Chapter 26

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Beyoncé pulls in behind Jay's car. Y/n's house looms over her as she unloads groceries.
MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL blares from a TV as Beyoncé lugs grocery bags though the door. She sees boxes of Jay's things stacked against the wall.

Beyoncé(calling):I'm home.

Jay: In here.

Beyoncé enters to find Blue and Jay eating pizza and watching he game. Blue refuses to look her way.

Beyoncé: Sorry I wasn't here to help you
with your stuff.

Jay: It's okay, the kids gave me a hand.
Y/n emerges from a nearby bathroom.

Y/n:  Hi, Mrs.Knowles.
Y/n deliberately brushes up against her as she passes. She plops down on the couch next to Jay.

Y/n: What I miss?

Jay: It's first and third.
(to Beyoncé )Come sit down, honey. Have some pizza.

Y/n: Yeah, there's plenty.
Y/n scoots over to create a space between herself and Jay . She pats the couch.

Beyoncé: Uh, no. I've got groceries ...
She wanders out of the room.

Beyoncé puts the groceries away. Y/n enters and helps herself to a soda from the refrigerator.

Y/n: Do we have any chips?
She searches through the bags and pulls some out. Beyoncé grabs them from her.

Beyoncé: You can eat your own chips in your own home. She turns her back on her , stuffing the chips into the cupboard. Y/n  comes up behind her. Breathes on her.

Y/n: Come over tonight. After they're
asleep. Say three o'clock.

Beyoncé: Go fuck yourself.

Y/n: Let's see ... Who would you prefer
I show our video to first? Jay ? Or maybe ...
(calling out) Blue?

Blue: Yeah?
Beyoncé's tough facade instantly crumbles. Then, just as she's about to call out to Blue again:

Beyoncé :Don't.
Without taking her eyes off of Beyoncé , Y/n calls to Blue.

Y/n:  You want a soda?

Blue:Yeah, and bring some chips.
Y/n reaches past Beyoncé to the chips, pressing her against the counter.

Y/n: I'll leave a light on.
She grabs another soda and heads back to Jay and Blue, whistling a light-hearted tune.

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