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Quentin lived in London - in his very own apartment, which might I add was enormous

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Quentin lived in London - in his very own apartment, which might I add was enormous. It was beautifully decorated and I couldn't help but to feel a little jealous of his accomplishments.

"Here let me take your bag, darling." Quentin gestured as we stood in his very own hallway. But I refused.

"No it's okay - I've got it." I tugged the bag closer to myself.

Quentin removed his jacket before took out his keys and wallet and placed them onto a little bench. He crouched down to the height of my eyes, a slight smile lining his lips. "You are a big girl, aren't you?"

"Oh shut it." I said as I practically cringed at his comment - a comment I never thought somebody else would say to me.

Quickly I was walking my way around Quentin, and I started to look around the space - it truly was magically beautiful.

But I would never admit that to him - at least not today.

"Should you want a little tour?" he asked as he walked up to me, "You'll at least want to see your room, huh?"

"If its got a crib - I am out of here, do you understand?" I looked up upon him and his stupid smirk before he gently but surely grabbed my hand to lead me through a hallway.

His hands were so big, and somewhat comforting. But my own hands didn't belong against his, so I let go.

"You've got to close your eyes, darling." he said while he, again very gently, covered my eyes with his big hand.

"What are you- ugh-" I decided to not fight it and instead just sigh as I heard him open a door in front of us.

"There we go, get ready Stevie, I'll go ahead and take off my handsies in three, two, one!" his hand was very much soon off and I looked onto the space that would be my room.

I blinked in shock.

It looked like a normal bedroom - a very empty bedroom, there was basically just a bed that covered the whole of it - a very dreamy bed nonetheless

It looked like a normal bedroom - a very empty bedroom, there was basically just a bed that covered the whole of it - a very dreamy bed nonetheless

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To the left there was a white closet and on the wall across from the bed was another door, which I assumed was a bathroom. 

"It's nothing extraordinary, but you'll get to give it your very own charm, does that sound okay?"

I smiled slightly, but was sure to try and cover it so Quentin didn't see it. "Yeah that's fine."

"Alright I'll leave you to unpack, and you come find me if you need anything, yeah?"

I barely nodded as I sat down my bag on the floor with a thud. Quentin walked out and I began to look around. On one of the two bedside tables were a laptop - a MacBook in fact. On top of it sat a note.

"for my little one to use."

I sighed in both awe and embarrassment for myself as I read 'little one', knowing that I now was his little one - or at least were to become one.

I left the laptop for now and continued towards the door I assumed would lead me into a bathroom.

Surely when I opened the door there was a bathroom, quite a nice one too. But when I looked down beside the toilet I saw another thing that made me take in the situation more then ever.

There was a potty.

"For fucks sake." I mumbled before I walked out of the said room that contained the truths of my new life.

I opened my bag quickly and began my search for my special little rectangular package - the one that held me, not addicted but, calm.

Finally I found the cigarettes and sighed out in relief. "I need a smoke." I mumbled as I quietly opened my door and walked out.

I walked down the hallway towards the entryway and the front door. It's not that I really cared what Quentin would say - it's just that I don't have the energy to hear it.

I grabbed the door handle and was quick to sneak out and begin my way down the stairwell that led up towards Quentin's apartment.

And soon I was outside in the fresh air, which made me feel free enough. I couldn't rush enough with opening the package that held a pink lighter as well as a couple cigarettes.

My thumb rolled over the cogwheel as I lit the lighter and soon I continued with lightning my cigarette too.

Calmness filled me just a little bit as I let it heave into my airways.

I closed my eyes and purely smoked.

But my peacefulness was soon broken when I heard the sound of someone opening a window. I looked up and saw Quentin looking down upon me with a pointed glare.

"Stevie Dahlia - get that out of your mouth right now and get up here, I'm serious."

I closed my eyes once again and almost chuckled, but said nothing. Soon a cloud of smoke broke out from me as I continued.

I could hear the window close again but I didn't mind having a look. All I wanted was to have a relaxing moment.

Soon the door behind me opened.

"Are you addicted to smoking Stevie? It didn't say so in your file."

I turned around to phase Quentin with a sigh as I drew my last breath of the cigarette before I stubbed it down.

"No, I am not addicted - but I do like a smoke every now and then, what does it matter anyway?"

"What does it matter? Well for starters it isn't very good for your health, now is it? Since I am your caregiver, you're going to skip the smokes - I'm sure you're a big enough girl to manage it, right?"

"Shut up."

"Here, give me the rest of them." he walked towards me and gestured for the said cigarettes - a look of direct eye contact as he looked down upon me in the most figurative way.  

"Gosh, Quentin, here you go."  

I push my beloved pack of cigarettes into his huge vein-y hand before I strut my way on inside, and shut the door with a loud bang behind me.  

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