the war hero who suffers

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"Potterwatch still works?" Her voice (which sounds like an old man after smoking fifty cigarettes) resounded through the small house.


"Bless you," Echoed Evelyn, lips curling up in a rare smile.

"-wrote the passcode somewhere..." Pandora flashed her annoyed face through the door before disappearing again. "Found it! And don't call insult my husband."

Pandora sat beside her on the sofa, holding Luna and the passcode of Potterwatch.

Evelyn took it from her and turned to tune the radio, "Only the Prewett twins would think of something like Dumb-Old-Door."she whispered softly.

"I can't wait for all this to be over." Evelyn made sure to tell her everything she helped Regulus with. Pandora seemed to already have an idea of what Regulus was doing, even helping with some research, but never actively involved. It did hurt to know Pandora knew all this time but Evelyn was left in the dark (with erased memories) but it is useless to argue about that this late.

Her eyes wandered down to a sleeping Luna, and she allowed herself to smile. "We get Regulus, Barty and Evan's names cleared of any crimes, return your brother and Lily's life, and move into one giant home where we can all live together and never ever have to be separated again."

"Dora... No." Evelyn chuckled solemnly, hoping it can be that easy. Pandora eyed her with betrayal. "I don't want to live with the instrument." She added with a pained expression.

"Stop insulting him, Evelyn!" Pandora fakes anger, still a huge smile plastered on her face.

She scoffed and raised an eyebrow at her. "Excuse me? Dora, you're married to a man who swears he sees invisible creatures? And instead of seeing a mind healer about that shit, he writes about it in his incredibly odd magazine."

"Hey! I've seen them too!"

Evelyn tapped the radio once and murmured the passcode, instantly tuning in the station. "Xylophone is so lucky with you."

"Don't call my husband an instrument!"

"TO EVERYONE LISTENING WAR IS FINALLY OVER," The screaming took them off guard, both turning to each other so fast Evelyn saw stars in her vision. "I REPEAT, THE WAR IS OVER. YOU-KNOW-WHO IS DEAD."

The two girls jumped up from their sitting positions, cushions falling to the floor. Evelyn trembled as they waited for more to be said, but nothing came after, only the static sound of the radio meaning the channel was not shut down but instead paused.

Pandora trembled as she walked to the window of the living room, slightly opening the curtains to take a peak outside. Evelyn could see at the distance the silhouettes of the Weasley children running around while Mr. and Mrs. Weasley jumped as well with the children.

"Is it real?" Pandora wondered; voice shaky as she turned back to address Evelyn.

"Let's ju—"

"Just now we have more information, sorry for taking so long. We've been informed you-know-who was murdered about an hour ago, bringing the war to a possible end—"

"-a more than likely end—" one interrupted the other.

"These are the Death Eaters captured after the death of You-Know-Who. Vincent Mulciber, Antonin Dolohov, Evan Rosier, Barty Crouch Jr and Regulus Black. We advise anyone not to leave their hiding places just for now."

Whatever was said was interrupted by an oddly high-pitched whimpering sound that rang through Evelyn's ears. It took a second to register that the sound had come from her, but once it did, she threw a hand over her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut, tears stinging the inner corners of her eyes.

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