Welcome & Rules

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Hello! Welcome to the Original Character Review / Hospital! Where we will attempt to help you improve your character! Currently we only have one person on the team, but this may change. We do have a few rules as anything like this does, and we would appreciate it if you complied with these rules!

1. No joke sues, what I mean by this is that if you jokingly put in a character that is a Mary sue and make it sound like you actually want this character to be not terrible, which leads us to rule two.

2. Please state the purpose of your OC, an example would be if your character is a joke sue we will review it as such.

3. It would be great if you told us what fandom this character is from, it is easier for us to review this character correctly based on the canon.

4. Hate the review not the reviewer. If you are not satisfied with the review please do not attack us, we are human too behind the computer and we know it may be hard to remember.

5. Please tell us if you are not satisfied with the review please tell us! We would greatly appreciate it so we can improve our reviewing abilities.

6. Please refrain from putting especially profane content in your description. We do not want to read about all the 'fun times' your character has had.

These are all the current rules there is also one thing you should know, do not be alarmed if your character description is deleted, that means we are currently working on your review.

[Get to know the reviewer]


Hello! I am Leav-The-Willow but you can call me Willow! I am the first reviewer on here and I want to help creators improve their characters. I accept any fandom, and original fandoms included! If I do not have knowledge on a fandom I will attempt to gain knowledge of the fandom before reviewing which is why some reviews may take longer than others. My review style tends to be quite blunt and straightforward.


Hello, my name is Gus, don't be offended I might insult your OC to the point where you cr, but that's because I have really harsh criticism, nothing personal, I just want to give you some good constructive criticism.

O.C. Review and AdviceWhere stories live. Discover now