ezra said as Luka pulled away irritated that the moment has been interrupted yet again

"He's awake!" Azura said immediately getting out of bed and out the door and went into the room where the boy was and there was crashing

Azura's pov

I opened the door and saw the kid with wolf ears, claws and a tail he seemed to be on defense "kid we're not gonna hurt you just calm down" shusei said

The boy swiped his claws in warning as he showed his fangs trying to intimidate them "just relax will you" hotsuma said grabbing the Boy's arm

'That idiot' kairi said as the boy bit into an arm I gasped in shock as Damian blocked hotsuma from getting bit Damian winced from the pain of the fangs

"Kid we're not going to hurt you just calm down and let's talk things over, I'm sure your scared and I get that I would be too if I suddenly woke up with a bunch of strangers around me" Damian said softly

"But we are just trying to help you so please calm down" Damian spoke softly the boy trembled with tears streaming down his face his werewolf features disappearing

Damian brought the boy into a hug as he cried and whimpered in his arms 'wow I never thought Damian would be a dad type' Angela said


The boy sat on the sofa with ezra and flare watching him making him look nervous as I giggled at his nervous behavior

Damian walked out of the kitchen with a mug of hot chocolate "here kid" Damian said the kid seemed weary to drink the chocolate but sniffed it first and then drank it deciding it was safe to consume

"What's your name?" I asked he spoke in a husky rough tone his voice strained "Rorsch" he said sipping some more hot cocoa

"So Rory then do you remember how that mask got on you?" I asked him He shook his head and sipped more hot cocoa

"Do you have a place to stay" Luka asked Rory's face darkened and he lowered his head in shame "not anymore" Rory said

"Then stay here" Damian said making everyone turn to face him, Damian leaned against his fist looking at Rory "what's in it for me if I stay here" Rory asked

"3 square meals a day, solitude, and freedom" Damian said making Rory's eyes widen in shock "let me adopt you" Damian said

'I never thought Damian of all people would adopt a kid considering he's been alone without a wife for so long' kairi said

'Trust me kairi I'm just as shocked as you are right now but it's so soul soothing seeing that Damian wants to adopt him' Angela said crying mentally in happiness

"Why would you want to take in a freak like me" Rory said "your not a freak, your just unique in your own way" I said making him look at me

"How can you say that I'm a monster I can't even control myself from my ability" Rory said Damian put a hand on Rory's head

"True you have no self control but I'm sure if you work at it you'll be able to control it easily" Damian said rubbing his head gently

Flare went up to Rory and hugged him surprising Rory causing him to blush in embarrassment "your like a puppy so cute" flare said

"Flare" ezra said rubbing his eyebrows tiredly "I bet we're going to be best friends Rory and great uncle Damian is very nice don't worry" flare said making Rory's wolf tail pop out wagging

"I suppose getting adopted won't be that bad" Rory spoke softly I smiled softly at the cute moment between Rory and flare who was still hugging him

I felt a firey aura beside me as I looked at saw Luka who looked rather irritated from being interrupted all the time I sweatdrop

Rory walked up to me with his head down "um hey..." I said then he bowed "thank saved my I suppose I should express my gratitude" he said

I smiled softly and brought him into a hug "I'm so glad your ok" I said with closed eyes and a smile clear on my face as I hug him gently while also petting his head causing his wolf ears and tail to emerge as his tail wags

"Flare is right, You are like a little puppy" I said poking his nose making Rory blush in embarrassment and cross his arms oh he's a little tsundere wolf boy

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