❄️ Kazuto is born pt 2 ❄️

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Mitsuki p.o.v

As I left the hospital with my child in hand, I looked around at the pretty flowers. They gave off a nice warm feeling! I felt moving in my arms and looked down at kazuto. Guess he was awake. It was getting dark so getting home would be good.

"Aww, your baby is so cute!"

A girl came up to me with the warmest smile. I chuckled and brushed my baby's cheek with my finger.

"Thank you ma'am.. he's precious to me"

I smiled. Eventually, more girls came over to me and admired me and my baby! It felt a bit embarrassing but I kind of liked the attention.

"I really should get home, thank you-"

"Please take this!"

"Take my gift too, mr Mitsuki! And happy birthday!"

The girls began to place gift boxes in the bag I had with me, it was a bit heavy considering I had a baby and I had to carry everything. But I thanked them and went off.

Home at last. I went inside and gently kicked my shoes off. It seemed that the fireplace was still going so that was good...I went to the couch and sat down with my baby still in hand.

"Oh kazuto.."

I looked down at my awake child who now played with my finger. He made little noises and giggled. It was so heart warming! I quickly get up to find his little bed for him to rest on and placed him into it.

I heard knocking on the door and shook a bit. I placed a nice soft blanket on top of him and went to the door.



Someone quickly kissed Mitsuki's face over and over, and what do you know? It was Boruto himself!

"Happy birthday, love"

Boruto kissed Mitsuki once more and hugged him. Mitsuki seems shocked but sniffled.

"I don't know what you'd want..but I did get you this!"

Something was placed into his pale hands. Turns out, it was a Nice looking scarf! Mitsukis eyes gleemed and he quickly placed it on.

"Thank you Boruto..But you've given me another gift I could ever dream of.."

Mitsuki sniffed the scarf once more. Now the blonde was confused, the hell did he mean?

"Wait here.."

Mitsuki went over to the couch and picked up the sleeping baby. Mitsuki went back over only to leave Boruto speechless.

"T-today was your due date?!"

Boruto yelled waking up the baby.

"Not so loud. It was supposed to be next month but I guess I got the timing wrong.."

Mitsuki mumbled. The baby looked up at the blonde man and just..stared for awhile.

"Mhm! I'm your dad ttebasa!"

All of a sudden, the baby began to cry loudly. He screamed and leaned into his mother's chest.


Boruto mumbled. The baby eventually stopped crying but didn't look at his creator.


"No cursing!"

Mitsuki pouted while holding his child. Eventually, little kazuto pulled on Mitsukis shirt with all his strength.

"Oh, your hungry.."

Mitsuki chuckled. He pulled up his shirt and placed his chest out to the baby's mouth, it room awhile but the baby began to suck.

"Isn't he just so precious?.."

Mitsuki spoke. Boruto grumbled and looked for a second. He knew this was maybe Mitsuki's first time breastfeeding but he seemed like an expert on the first try. That Baby wasn't the only one who was good at sucking a chest-

"He's pretty hungry huh."

Mitsuki smiled. Eventually, the baby stopped sucking and yawned. Mitsuki burped him and took him upstairs to their room. Mitsuki placed the baby onto the bed and rubbed his belly While singing a tune.

Boruto just laid into the bed listening..it was very rare. In fact, he has not once heard Mitsuki use his voice for something like this until now.

"I wish I could say something.."

"Something wrong dear?"

Boruto jolted and replied back with a grumbled. Kazuto manage to sleep and mitsuki stopped singing.



"How come you never sing like that with me?.."

Mitsuki blushed. It was his first time trying something like this! Was Boruto jealous already over a baby?! Mitsuki just laid down and covered his face.


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