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"So who do you think is gonna win?," Ran asked Y/n, who had just pulled out her phone. On her screensaver was a picture of an unsuspecting Rindou. "When did you take that?"

"A few months ago," Y/n started off, reminiscing of the time in question. She smiled as she put her phone back into her pocket, momentarily forgetting why she brought it out.

Two months ago

"Come here, love," Y/n called to Rindou. She was seated on his bed in a pair of shorts and one of his T-shirts, her usual blindfoldwas gone revealing her glaming (e/c) eyes. As she patted the spot in front of her for him to sit, he groaned in annoyance as a bit of blood ran down his cheek. He had just beat the shit out of a guy who called Y/n a bitch. The only wound he had received in return was a small cut on his upper cheek that wouldn't stop bleeding.

Rindou sat criss-cross in front of the girl who had captured his heart. She brought a wipe to his face to clean off a bit of the blood. "Now keep in mind, I'm a queen, not a doctor." She said jokingly to hopefully put ease on the teen. He clinched his fists slightly when she dabbed some alcohol on the cut to clean it. She frowned at him trying not to react to the burn in his cut. As she lowered the alcohol and placed a bandage over it, she lightly kissed it.

Once he felt her kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him. She chuckled and responded with her own embrace. He smiled and pecked her lips lightly, causing her to smile brightly. She leaned away from him a bit, keeping her arms around him.

"How about a give you a massage? Take it as a thank you for defending me, my brave knight," she asked, gazing at Rindou with nothing but love and affection. He let out a small huff as a smile creeped onto his face.

"You know you don't need to thank me. You would have done the same thing if our positions were flipped," Rindou said with absolute certainty. She nodded slightly, "After all, that's what partners do. We defend each other even when it's not needed."

Y/n's smile grew more as she placed her hands on Rindou's face gently and pulled his lips to hers. The kiss lasted for a few moments before they pulled away. She rested her forehead against his as they looked into each other's eyes, communicating silently.

After a moment, she jumped off Rindou's bed, "You're definitely getting a massage now!" Rindou laughed at his girlfriend, who looked like a kid on Christmas. "Come on," she stepped up to him, taking his glasses before putting them on herself. "Off with the shirt, and lay on your stomach," Y/n demanded playfully.

"Sounds like the start to a bad porn," Rin laughed as he complied with her demands. His comment caused a laugh from the girl.

"You're such a dork," She stated as he laid on his bed with his arms crossed for his head to lay in.

"You know you love me," he rebuttaled.

"That I do, my knight. That I do," she confirmed before starting to massage his back.


"I took that picture after his massage. He was sitting near the window in the perfect lighting." Y/n stated after reminiscing to Ran about her picture of Rindou. Ran made a weird face at his friend, who he considered a sister.

"Why do you never offer me massages? I get tense muscles too," he asked, pouting.

She responded by patting the older males head, "You never asked~." Rindou lightly chuckled at his older brothers pouting face.

"You never told me you could do them," Ran retorted. He paused for a moment before looking at his brother with a look of betrayal, "Neither did you! You little traitor.." Ran thought for a moment before continuing, "Is she any good?"

"Oh yeah," Rin answered quickly, "I swear her hands were blessed by God's. Honestly, I don't think my backs ever felt so good in my life." Ran made a face before going to make a comment before Rindou cut him off. "If you make a perverted comment, I'm pushing you off this car." Y/n laughed, patting Rin's arms that were around her waist.

"You no fun," Ran pouted again before perking back up. "I want a massage when we get home."

"What do you say?" Y/n asked teasingly.

Ran grabbed one of Y/n's hands before dramatically bowing his head. "Your majesty, would you please bless your humble knight with a massage once be return to the castle?" Rin started laughing lightly at his girl and brothers banter.

"Of course, sir knight. For what kind of queen would I be if I let my people suffer?" Ran and Y/n suddenly joined Rindou's laughter. Ran dropped Y/n hand once the trio finished with their chuckling.

"I am ever so grateful, Your Highness," Ran stated as the three turned their attention back to the brawl.

They soon saw Mikey get whacked in the head with a metal pipe. Y/n let out a low whispered, "that's gonna be a killer headache."

Mikey was then held by two guys and was repeatedly hit in the head with the same pipe by Kazutora. "Mikey's lost," Rindou says resting his head back on Y/n's shoulder.

"Nah," she chirps up, catching the Haitani's attention. "You haven't won til your opponent is either dead or can't fight anymore. If I learned anything from all my fights over the years, that is definitely what I would pass on." Rin nodded as the trio resumed watching.

The three could tell something was being conversed between Kazutora and Mikey, but they couldn't hear from the distance. They watched as one of the guys who was holding Mikey was knocked out and the other was being lifted with just Mikeys leg to kick Kazutora in the head, effectively knocking out the two.

"Told you so," Rin pinched Y/n's side lightly, causing her to elbow him in the stomach somewhat gently.

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