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After grabbing a glass of water I joined the boys at the table, ready to talk through our game plan. "Do you think this is a set up" Davide asked as I pondered it. "Luigi wouldn't purposely harm family, but if it was my son or my nephews son, I know who I'd sacrifice" I shrugged as they all nodded. "What do we know about Rodrigo" I asked as Matteo tapped on his laptop. "Mario sent me a report over shortly after landing. In the last week he's been seen with serval Italian crime families. Including the Di Rossi" he said as I inwardly cringed. That was the last thing we needed. "I imagine he's trying to make it known to Luigi that he can get anyone's backing" I grumbled. "Don't fret, the Italian Di Rossi don't have the same feuds with us. Marco broke away from them when he took the title. They shouldn't be a problem over here" I sighed as Tony looked at me skeptically. "We can only hope" I said directly to him. "I will kill you if I don't get home to Emily, Luca." Davide scowled. "I think we need to ban talking about women, I'm fed up of hearing you two mope about them" Matteo said looking between me and Davide. Before any of us could retaliate the front door chimed.

"Didn't realise we were expecting anyone" Tony said as I sighed. "Guns ready, focus." I said as I crept to the door to open it. As I opened it I drew my gun, placing it out in-front of me ready to fire. A high pitch Yelp sounded as arms flailed in front of me. "Jesus Luca" Louisas voice panted. "Sorry, we weren't expecting anyone" I said as I placed my loaded gun back in my holster. "Domiano mentioned you were leaving tomorrow. Couldn't not see you" she said as she stood in the entranceway. "Come on in" I ushered as she nodded and let herself slide past me. "Hey guys"she said awkwardly as she stood in front of them. "Lads, go get some rest" I suggested as they all nodded and excused themselves.

"It's been a minute" she said as she turned to me. "It has" I replied calmly. "I couldn't believe you were coming. When Eleanora said" she began but tailed off. "Look luca, I fucked up. I was fucked up" she sighed. "I'm sorry" she said as she stood in-front of me. "Would you like a glass of water" I asked her as she shook her head. "Why won't you talk to me" she pleaded. "What do you think this is Louisa" I asked as she groaned in frustration. "I've said sorry luca. What more do you want from me." She said annoyed as she flailed her arms. "Intel. But you've only ever said you haven't got any, so unless that's changed there's nothing more you can say" I said feeling frustrated. This is how all our conversations had gone in the last four years. "If I knew anything I'd tell you" she sighed sadly. "Like you did the first time I asked" I said sourly. "She blackmailed me Luca. What did you expect me to do. She clearly didn't want you to know where she was" she roared angrily. "We were supposed to protect her" I roared back. "No Luca. You were supposed to. I was asked to watch her, hurt her, keep her away from you. But never was I supposed to protect her" she spat venomously. "What you did was unforgivable. How you let it happen is beyond me. If dad had died, if you'd been successful with your sabotage, I'd have been far less kind. Italy is like a holiday for you, you only deserve hell Louisa" I retorted bitterly. "Says the man with blood on his hands" she scowled. "Still pining after Marco even though he's 6ft under" I shook my head at her. "Your pathetic Louisa" I tutted. "Whatever luca. For once I hoped this time would be different. I thought we'd make amends, finally. Knowing there isn't anyone between us. No Marco, no Sofia." She sighed. "Sofia isn't dead" I said firmly as she laughed humoured. "Not that you know of. When did you last see her...oh yeah" she smirked as I lifted my hand and let it slap across her cheek, seconds later I was pinned to the wall with Tony stood restraining me.
"Not cool" he said firmly to me as he called for davide who barrelled down the stairs and led a crying Louisa into the kitchen. "Fuck" I roared. "Don't even try and justify that mate" Tony scolded me. "I won't, I shouldn't have. Christ I've never touched a woman like that" I said feeling sick. Doing it to a man was one thing, but a woman. My sister. "I know what she said was out of order, but please don't ever hit a woman" Tony said firmly as I nodded sinking my head. What on earth was I doing. Who was I becoming? "You think she's alive" I asked him quietly. My sisters words reverberating through me. "We have no reason to believe she isn't. But you can't let her be your weakness Luca. It's one thing your sister using her against you but if an enemy ever found out, you'd be toast man" he said as I nodded in realisation. I had to let her go. Like she'd let me. "Can you go see if Louisa will speak to me" I asked him as he nodded and stepped away from me.
I felt awfully guilty that I'd hit Louisa. It wasn't me, it wasn't the code I lived by and I'd regretted it instantaneously. "Instead of sending your cock sucker, next time just come and get me yourself" she fumed. "Louisa, I regret hitting you. I'm sorry. But don't disrespect me or my men" I said firmly as she rolled her eyes. "I see Italy isn't teaching you much" I said plainly as she smirked. "Not exactly, uncle Luigi has bigger problems then a troublemaker." She shrugged indifferently. "You've changed" I sighed. "Tends to happen when your family abandon you" she huffed with her arms crossed. "Lou, you nearly killed dad. You abandoned the family the minute you went to Marco" I reasoned with her. "No one would've known if it wasn't for Sofia. We could all be living happily if dad hadn't wanted to claim her." Louisa grumbled. "The reason he staked claim was because Marco was snooping. He had too. Marco never wanted you for anything more than to show off Louisa. I wish you'd see that" I sighed deflated. "And see you and dad as my knights in shining armour. You're just as bad. She didn't belong to you either. Why'd you think she ran" my sister chuckled shaking her head in disbelief. "She was scared" I mumbled. "For her life, because you and dad were making her conceive a baby she didn't want and Marco wanted to force her into a marriage she didn't want. Like three peas in a pod you lot." She sighed. "Yet you swoon after him and resent me and dad" I replied questioning. "Marco never abandoned me" she said defiantly. "What even when he told you he wanted to marry Sofia" I said humoured. "Even then. He said I could be his mistress" she said still as deluded as ever. "But you'd have to share him." I said confused. "Better than now, with him burried and all" she sighed sadly. "I don't think I'll ever forgive you for killing him" she continued. "I don't need your forgiveness Louisa. With him Alive your life was more at risk" I tried to counter. It was the truth, Marco had put a bounty on her, not least for letting Sofia escape but also for not finishing our father. "What a hero" she scoffed rolling her eyes. "Some people would be more grateful" I said firmly. "Some men don't hit woman. Guess we're all acting like the other half of those equations." She said with a sarcastic glint before leaving abruptly.
"We'll that went about as well as a cake with no flour." Davide chuckled as he joined me and Tony in the living room. "Say that again" I mumbled. "We'll that went" he began but I stopped him. "Not literally you dim whit" I said as tony plonked himself on the sofa besides me. "Christ, when did everything get so complicated" I groaned as I put my head in my hands. "Somewhere between you falling in love with Sofia and Louisa falling for Marco" Tony said as he patted my shoulder reassuringly. "Love might be a tad strong. She has abandoned me" I sighed. "Oh so you've sent me to Italy to find her on five occasions causes she's your mate have you" Tony mocked me. "You're a fool boss" davide smirked at me. "Fuck you both" I said throwing my head back against the couch.
"In all seriousness though, lou being out here doesn't seem to be doing much. Now the threat back home has reduced..." Tony queried. "You always were her favourite" I said plainly. "I just don't see the need for keeping her here when she's basically getting a holiday for her actions" he shrugged. "I know, but I can hardly throw her in a cell, dad still thinks she was manipulated. He won't punish her" I sighed. "Funny isn't it how women get wrapped around our fingers" Davide chortled. "Yup. I mean if I'd have done that no doubt I'd be dead, but just because it was his daughter she gets away with it" I sighed. "Do you think she knows where Sofia is" davide asked me. "No idea, I'd like to think so. But I no longer know what my sister is capable of" I said sadly trying not to worry that she could be withholding information just to hurt me the way she's been hurt.
"Anyway, we should probably get some sleep" I sighed wanting my own space. "Yeah, night man" Tony said as he stood up and walked off, Davide following suit. Leaving me sat in the middle of the sofa, feeling as alone as usual. Sighing I grabbed a pillow and lay myself down uttering the same words I always did before bed, in the hope that someone was listening and could answer my prayers.

'Sofia, wherever you are I hope you are safe. I hope you are happy. One day I'll find you, I'll hold you again and we can resume our life together. Please sof, please don't leave me.'

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