Chapter 16

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Wyatt went to the balcony and saw Paige and Enid hugging. Enid was clearly very upset and Paige was doing her best to calm her friend down. When he opened the window and entered the room, Enid looked right at him. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I'm literally having a heart attack right now! YOKO'S IN THE INFIRMARY!" She said, clearly very stressed out. "What happened?"  Wyatt asked. "Garlic beard incident at dinner. She had a very serious allergic reaction," Paige explained. "Which means, she's out of the Poe Cup. It also means that I don't have a co-pilot," Enid said. "Calm down, Enid. It's going to be okay." Paige said, trying to reassure her friend. "It wasn't an accident. Bianca's behind it," He informed them. The girls looked at each other and then at the boy with shocked and confused expressions. "How do you know?" Paige asked.

 "Doesn't matter. The three of us will be taking her down tomorrow,"  Wyatt said. "Wait. You're joining the Black Cats? You're willing to do that? For us?" Enid said, hope in her voice. "I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat,"  Wyatt commented. "You and me both. Right, guys?" Paige said, acknowledging her Pokémon. They all cheered in response. "Yeah, but mostly you're doing it because we're friends, right?" Enid asked. "Tell me how she keeps winning." "That's a tricky question to answer. The past two years, no other boat has made it across and back without sinking. Even when I have Finn to help me out, she's still winning. I think it's sabotage," Paige explained. "Sounds about right," He said.

"There are no rules in the Poe Cup, and she is a siren, which makes her master of the water," Enid said. "Don't forget. Finn's a master of the water too. What? Do you think I won all of my gym badges, contest ribbons and Princess keys on my own?" Paige said. "Then we just need to beat her at her own game."  Wyatt said, with confidence. As  Wyatt laid on his bed, failing to fall asleep. he thought back to the drawing that he had in his pocket. He pulled it out and examined it. He thought about what Xiaver and Bianca said. Could Xiaver really have feelings for Paige? "No! That's not possible!" He thought.  Wyatt wouldn't let anyone take Paige away from him. They belonged together. He would do anything for her. He would do anything to keep her safe. Because he... No! That can't be!

He shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts in his head. He couldn't be in love with her. He just couldn't! He was  Wyatt Addams! He made a promise to himself and his family that he would never fall in love with anyone. It turns out that he was wrong. The amazing, beautiful, smart, caring, loving and incredibly talented Paige Swan stole his heart. He only hoped that she felt the same way about him. What he didn't realize was that she did feel the same way. The next morning,  Wyatt was walking outside, and he passed Bianca. If she thought that she was going to win, she had another thing coming.  Wyatt and Paige stayed up all night working with Thing and her Pokémon to come up with a strategy to take down the self-appointed Queen Bee. 

Wyatt saw Paige and smiled. She was sitting with Enid, and he sat down next to them. "We're all set," Enid said. "Good. Thing, Finn, AJ and Pikachu are all in position," Paige confirmed. "Do you want to tell me what you guys were up to all night?" She asked. "And ruin the fun?" Where's the fun it that?" She asked. "Exactly, Amore mio."  Wyatt said, looking intently into his girlfriend's eyes. Paige shuddered at the intensity of his gaze. Enid smiled at the moment between them. "Speaking of surprises, your costumes in the tent." Enid said, cheerfully. "Costume?" He asked, clearly very confused. 

Wyatt exited the tent with a very mad expression. He wore a very tight looking cat suit with... cat ears. Enid looked ecstatic, "OMG, you look purr-fect. Just one thing, where are your whiskers?" He did not look amused, "Ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives." Paige walked up to him with a smile, "You look great, Wyatt." He smirked and took her into his arms. He leaned in to kiss her. Paige gasped and  Wyatt couldn't help but smile. A real, genuine smile. After a second, he pulled away and smirked at the very flustered look on his girlfriend's face. The race was about to begin. All the boats were lined up with the team members in them. Enid was in front, then Wyatt, then Paige.

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