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It was a cold night in Mumbai, India and I had to go through the Marine Lines in the south to Kandivali in the north. It was 2 AM and I knew it was dangerous as hell to roam around this time. Beads of sweat form on my forehead still I had to go there. As I already accepted that it was my fate and I was the one who chose this life, so I was not in a situation to blame anyone. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and continued walking.

"Let's do this," I encouraged myself and started running. I found a tea stall and requested the vendor to save me. He let me hide under his stall and covered it with sheets. Soon the people who were following me asked him if he saw a girl running.

He nodded his head and pointed in the other direction. I witnessed everything from beneath. After a few minutes, he asked me to come out. I had tear stains on my face, my eyes were red and puffy; whenever I cry my eyes turn like this. "Who were they?" he asked me.

"My uncle and cousins, they killed my parents... for property and now they want to kill me as well. I... I somehow escaped," I said tearing up.

He smirked and said, "They will help you to go to the police station," he said pointing towards three men who were standing behind me. They weren't there before.

I knew something was fishy with those men but still, I decided to go with the flow. I nodded and thanked him for the last time.

I followed them to the car and sat on the seat behind the driver. One of the men came and settled beside me.

Soon the car started and my eyes were fixed on the road. They crossed the street that could lead us to the police station. I panicked but decided not to show it. They are certainly not good people, I thought, and started scanning all of them. The ride was silent like the eye of the storm and one part of me was relaxed that they didn't ask me anything.

Soon the car stopped. I came outside only to see myself standing in front of an abandoned factory. I was aware of what was coming next.

"What have you put yourself in girl?" I said under my breath.

The man who was sitting beside me grabbed me by my arm and started dragging me. In no time I was in front of a container. I tried to resist lightly but he pushed me into it without saying anything.

It was pitch dark there but I could hear gossiping and light sobbing. My retina adjusted its size and I could see hundreds of helpless women, they all were tied. My eyes were scanning for one person and as I saw her, my body became stiff.

Two men who were in charge of that place, grabbed me by my upper arm. I checked if there were some more guards, but luckily, there were none. I felt someone's hand on my butt and he squeezed it. I closed my eyes in frustration and in a blink of a second I injected him with a sedative that was in my pocket. Before the second one could understand anything in a blink of a second I punched him and tied him by a chair.

I requested all of them to stay calm and not make any noise. "I am a cop," I said and untied one of the women, she helped me untie the other woman. My feet dragged me to the woman who was eight months pregnant and the moment she saw me she hugged me tightly and started crying.

"Shusshhh Sunita everything is fine," I said and patted her back. "Let's go back home Dipti and Abhishek are waiting for you," she hugged me even more tightly. I comforted her and took my Nokia 3210 out of my socks and switched it on. "Sir, around 150 women are here," I informed him everything about the present circumstances and confirmed the way to this place.

I closed the container from the inside and started waiting for my team to arrive.

Half an hour later, we heard firing from outside and someone tried to barge into the container as it was locked from the inside so he was not able to get in.

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