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I regret every decision I made. I should have sued everyone, including my parents. I should have planned to take my revenge instead of losing hope. I should have beat the shit out of Abhimanyu. I should have saved my girl without thinking about Abdul.

It took the headquarters about two months to finally uncover the truth about the politician. However, they couldn't catch him because he was not in India. He was hiding somewhere. The man who was in charge of shifting them was found dead. His body was found in Canada.

I was allowed to use the training center but they didn't send me on any mission. "Sir please give me some work," I asked Mr. Kant.

"There is a mission but it is too dangerous. I can't guarantee that you'll return from this mission. We had lost three of our agents."

"I'll do that," I said without thinking twice. I don't care how dangerous it could be but still, it is far safer than my nightmares.

"I'll first discuss it with the board and then let you know. However your ban is just revoked, still take it slow," He said.

When I came out I saw Harpreet, he was my junior in Mumbai. "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"My brother who went missing... we finally got information about him," he said.

"That's good to hear, where did you find him?"

"He was working undercover for RAW in Pakistan and he is no more," he said. "I am here to meet Mr. P. Kant. I got a bunch of letters from him."

I decided to help him to meet Mr. Kant. He handed over the letters to him and after reading them Mr Kant said that these letters are fake, "Someone is using your brother as bait, we never send any spy in Pakistan whose name was Manpreet. They are using your brother's name for some purpose." He declared.

"But this handwriting is his, I believe that," Harpreet said.

"You are mistaken, I assured you that we had never sent your brother to Pakistan."

"Please sir help us... the letter said that he is dead and they will not give his body till India accepts that he was a spy."

"I'll look into the matter," Mr Kant said.

When Harpreet went Mr. Kant went back to his cabin and I followed him. "Is he the Manpreet which..."

"Yes," he said, "I could do nothing. I was the one who recruited him twelve years ago. I saw him at a college fest in Amritsar. I offered him to work for us and he came to Delhi. He lied to his family that he got a job in Bangalore. We trained him and sent him to Lahore where he became Major in the military. Our best spy in Islamabad. Six months ago one of our messengers was caught and he told everything to Pakistan's intelligence about Manpreet. He was caught but we somehow took his children out of Pakistan. His wife was killed in front of his eyes and they tortured him till death. We also got many letters from him but we can't do anything except refusing them."

I took one of the letters and instantly regretted reading it, " Please take me away from here. They had kept me in an underground cell. The level of torture is increasing day by day yesterday they put the stick in my anus and today they broke a beer bottle there. I am bleeding and they are not providing me any medical assistance. Please do something and take me out of here."

Another letter was saying that they mutilated his genitals and kept him in a box full of worms. He was given urine to drink and he had not eaten anything for over six days. I kept that paper back on the table without reading it any further.

"He died a week ago," Mr Kant let out.

"It's better to die than being caught," I muttered. "Where are his children?" I asked him.

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