Chapter 36

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At the side door, she rings the bell and peers through the window. Inside, a BLACK CAT stares out at her.
Beyoncé raps on the window. The cat startles and scampers off.

Beyoncé: Kelly ! Open up! It's me!
No answer. Beyoncé removes A KEY hidden under a potted plant.
She enters, flicks on a light.

Beyoncé: Kels?
The cat meows at her from a distance, then runs.

Beyoncé walks through, noticing nothing out of place. She comes to a door open only a crack. The cat squeezes in.

Beyoncé : Kels?
She pushes the door open and peers into the bathroom.
She enters, looks around. The cat weaves between her legs, purring loudly.

Beyoncé : Hey, you're all wet.
She looks down and sees ... HER SHINS COVERED IN BLOOD
She cries out and the cat scurries into the bathroom, painting a blood stain on the door. Beyoncé presses a trembling hand to the bathroom door and pushes it open.
A FIGURE suddenly appears in front of her.
She jumps back. Then sees it's just her own reflection in a full length mirror. She forces herself to go in.
The bathtub is shrouded by a BLOOD-SPATTERED SHOWER CURTAIN. Filled with dread, Beyoncé flings the shower curtain open. To her surprise, the tub is empty, spotless.

She stares, bewildered. Then, in the quiet, she hears a SLOW DRIPPING. She slowly turns and sees Kelly's BODY
hanging on the back of the door, the towel hook skewered through her throat, her blood dripping onto the white tile.
Beyoncé reels back, gripping the sink to keep from collapsing. She staggers out of the room.
Beyoncé heaves with sobs as she races to Kelly's Mustang. She gets in and takes off, her tires squealing.
She searches her purse for her phone. She veers over the double yellow line and into the path of an oncoming car.
She careens back into her own lane with no time to spare. She finds her phone and dials.
Jay's VOICEMAIL: You have reached Shawn Carter...

Beyoncé: Dammit!!! Jay answer the fucking phone. I know I fucked up but don't try to act all innocent Jay you did your dirt too... that's beside the point
Kelly's dead, Jay... Stay away from the house ...

Jay's Mercedes pulls into the driveway.
As he parks, a bleary-eyed Blue sitting next to him notices a light in Y/n's bedroom window.
Suddenly, Blue scrambles out of the car and rushes toward Y/n's house.

Jay(calling): Blue! No!

Before Blue even gets to the door, Y/n swings it open.

Y/n: Hey, man. No hard --

Blue punches her in the gut. Y/n doubles over with a groan. Then, she begins to laugh.

Y/n: Look pal, if you really want to do
some damage, you aim for the face.
Blue swings at her jaw. She dodges the punch. Blue swings again but gets only air. Infuriated, she tackles Y/n to the floor and flails at her head and chest.

Blue: You fuckin' ... You were my friend.
Jay arrives and pulls Blue off.

Jay: Blue . Come on. Come on. That's
no way to handle this.
Blue fights Jay , but emotion soon overwhelms her and she collapses against Jay with a sob.

Jay: It's going to be okay. We're going
to work this out. As a family. Y/n staggers to her feet.

Y/n: You think she wants any part of
your pathetic little "family." All your "be a bigger man" bullshit. From the guy who fucks around. Some big man, Jay.
(to Blue):
And you, you self-centered little prick. When was the last time you even told her you loved her? You both had your chance. I'm the one she turned to when she needed someone. I am her family.
Jay stares at Y/n, the kid's madness fully dawning on him.

Jay: She was right. You are one twisted
little bastard.
With that, Y/n charges at Jay , but Jay grabs her by the collar and slams her against the wall.

Jay: Let me tell you something, you piece
of shit. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than some little bitch to tear this family apart.
Jay lets go of her and puts his arm around Blue .

Jay:Come on, Blue . Let's go home.
They leave together. Y/n remains pressed against the wall, shaken.

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