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"Mummy" Rose said as she walked up to Sofia. My heart almost stopping before pounding from my chest. Her body winced, knowing I now knew. "Mhm" she said looking from me to her daughter. "Auntie said he's bad news" she blurted as I smirked the young child pointing at me. Ratted out by a child. "What's news" she asked her mum confidently. "What your auntie means is that I'm trouble" I said as I crouched down to Roses level. I had no clue why I did it but it meant suddenly I was looking at her finer details. She looked so much like Sofia. So much like the child I longed to have. "But you found your friends" she said looking at Tony. "I did, but mummy doesn't really like me and my friends" I explained to the youngster. "Why not mummy" she said with a furrowed brow. "Because we're troublemakers" I said saving Sofia the hastle of explaining it. "And as soon as your uncle has helped my friend, we'll be out of your mummy's way" I said, remembering how Rose had referenced her father upstairs. I didn't want to wait around and see him return from work and play happy families with the woman of my dreams. The woman who owned my heart.
Instead of looking relieved like I thought she would, Sofia looked hurt. Dejected if that was even possible. How could she when she left me and started her own family in Italy. "You sure that's what you want boss" Angelo furrowed his brow at me, Tony also looking confused. "Yep, would hate to intrude on Sofias new family. I'm sure when her husband comes home he doesn't need us three sat in his living room" I said firmly as Tony rolled his eyes. For what I had no idea. "What's a husband" Rose asked looking up at me. "You're very inquisitive aren't you" I chuckled before shaking my head. I felt an urge to talk to her, big myself up to her. But I had to remember I wasn't part of her family, I couldn't infringe on Sofias new life. She'd left me for a reason. "What's inquisitive" she said scrunching up her small face. "Nosey" I said gently tapping her nose. "I have a nose" she said through a frown. "So do you. Are you nose-y" she rambled. "Apparently so" I said as she tapped my nose, making me smile. This was the life I had craved, me and Sofia, a young child. And yet this was the polar opposite of how I saw it.

"How are we doing with the arm" I asked over to Bruno and Angelo trying to distract myself from my longing. "Getting there. Couple more stitches" Bruno explained as I nodded. It wasn't the answer I wanted. I wanted to get out of here quick, have some space and clear my head. Maybe beat up a few monsters in anguish. "Did you want a drink" Sofia said meekly. I shook my head, I didn't need anything that would see me staying here a moment longer than I needed.

She'd moved on. Now I had to.

"Do you want to go and talk" she offered next as I gulped before looking at her seriously. "I'm not sure that's wise Sofia." I said honestly. "I think you should hear her out" Tony butted in. "I think you should fuck off" I said getting wound up. "What's fuck off mean" Rose asked as Sofia looked at me annoyed. "Don't repeat that. It's trouble" I said as she frowned. "So mum thinks you're a fuckoff" she asked as Angelo laughed audibly. "Not quite. I suppose you're not far wrong. But do me a favour. Don't repeat that or your mum will kill me" I said honestly as she looked from me to Sofia, one a role model, the other a complete idiot. "With your nerf gun" rose asked innocently. "Probably with her bare hands" Tony scoffed as i shot him a look. "Can you do that mum. That's so cool" Rose rushed to her mum, eyes wide and excited. "No, Tony's just joking around. Why don't you go play in the garden" Sofia said looking stressed. I felt sorry for her momentarily before remembering she left. She wound up here. It was her choice.

"The garden isn't safe. We don't know whose about" I sighed as Bruno scoffed. "Can't be much worse than you lot" he said firmly as Carolina used her tea towel to thwack him. "You're probably right" I silenced them. I was Sofias worse nightmare. To her, no one would be worse than me.

"You sure we can't get you a drink" Carolina asked looking sheepish. "No, it's very kind of you though. Of all of you. Helping us" I concluded as she nodded. "I know men pitching up with bullet holes isn't common practice for you" I rambled. "At least it hasn't been recently" I whispered as I looked at Sofia. "How did you get shot Mr Angel" Rose said walking over to Angelo and sitting on the sofa beside him. "Nerf gun" he said proudly, clearly picking up on the term used earlier. "Fuck off over there set his Russian friend on me" Angelo smiled sarcastically at me. "Mum gangs up on me all the time too" rose pouted as I chuckled. She was cute, I'd give her that.
"It's rubbish isn't it, you go out one night, play with a bunny and then leave them after and the bunny's brother comes over and nerfs you" Angelo scoffed as I raised a brow at his bunny reference. "I see nothing has changed" Sofia muttered displeased. "Lots has changed." I corrected her firmly. "Sounds like it, all shooting each other over women" she said rolling her eyes. "Bunnies" I corrected as she scoffed. "Don't belittle us" she snarled as she looked at me with disgust. "Bunnies aren't women mummy. Unless their girl bunnies" Rose said matter of factly as I smiled. At least she would stick up for me, not that I needed a child to defend me. "I know, now go on. garden" Sofia urged her daughter. "I mean it, isn't safe out there" I said placing my hand on the door to keep it shut. Preventing Sofia from opening it. "And it's safe in here is it" she snapped at me. "You know the enemy in here at least" I said raising a brow. "Doesn't mean I'm safe" she scowled. "Safer" I promised. "You know I won't hurt any of you. Alissa should be proof of that" I said as she dropped her head. "If she can't go outside can she at least go to her bedroom. You're hardly a good influence" she sighed looking stressed. "Sure but Tony takes her, her window needs securing, it's how I got in" I explained as she looked at me frightened. "Yeah, you may want to teach her about stranger danger" I smirked as I looked over to see her poking Angelo.
"Rose, go on up to your room. Tony wants to see your toys" I commanded them both as Roses eyes widened excitedly. "I have to hand it to you, she's a great kid" I smiled watching them walk out. "She's a nightmare. Takes after her wretched father" Bruno said not looking away from Angelo's wound. His words panicked me as I looked at Sofia with concern. "Does he hurt you" I said firmly my fist clenching. She may no longer be mine, but I wouldn't hesitate to defend her. "It's complicated" she said looking torn. "Complicated? Sofia being thrown around isn't complicated. Complicated is doing Pythagoras Theorem or studying law." I seethed annoyed. "I think what Sofia meant, is that he has previously hurt her, not necessarily physically" Carolina explained. "How's that like your daughter" Angelo asked confused. "I didn't mean she's like him, I just mean her mischievous, demanding ways come from him." Bruno said as he finished patching up Angelos arm. "If he's like Rose, I'm sure he's a character." I said simply, a small but completely unbelievable smile on my lips. "To put it lightly" Carolina said as she patted my shoulder before walking out.
"Speaking of her father, now he's patched up, we can get out your hair. I think our reunion has lasted long enough" I said with a gentle smile as Sofia looked saddened. "It's been interesting" she gulped. "It has. I feel happier knowing your alive and settled." I smiled at her gently. "Who knows, maybe it'll help him sleep better tonight" Angelo said innocently as I shot him a look. I didn't want to look weak in front of her, not when she'd clearly managed to move on. "Ignore him. I sleep fine" I scowled as he scoffed. "Keep telling yourself that boss. You really did a number on him when you left. Even if he's to bad ass to admit it" Angelo said as he stood up from the sofa. "Like I say, ignore everything he has to say. I'm quite capable of moving on, just as you have" I said with a soft smile as she looked like she was about to say something, only for a shriek to be heard from Roses room.
The moment I heard her scream I ran. I know she wasn't anything to do with me, but she's Sofias. I'd protect Sofia and her family until my last breaths. My loyalty would always be to her. As I approached the door I paused, not knowing what I was going to come face to face with. My stealth was ended when Sofia collided with my back, our bodies bursting through the door. "Ow" she winced from the floor as I scrambled to look for danger. "Rose was cowered in the corner her hands covering her ears as tears trickled down her eyes whilst Tony stood in-front of her, his arms raised and gun pointed at the window. "Fuck" I murmured. "Sofia, I need you to crawl back out the door." I said as she looked up at me petrified before turning to rose. "I'll bring her to you, just go behind the corner until I tell you" I explained as she nodded hurriedly. "Tony, talk to me" I said from my position on the floor. "Rose was just showing me her dolls house. I hadn't had chance to close the window boss. I heard him as he got up, soon as his hand came in I was positioned, shot him as soon as his head popped up" he said as I nodded. I wasn't entirely happy that he hadn't obeyed me telling him about the window, but there was no point being cross with him, he had rectified the issue. "Rose" I whispered as she looked at me scared. "Hey princess, you think you could crawl over to me" I asked as she trembled. "You can do it, just pretend your a cat" I urged her as she looked at me worriedly. "I promise you Rose, I'm going to get you to your mum. She's just in the hallway where it's safe" I explained. "If you can crawl to me, I can get you to her" I encouraged as she gently moved herself to all fours, slowly moving forward. As she reached half way she stopped and started licking her hand. "Rose what are you doing" Sofia hissed from the doorway. "Been a cat like he said." She explained like it was normal. Tony chuckling, as he tried to not distract himself. "Don't take him so literally" Sofia groaned just as Rose let a meow slip as she continued crawling over to me. It felt like it took her an eternity but when she did reach me I couldn't help but pull her tight to me. I went to move, only to hear voices downstairs. Placing a silencing finger on my lips I instructed everyone to be quiet. Rose mocking the action. "Call it in. They must have him here" a deep voice instructed. "Fuck" I whispered as Rose giggled. "Shh" I encouraged her. "It's a coffee shop Razzo. Why would they bring him here, he deals cars not coffee beans" they continued their conversation. "Explain why he's been shot then" the man responded. "Cause he was trespassing on my property, with a gun in his hand" Bruno's voice came as Rose looked at me warily. "It's ok, just stay super quiet" I whispered to her as she hung to my chest. "Who are you" they asked him. "Bruno Fendici. I own this cafe. With my wife. You boys coming on here scares the children. Imagine if my granddaughter had seen him first." Bruno said bravely, as I felt my admiration grow tenfold. "Now, I want no more trouble. I don't know why you came here but my cafe is no place for you" he said firmly as I closed my eyes praying it worked. "I don't know if you're aware old man, but we do the dictating around here. If we want to come to your shitty cafe then that's what we'll do." One of them spat angrily. "You killed our brother. There's only one punishment for that" he roared annoyed as I glanced up at Tony. He'd moved to get a sighting of them below. Within seconds the shots rang out. Four in total. Then a fifth. Sixth. I held roses hair against me, my arms protecting her as I watched Tony unload his entire magazine.

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