getting dragged to a party does help

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This one goes to all those new fans who think regulus can only be gay: fuck you, let people enjoy things without your annoying ass opinion.

God forbid me for the sinful things i wrote in here. Enjoy the shameless porn in this 🫡

Yeah... the gasps beside Evelyn were enough to tell her it was bad.

All eyes were on her. Sweat started forming and her hands trembled with nerves. She ignored the looks. The stares. The whispers. James and Sirius piercing eyes on her were definitely the worst.

Millicent Bagnold continued to stare him down like he was a petulant child. "You removed Evelyn Potter's memories of your moments together and by your own admission left gaps in her mind. How can we be absolutely sure nothing further was tampered with her head? Anything could have happened. How do we know for sure that you didn't plan ahead of yourself for this very moment?"

"She obviously never remembers giving me consent, she never did. But I'd do it again though." Regulus' soft voice rang. Evelyn refused to look at him as she flushed deeply in embarrassment. His reasons for tampering with her memories aren't that valid, but she must give it to him for at least trying. "Why is it so hard to use veritaserum? Or legilimency? Why is it so hard for the Ministry of Magic to be competent for once? No wonder Voldemort had it easy taking the power."

She snorts. Loudly she may add. James quickly wheezing out her name, "Evelyn!"

"What?" She whispered to him, feigning innocence.

"We don't use Legilimency because we know you are skilled in that branch of magic. Veritaserum is the last resource we use. For now, we want you to speak." Bagnold explained. "Why did you tamper with her mind?"

Regulus sighed heavily, all the chains moving along with him before answering. "The reason I erased her memories has nothing to do with this trial, so unless you ask me a valid question then I won't answer."

"We are asking you a question Mister Black. Answer it."

"I was sixteen when I joined- when I became a Death Eater. Still at Hogwarts. Still wanting to keep my girlfriend. And I was seventeen when I went looking for the first horcrux, forgive me for thinking the best way to keep her safe from knowing was by erasing myself from her memories."

"If you wanted to keep her away from it, why seek her out again?"

"I needed help. More than Rosier and Crouch's help. Potter having a direct connection to the Order could somehow ensure al Horcurx's were destroyed in case any of us were to die."

Bagnold seemed to be satisfied with that answer, even if Crouch wasn't as much. He whispered to her, only for the Minister to wave her hand lazily ignoring his words. "Any words before we proceed with said methods?"

"Messing with her memories has nothing to do with this trial, it takes away the attention from the actual problem."

See, here is a thing about Regulus. After years of knowing him, he isn't one to act recklessly. He plans. He knows what to say and how to say it. Shaming the ministry for their incompetent ways is just one of those plans when she visibly sees him trying to hide a knowing smirk. He got them. And with this she relaxes immediately. Because whatever he planned for them to see inside his mind must be enough.

Veritaserum is out of the question. Apparently too many wizards during the war forced themselves to grow immune to it. Now it was up to (apparently) the best known Legilimens to determine if Regulus has been telling the truth and store his memories for further analyses.

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