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The next day I woke up alone in bed. I searched for him but he was nowhere to be found. 

After doing my morning routine I decided to cook for myself. I opened the fridge and was surprised to see it was loaded with fruits, vegetables, milk, and meat.

That was unexpected, so a smile appeared on my face. Please don't be nice Abhimanyu, otherwise it would be difficult for me to kill you. 

The only thing that I did was cooking and eating. I made breakfast and had it. I made lunch and finished it alone. I decided to make dinner for two expecting that he will join me and I passed out on the couch while waiting for him. 

It was 2 AM and I heard the sound of the door creaking. I woke up only to find Abhimanyu in the arms of an unknown woman. He was wasted.

He signalled the women to go to his bedroom. For a moment I felt weak on my knees. "I can't let this happen," I mumbled and ran toward him.

"You can go now," I said and held his hand. I wanted to shout at her but something was holding me, maybe she was forced. 

"She is not going anywhere," Abhimanyu shouted.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow Abhi," I said and signalled the woman to go back. 

"Who are you to order me?"

"I'm your wife, Abhimanyu," I said to him while dragging him into the bedroom. "Why are you still here?" I asked the woman who came with him.

She started taking baby steps toward the main door. 

"Stop," Abhimanyu shouted and pushed me. 

He went back to that woman and grabbed her elbow. He was dragging her toward the bedroom and I kept stopping him. 

"It is wrong Abhimanyu, let her go. I'm warning you."

He stopped and started walking toward me. I moved back in response. My back touched the wall and he locked me in between his arms. 

"Do you know who I am?" He said while looking directly into my eyes. "Who are you to rule me, woman?"

"Abhi, please... Please don't do... this, you are scaring me." I said in bewilderment.

A devilish smirk formed on his face, "This is what I want. You should never forget who I'm and this look on your face… I just love it." He turned his face toward that woman and said, "Enter that room on the left and strip yourself. I want you naked and on your four." 

Tears started flowing down from my eyes. He leaned closer to my ear  and whispered, "I'll see you in the morning Mrs Abhimanyu Sherawat."

He backed off and I was not in a position to hold myself, I shouted at him, "Why are you doing this?"

"I'm needy darling and you are not helping me out."

"What do you mean?" I asked even though I realised his intentions. 

"Sleep with me."

"What do you think of me?" I shouted, losing all my calm. 

"My wife," he said.

"So this is how you treat your wife," I asked, coming closer to him.

"I'm your husband and it's your duty to fulfill all my desires, isn't it?"

"Do you even treat me like a wife?"

"I can treat you like one... You know I can make you scream my name all night."

I slapped him, causing him to change the direction of his face. He chortled and looked at me," I can force you and no one is gonna help you out but I want you to surrender yourself."

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