"Bye mom see you after school." I said, walking out the door. "Bye" Ellie. I am a 18-year-old girl with brown hair and green eyes. "Sup Ellie" said one of my friends Jessica. Me and my other friends sat down at a table. " Are you going to the Spanish field trip. "? Asked my friend Joseph. "Yea, are you guys. "Yeah, " said Jess Joseph and Jessica. "Cool, " " I said.
A week later, I packed my stuff and went to the airport. "Hey said Jessica and Joseph. "Hey, are you guys excited! Said Jess. "Heck, yeah said Jessica. As we were waiting for the plane, we were talking and laughing. "23451" said the woman on the intercom. "Okay class let's go" said the teacher. We had a small class least 15.
I sat with Jessica and Jess sat with Joseph. "Boys, boys, girls, " said the teacher. Which was stupid.
I noticed there was on their passages in the back.
For a couple of hours I went to sleep, then ate, then talked to my friends. Jessica was telling me this story. I really wasn't paying attention I looked at the back, I saw a abric man in the back he was latching something green. I noticed it was a grenade and he was a suicide bomber. "Duck!I yelled he throw it in the middle of the plane. "What the hell--said jess right when blow up. The plane had a hole in it people were getting blown out of the plane. I had known choice. "Guys put your seat belts on! I yelled.
Joseph started to cry. So did Jessica. The plane was going down quickly. The plane hit with an impact which caused parts of the plane to spread out. Then everything blacked out.
I woke up with a bloody nose and a deep wound in my legs and head. I was in my seat, but on a tree. I had to find a way down. I let go of my seat belt, I fell down into a branch.
I jumped off it. It hurt so bad, but I was okay
I walk around to find my friend. "Jess, Jessica Joseph! !!! "Jess-- I noticed there was dead people everywhere in trees or on the ground. Most of them were my classmates.
"I noticed my teacher was covered in blood and her legs were torn apart. I threw up I started to cry, I couldn't believe that I survive. "Jess. "Over here, " said Joseph. "Joseph"!! I said I ran towards him and kissed him and hugged him after all he was my boyfriend. We walked together to find the others. We heard crying and screaming. We ran over.