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As Kara walked off into the halls she was looking for her next lesson which happened to be history. Her second favourite subject. As she walked in she once again greeted the teacher Mrs Wilson who was very kind to her gave her a seat next to blonde haired pale boy who she recognised as Jasper Hale. If she was to be honest she was nervous to sit next to him but not before she was scared but because she knew his family kept to themselves not talking to anyone else in the school.

"Hi I'm Kara it's nice to meet you" she said with a smile on her face. "Hello there I'm Jasper it's a pleasure to meet you" he said with a very clear southern accent. Kara recognised it instantly and felt the need to complement tho young man. "I love your accent it's really beautiful. Southern right?" She asked trying to make sure she was correct "yes it is and thank you Kara no one has ever mentioned my accent let alone knew what it was" he stated politely clearly appreciative of the girls compliment.

They made small talk only going as far as to ask how the other ones day has been. Nonetheless Kara enjoyed it. The lesson went on and they were learning about the 1st and 2nd world war. It was very interesting to Kara as she was fascinated at how stupid some of the countries in the war were.

The lesson came to an end and they bid their farewells and walked away. Soon it was the last lesson of the day and it was her favourite subject. Chemistry. As she walked in she handed her slip to the teacher doing the same routine all over again before Mr David's seated her next to one person she didn't want to be with. Rosalie Hale sat in the middle row right up against the window and the was alone meaning that she had a free seat which obviously meant Kara would have to next to her and that was interesting in the sense that she got so sit next to the prettiest girl in the town.

Rosalie was clearly unhappy about this situation so when Kara sat down Rosalie moved her chair a little away from Kara not saying a word. Now Kara was obviously confused and chose to speak. "Hey I'm Kara and I believe you are Rosalie. It's lovely to meet you" Rosalie looked at her with disgust and with a rude tone spoke "I don't care." And then continued to look out the window. Kara was very upset now as Rosalie was being a bitch and Kara not knowing when to keep quite spoke "ok look I haven't done anything to you so I don't know what the hell your problem is but the least you can do is say hi" Rosalie was burning on the inside. She was fuming. How dare a human talk to her like that.

Did she have a death wish. Even though Rosalie felt a pull towards the girl she chose to ignore it and stayed her usual rude self. "No I don't have to do anything so back the off. You are nothing. You are just an inconvenience in my life so shut up" Kara was now the one fuming she was so close to loosing it but she was fuelled by anger she didn't even hear the teacher asking them to calm down. "Who the fuck do you think you are. You have no right to talk to me like that just because your life is shitty. So how about I tell you to fuck off" Rosalie was about to strike  back but Kara stood up and spoke "I'm leaving early sir see you tomorrow and I would like to sit somewhere else sorry for this 'inconvenience' she mocked looking at Rosalie with clear anger and walked out, she had all her things and was boiling, all she did was be polite.

She walked out to the sports field and then to the changing room as she would have tryouts in 15 minutes. But she was so angry she didn't know what to do so she chose to punch the locket in the room. She left a dent in the locker but considering she's human it really wasn't that big but still noticeable. Only problem now was that her hand was hurting and she realised she was stupid because her hand started to already change colour. 'Stupid' she thought to herself.

She was fully changed in black shorts and a Nike training shirt. It was dark blue and really complemented her blue eyes. She put her trainers on and then went outside seating as the bell had rung and waited while her hand was throbbing. Rosalie really struck a nerve when she said Kara was an inconvenience. That the whole reason she left to live with Charlie. She always felt like an inconvenience. That's why her real  dad left her and why Bella hated her and why Renee her mother never her loved her as much as she did Bella.

As people started to fill the field and bleachers she put her cleats on seeing as it was soccer season. She was really excited. She put her cleats on(soccer boots) and walked into the field and gathered with all the girls, her hand was trembling as it was turning blue and pain was throbbing. She was hurting but she would not let that do anything and it was the beginning of the season so she chose to pretend like her hand was fine.

They started tryouts and she was played as left wing. She scored 2 goals and was on to her third. She was running when a defender she knew as Rebekah and another girl as Alex ran after as she was going to try and shoot a hat trick. She was so close and she kicked but the goalie stopped it but the ball fell from her hands and another defender she knew as Maddie ran after the ball trying to get it away from the goal so Kara ran and she slide tackled the ball and her and Maddie collided but luckily she got the ball in scoring a hat trick and winning for her team.

Her and Maddie layed on the ground laughing slightly as they breathed in slight pain. They had collided rather hard into each other. The other two girls Alex and Rebekah came over to them giving the two girls a helping hand. She was very happy with her self as coach Lee called them in giving the teams of girls a round of applause. That chose to make the team decisions today and they would be announced tomorrow on the board on paper.

Kara left the field saying goodbye to the girls who had not become her new friends and went to the parking lot. Most kids already gone as it was already and hour and 49 min since school ended. But there was on car that caught her attention and it was a silver Volvo which belonged to the Cullen family and that when she saw Jasper and Alice standing there. It was only them.

4th chapter people whooo hooo please vote and try and get more people to read it. I'm going to today everyday or try to for the next three weeks

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