XXII. Trouble-attracting Franklyn

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Hannibal sat behind his desk, looking at some patient folders while he had just finished his lunch. Left from the night prior, it was still as delicious as he made it; although he was far more interested in freshly made food.

At the same time, though, he did not like good food to go to waste and since both Rana and Tobias had left without finishing it; he decided to do it himself. Now that he was all done, he had chosen to look at Franklyn's folder one last time.

His latest patient not only had grown too attached to Hannibal but at the same time had started to suspect Tobias' true nature. He ended up being an unnecessary risk in his life and he was not going to keep him.

A simple referee to someone else would solve all his problems. Now, if Tobias did become successful and take down Will; he would have less competition for Rana. If Will managed to take down Tobias, then another major threat would have been taken care of without him truly having to do anything.

A knock on his door came as a surprise before he got the scent of the only person he wouldn't mind seeing any time of the day. With a small smirk, he stood up and headed for the door in a few elegant steps.

Once he opened it, he was greeted by the pleasant sight of Rana. Since it was early winter and even the faintest of snow had arrived, she had ditched the jackets and was now in favour of old brown long coats and black long-sleeved blouses. Her dirty blond hair was let loose and her FBI badge as per usual was around her neck.

"Hey, I hope I am not bothering," she said with a charming smile and lifted the wine bottle. "I thought of making up for last night after leaving so suddenly"

Hannibal was impressed by her boldness, choosing to come to his territory all willingly. It was a good sign that she had started to lower her guard around him, trusting him more and even thinking of him more.

That was what he wanted and he looked to have started acquiring it step by step. As one ancient Greek Philosopher said: Patience is the Golden Virtue.

"There was no need but I always appreciate the thought. Please, come in" he said with his charming smile and stepped to the side, allowing her to walk into his office.

Her scent reached his nose once again and he took a moment to savour it like he would do with a well-aged wine. Although, he did prefer when it was his scent on her instead that would eventually come.

Once inside, he closed the door and went to his little kitchen to grab two glasses while she placed the wine on his desk. "I presume you are free for now?" he heard her ask as he made his way towards her.

"For an hour, yes. I have just finished my lunch. Have I known you would visit, I would have packed more" he explained and placed the glasses on the desk before taking the bottle. He checked the label and he did not hide the fact that he was impressed by her choice. "A very Fine Choice and one I would also prefer for midday drinking"

Rana smiled and leaned on his desk with her back, watching him pour the red liquid into the two glasses before handing her one. "One thing you should know about me, Dr Lecter; I am very good at picking up things from People," she said, having chosen to address him more formally just for the sake of pure amusement.

He brought his glass forward and let the two of them touch with a faint but enjoyable 'cling' before he brought the glass to his lips. "Then, I better be aware of that next time Agent Stones," he said and took an enjoyable sip of the fresh and good wine. She took a few sips of his wine, a smile hidden behind the rim of her glass. "So, what brings you here, Rana? Forgive me but I do fear this is not a plain visit"

The FBI agent lowered her glass faintly, hating the fact that she was so easily read by him. She did not truly like it but at the same time, it did make things easier for her instead of having to find an excuse to bring the topic up.

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