𝕋𝕒𝕡𝕖 𝟙

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                   Kirumi was the first person to notice MJ's change in behavior since the spider-incident, call it her twin sense but she could feel that something wasn't quite right. MJ had been a lot more distant from her and Peko, causing the two to spend a lot more time together (which at first Kirumi was secretly grateful for) but even then, most of their conversations revolved around MJ and how worried they (Peko) was for her.

                However, Kirumi didn't think that much of it at first, figuring that she was going through a normal bout of 14-year-old angst that everyone went through. Even after she had caught MJ sneaking into the house wearing an all-black leotard during the middle of a school night, Kirumi simply looked her up and down and told her to make sure to complete her history presentation before the next day. She wasn't too worried; she had gotten used to her sister disappearing for periods of time to go to festivals or other events.

                   It wasn't until reports of a mysterious masked woman wearing a black and red skintight suit with a symbol on its chest resembling a spider started to emerge when Kirumi truly got suspicious of her sister's late-night escapes. She started noticing how the criminals her father never seemed to catch because of unforeseen abilities started to finally be captured by this same woman and along the way started to connect the dots. 

                  "I think Misa is that Spider-Person that showed up a couple of weeks ago" Kirumi mentioned nonchalantly while applying Press Ons to Peko's nails, the two were hanging out in the twins' room with MJ being who knows where. She watched Peko nod along absentmindedly to her words until they finally seemed to register in her mind, then she did a double take with her mouth dropped.

                  "WHAT- No! MJ can't be that- I mean what makes you think?" Peko was dumbfounded and gasping her words, trying to come with a proper sentence while Kirumi shrugged and put more glue on the press on she had in her hand. "Kirumi! You can't just say something like that and shrug it off, I mean MJ tells us everything! She would tell us if she was some superhuman with spider powers, right?"

                  "White and blue are your colors Peko, these nails are adorable on you!" The girl heard Peko say her name in an exasperated tone, but Kirumi felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. She loved the feeling she got whenever Peko said her name, and even though her sister was the topic of discussion for most part, she adored the time her and Peko spent together one on one.

                    To Kirumi, Peko was the Sun to her Moon, a giant ball of hope and light that drew everyone in, especially the Watabe Twins. Her smile could power a whole city with the light it radiated, while her beautiful green eyes seemed to glow with the secrets of universe that she would only share with the planets close to her. That natural charm Peko seemed to possess could make anyone swoon, and that light she radiated gave Kirumi the warm she had never felt before with anyone else.

                 Those factors are what made MJ fall in love with Peko just as Kirumi had, the only difference being that MJ was the Earth to Peko's sun. The sunlight would be welcomed onto MJ, and she would circle around Peko gladly. Happy to be reliant on someone other than herself and her twin. Peko loved her for her independence and wanted to be the shoulder for MJ to cry on whenever possible, Kirumi guessed that was why Peko didn't want to accept the possibility that MJ was hiding something away from her.

               "Kirumi, seriously, we know MJ. She can't keep a secret to save her life, she's going through something, and we don't have the time to make jokes like that!" Peko said this with a pout and crossed her arms over her chest, taking her hand away from Kirumi's. She closed her eyes and turned her chin upward as Kirumi hid a small grin of adoration behind a covered mouth laugh. "Besides, she would trust us, trust me, enough to tell us... Right?"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚞𝚖𝚒 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚎 (under editing!!)Where stories live. Discover now