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I got to sit down on a little chair behind the counter of the bar - it was still very bustling in the club and a bunch of people still ordered drinks and the occasional snack

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I got to sit down on a little chair behind the counter of the bar - it was still very bustling in the club and a bunch of people still ordered drinks and the occasional snack. Still there were always some bartender that checked up on me - I even got a little stuffed animal in the form of a little lamb for me to cuddle. 

I immediately named her Cotton. 

My head was still feeling dizzy from my seven shots before and I would occasionally laugh from silly little things - such as other people stumbling in the bar. 

At the same time my little-side would shine through and I would suckle my thumb!

"Here you have some water sweetie" a bartender suddenly broke my train of thoughts as he handed me a glass of water - in a little's cup that had motifs of cutesy little flowers. 

I gladly took it before I started to gulp it down - "Thank you! Did you know that daddy said I could have another shot also?" I cheekily said, knowing that he never said so. 

The man in front of me chuckled as he crouched down to my level while I sat on the chair. "I'm sorry sweetie, but your daddy told me very specifically to not give you anymore shots." 

I pouted as I hugged Cotton tightly between my arms "But Stevie want shot!" I could feel how my eyes were about to tear up. 

My drunkenness and my little-side were slowly but surely clashing together and my emotions got caught in the middle. 

Just as I was about to cry my little heart out I heard someone ask loudly "Where is my girl?" further down the bar. 

I looked up and saw daddy stood there quite enraged as he pressed his hand down hard on the counter. In his arm he had a duffel bag held tightly - it had a little key chain dangling in the shape of a pacifier. 

One of the bartenders pointed in my direction and I could see how his eyes immediately softened, and with a quick step, he hurried over to where I was sat. 

I looked up at him with doe eyes as he sighed in relief. "Oh thank god, Stevie, are you alright darling?" he asked as he crouched down beside me. 

I gently pushed my hair out of my face before I crossed my arms with a huff. "Daddy they won't give me another shot." a slight pout showed on my face. 

"Aw, well that's good - because I told them not to give you those." he sat down on his knees before me as he opened the duffel bag - searching for something. 

"You're a meanie." I huffed as I looked down upon him with a more evident pout. 

"I won't tolerate disrespectful language, Stevie. We can talk when you're ready to communicate kindly and honestly."

As he told me that he brought out something that looked like my sneakers from his bag and as he did so I huffed before I gently stomped my foot on the stool. "But daddyy!"

He didn't say anything, he just started to fiddle with my heels - and soon they were off my feet. "There we go, darling. I'm sure your feet hurt from walking around in heels, huh?" 

I nodded simply as he carefully continued to both put on and tie my sneakers and soon he was stood up with a daring eye contact as he glanced at me. I was scared that he was going to be cold towards me again but soon a soft smile shined though his lips. 

"Look at that little lamb you've got there - is he yours to keep?" he asked as he nudged Cotton on her little yarn nose. 

I hugged her close before slightly correcting him, "Yeah! Oh and daddy, it's a she and not a he - her name is Cotton." 

Daddy grabbed my hand as he helped me get down from the stool. "Oh pardon me, miss Cotton." he chuckled before giving a wave towards the bartenders as we began to walk out of the bar. 

I could feel how much easier it was to walk with sneakers rather than heels - I could also feel how warm daddy's chest was as he held me tightly against him as the two of us tried to walk out of the full club. 

Soon we were out of the club - walking on the streets of London. Soon daddy's hand touched mine. "Hey, Stevie girl, I know you're a big girl and all that - but you you ought to tell me when you need the potty, alright? Do you remember how many of them shots you've drank tonight?" 

My mind was still spinning from the said shots, and it was very evident in how I walked as I couldn't really walk in a straight line. "Uh...I think maybe seven?" I said with a chuckle and a hiccup.

Quentin gawked a little before mumbling, "Fucks sake." his grip on my hand tightened. "You know Stevie, little girl's like you are not suppose to drink alcohol - it can be very dangerous if you're not careful." 

"But it fun! I feel all stumbly, daddy!" a giggle escaped me, when all of a sudden a random ache in my legs appeared and I groaned as I came to a full stop in my steps. "Daddy! I don't want to walk anymore...!" I crossed my arms in a huff as my pouty lip jutted out. 

"Uh-oh, are those little feet asking for a break? Up we go!" He grabs me gently under my armpits as he picks me up to let me rest upon his hip. "No more pouting though, you're daddy's good girl, aren't you?" 

I nodded slightly as I felt how my eyelids became more and more tired from my first ever little slip of mine. Daddy's arms and his hold gently rocked me to sleep as we walked down the streets of London, going home. 

uh-oh, that's gonna be a hell of a hangover

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uh-oh, that's gonna be a hell of a hangover

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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