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The next five hours were tedious. I was prodded and poked like a pin cushion by our medic Carlo and the two nurses that tagged along wherever he went. I never cared to ask for their names so I couldn't tell you what they were, with or without the strong painkillers they'd pumped me with. Carlo had condemned me to the medical bay despite me trying to throw my weight around. When I'd told him that If he didn't let me go I'd sack him, he'd been quick to tell me that if I did leave I'd be dead by the morning and so being sacked would at least save him some paperwork. He was ballsy, we could give him that.
As a result of his stubbornness I was currently lay in the middle of his medical bay, in the same bed my father had been in the day Marco had shot him. Just like dad had been that day, I was hooked up to various monitors and had a blood transfusion seeping into me via a cannula that one of the nurses had prodded into my left hand. Apparently the river of blood that i had left on the pavement was enough to require 2 whole bags of blood and so I would be stuck here for At least 8 hours. Which meant that I was now conducting all business from my medical bed. With only one useable arm, as my other had been bandaged and put in a sling.
I'd started off by seeing Aldo. Whilst my uncle wasn't my favourite person in the world. He was probably as close to a second in command as I was going to get. I'd tasked him with finding the third man from outside the cafe and ending him. I'd also probed him on what he knew about Sofia.
He'd been rather shady about her but I had learnt that she was staying in my house of all places. Apparently Mary had gone to him and he agreed it. It reassured me that she'd be safe. But I couldn't help but be annoyed that she was staying here after accusing me of kidnapping our daughter. And who'd run her little sleepover by me? That would be no one.
After receiving his bollocking and putting him back in his place he left and set to work, whilst I sent Tony off to find Angelo. I needed answers from him that I couldn't wait on. Sighing as I waited, I lifted my head and looked at the plain ceiling above me. This room was like a living form of torture for me. "Are you in pain Mr Marchetti" one of the nurses said as she appeared by me. "Would you be in pain if you'd been shot in the arm and lost the same amount of blood as I have" I asked her sarcastically as she gulped. "If you'd like some more pain relief, I can sort that for you" she said ignoring my rude behaviour and acting as the professional I employed her to be. "No, I'm ok." I said with a sigh. "Just dealing with a lot, none of it medical" I said reassuring her as she nodded. "Forgive me for saying, but my mother always used to say that if the grass looks greener on the other side, it's probably a reminder to water the grass you're already stood on" she said nervously as I paused and looked at her intrigued. "Your mother sounds wise" I said softly as she nodded. "She was Sir" she said with a tight lipped smile. "Sorry" I said noting the past tense she'd used. "You needn't be. She lived a very full and happy life. I'm sure you feel the same about your father" she said gently as I nodded with a shrug. "You really should rest. Are you sure you don't want any pain relief" she asked as I shook my head. "I'm good." I smiled gently. "What's your name by the way. I didn't catch it earlier" I asked her as she chuckled. "You we're so far out of it I'm surprised you remembered your own name." She chuckled. "I'm Isabella, most people call me Izzy" she smiled gently as I nodded. "It suits you" I said honestly as she laughed, the Melodic sound putting a genuine smile on my face. "I should hope so, I've been using it for the last 27 years" she said as I grinned at her wit. I hadn't smiled like this in what felt like eternity. Who knew I needed to get shot to achieve any degree of sincere happiness. "No way are you 27" I said as she began scrawling numbers on her clipboard as she assessed the various monitors around me. "Yes way, it was my birthday last week" she said as she flickered her eyes from screen to screen, it was intriguing to watch her work. "Happy belated birthday" I offered her as she stopped writing to look at me with a smile. "Thank you sir" she said genuinely. "Please don't call me sir. It makes me sound so official" I said as I ran my tongue over my lip. My mouth feeling parched. "What would you like me to call you? I just presumed since you're the top dog and everything it would be Sir" she shrugged. "For most people. You can call me Luca" I smiled as she nodded slowly, cautiously. "So long as that doesn't get me into any trouble" she said as I chuckled. "I make the rules round here Izzy, if I say call me Luca. You should probably listen" I said somewhat playfully. "And when Carlo comes back will you still be making the rules, only I could've sworn earlier it was him setting them" she said playfully as I chuckled. "You got me there" I acknowledged laughing as Angelo and Tony walked in. "I'll leave you be, remember just say if you need more meds" she smiled before backing away from the bed.

"Whose that" Tony asked watching her retreat. "That, is Izzy. One of our or should I say my nurses" I smirked. "Man. I wish I got shot now" Angelo said looking transfixed. "Stop ogling she's not a piece of meat" Tony scolded him. "Tell your face that" I quipped as he scowled at me. "Good to see that you haven't lost your sense of annoyingness" he huffed back at me. "I'd call it humour personally" I countered as he rolled his eyes.

"Now onto the real business" I said turning to Angelo. "You want to tell me why you you started on three men in such a public place, on the day of my fathers funeral no less" I asked as he sighed. "They owe you money. They used to be runners but I realised they were short changing us so I called them out on it and said that if they did it again I'd end them. I gave them the next batch and I haven't seen them since" he sighed as I groaned in annoyance. "How long" I asked. "Just before Italy." He gulped. "So when I was driving back, I saw them and I figured I'd rough em up a bit you know" he sighed. "I didn't think they'd be armed, let alone shoot at me" he continued. "Or you for that matter" he said looking apologetically at me. "I get what you were trying to do" I reassured him. "But if me and Tony hadn't have been driving passed you could've been toast Angelo" I sighed. "Your bloody mother would've killed me" I continued as he chuckled. "I get it, I fucked up. I just, I don't know when we'll next see them" he grumbled. "I didn't want to let you down" he added as I nodded. "I know you didn't. You haven't. Just please don't get yourself killed for me" I said. "But that's the reason I took oath Luca. I agreed I'd put everything on the line to protect you and what's yours" he tried to defend. "Jump in-front of the fucking bullet next time then" Tony joked. "Or just don't engage in risky face offs so that no bullets need to get fired" i corrected as Angelo nodded. "I've asked Aldo to see if he can track the third man down. Go downstairs and see if you can help him" I said with authority as he nodded before leaving me and Tony be.

"I take it Sofia got back ok" I asked once Angelo had left. "Yep, her and rose are here. They're in one of the guest rooms. I haven't seen them since dinner though" he said as I nodded. "Do I dare ask how she seemed" I sighed at him as he winced slightly. "Upset, confused, annoyed...all of the above." He shrugged. "Do you know why she came" I asked him, wondering if he'd exchanged any words with her beyond what I'd managed when she was screaming at me. "She said she felt she should, your dad had been a big part of her life and she wanted to be here to pay her respects" he said monotone as I nodded. More fool me for thinking she'd come to console me. "I get that" I said as I shrugged only to hiss in pain. My eyes landing on Izzy who looked at me concerned.
Taking my eyes off the petite brunette I focused back on the conversation with Tony. "For what it's worth, I think she feels bad for shouting at you. Rose got upset apparently when you walked off" he sighed as I gulped. "I'm not sure my daughter being upset is any sort of peace for me" I exasperated as I threw my head back on the pillow feeling restless. "I know, but at least it stumped Sofia. Like I say I think she feels a bit guilty at going off the rails at you" he said as he leant against my hospital style bed. "She doesn't need to feel guilty. She knows I'm a worthless prick, she just voiced her feelings" I sighed annoyed. "You're defending her again. You know she accused you of kidnapping your daughter" he said looking astounded. "Yeah, well aware. I just, she sees me as this awful man who barged his way into her life, gave her no options and made her run away. Of course when I rock up after finding her daughter she's going to imagine the worst of me, she always does" I grumbled. "So you're not even going to try and set the record straight" he asked looking astounded. "It won't change how she perceives me Tony. She hates my guts. I need to stop wishing that weren't the case because in my life miracles don't happen" I said with some finality. "Okay...so you're just going to ignore them for the next two weeks" he asked looking confused. "No, I'm going to give them space. If Sofia wants to talk to me she can, but I'm not going to pressure her or force her to." I said reluctantly. "And if she doesn't talk to you and you waste an opportunity" he countered but I shook my head. "Then I live with that knowing it was her choice" I said simply as he nodded in understanding. "This could really backfire" he added as I nodded in return. "It really could, but I've been hung up on her for four years. She didn't come back for me. She doesn't want me. She never will, so I have to move on somehow" I gulped as he gave me a soft smile and patted my good shoulder softly. "I'm sure a trip to the club when you're feeling up to it will sort that out" he smiled deviously as I chuckled. "Most probably. Now enough talk of women. Is there any chance you could go and grab me some clothes from my room, I can feel the dried blood in these sticking to me" I said looking down at my crimson stained white shirt and slacks. "You got it" he smiled before walking out.

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