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I beamed open the door that lead to Quentin's apartment and closed the said door just as quickly, my steps led me towards the mirror that hung greatly in the hall - I looked at myself as a sigh escaped me

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I beamed open the door that lead to Quentin's apartment and closed the said door just as quickly, my steps led me towards the mirror that hung greatly in the hall - I looked at myself as a sigh escaped me. For some reason I saw myself as something different, I looked different in some way from last week when I looked in the mirror. It wasn't anything visually really, I guess it was purely just psychological.

I grabbed at my face before I muttered to myself, "I'm not sure I can manage this."

It was surely weird for myself to have my dominance slowly but surely drifting away from my identity - it was all I've ever known and now I was suppose to be and act the complete opposite.

I started walking towards my room again, but when I opened the door there was something laying on my bed.

A little orange cat!

I stopped in my tracks as I purely looked at it

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I stopped in my tracks as I purely looked at it. It was sleeping very soundly and looked an awful lot at peace - Quentin hadn't told me he owned a cat?

But then again I've only known Quentin for an hour, so I guess it isn't so weird. Maybe he wanted me to find out by myself.

I took another step forward and suddenly the little kitty stretched greatly into its wake, the stretch was long and thorough - and shortly her eyes were on mine.

I thought she'd be scared and run away but she stayed there - leaving me wondering if she'd be okay if I'd pet her gently. I took a couple of steps towards the bed and soon my hand was out stretched as I let the cat smell my hand and get familiar before I started to gently stroke the top of her head.

"What a kind kitty." I whispered in a praise, and she purred at the sound of my voice - I couldn't stop the smile that soon was placed onto my lips.

"Huh? What's your name sweet thing?"

She simply purred, her dainty little figure soon moving herself onto her back, her stomach laying openly - her white fluffy coat of fur that covered her said stomach, made me even more intrigued to pet her with gentle hands.

Soon I heard a creak in the floorboards behind me and saw Quentin leaning against the door-frame of mine. His hair was a bit disheveled from the simple act of living and of course there was a teasing smirk across his lips.

"I see you've found Blaise."

"I didn't know you had a cat."

Quentin took slow steps into my room before he crouched down and sat down beside me, he smelled of vanilla mixed with something else I couldn't quite figure out. I didn't like that he was bigger than me, taller. It made me feel oh so small.

"I didn't know you smoked sometimes - I guess there is a lot to learn about each other, huh?"


It was silent for a while - nothing but the loudness of Blaise' purr's echoed in the room as I continue to pet her, her softness and calmness surely made me focused on the good things rather than the bad for a little while. 

"You know Stevie -  we have to have a conversation about how this is going to work between us. I know that you're out of your element here - but that's exactly why I want to help you."

I looked at him, him and his doe eyes - him and his kind face, "I can't just switch, Quentin." I told him firmly. 

"Of course I understand that, Stevie. I am willing to do the best I can to help you have a smooth transition - have you ever slipped before?" he asked ever so carefully. 

"No - if you couldn't figure it out yourself I have been brought up as a dominant my whole life - my family have apparently made the wrong assumptions about my classification. I've never gotten the change to slip, darling." I added the pet name for more sense of dominance as I'm too worried to seem too easy with him. 

"I'm glad you'll get to experience your true classification with me Stevie, dear."

"Well I'm not glad." I crossed my arms with a sigh as I stopped petting Blaise - soon my eyes were set on his. "It will kill my ego if I start getting talked down upon just because I'm a little - 'cause I've thought about it and I really think they've gotten the classification wrong - I really am no little girl for daddy to belittle."

"Whenever you do end up slipping darling - you'll understand that you won't give your ego another thought - you will simply live the life you were destined to live." 

"Doesn't my opinion matter, Quentin? Dom or not I should have the right to follow my gut instinct."

"You can showcase your opinion however you may like, but it is for you and your mind we have classification in the first place," Blaise was soon up and standing before she gently jumped down the bed, shortly her face was nuzzled against my leg as Quentin continued talking. "Tell me Stevie, darling, how often are you feeling stressed or frustrated from the expectations from yourself to be a dominant?"

The question caught me off guard and I was suddenly sat with it swirling the top of my mind. 

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