Chapter 1: Hostage Situation

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[Work in Progress.]

[Location: U.S. International Airport.]
[Time: 13:06]
[Start Transmission.]


(As the camera turns on, the screen shows Y/N looking through his case as he spotted his shotgun named "Excavator"...

He then started loading his guns, including his Desert Eagle, he was also listening to the conversation between two police officers as their fellow officers are keeping the civilians away from the restricted area)

Officer-1: "I've heard we're getting some help from the best C.T.U. in the world."

Officer-2: "That's right. They're called 'Team Rainbow', they have the units from all around the world."

Officer-1: "Goddamn...How many?"

Officer-2: "Too many, if i have to say their countries, i'll say they have U.S.A., France, Germany, Russia, U.K., and etc."

Officer-1: *whistles* "Lucky us."

Officer-2: "Amen."

(The former shadow member was intrigued by their conversation, he never expected an organization running multiple counter-terrorism units at once...

After finishing checking his weapons from his case, a helicopter was seen landing on the land zone where the securities have marked for the rescue team...

Once the helo landed, the door opens sliding to the right as 5 people were seen hopping off the helicopter as their pilot was staying inside, making the mute shadow thinking he would circle around for the extraction...

As he takes a closer look, he notices two members of the team were females, one was wearing sunglasses, a cap and she has red hair with a ponytail, the other was wearing not-so-tight jeans with sneakers and her eyes were light blue...

After looking at the team, he notices each members were talking with different accents, immediately guessing which countries they're from)

Velikan: 'F.B.I., S.A.S., G.I.G.N., GSG-9 and Speznaz...Interesting...' as he thought...

(He then closes his case and locks it as the screen shows the head chief of police department heading towards the team)

Head Chief: "Team Rainbow, correct?"

FBI: "Yessir. That's us. Call me 'Ash', these are my partners." *gestures at her team*

SAS: "Alright mate, talk to us."

Head Chief: "This way."

(He guides Team Rainbow inside a tent where the briefing meeting is, the team notices the mute shadow sitting on a case with his LMG displaying on his left...

The Head Chief noticed their staring towards Velikan, so he decided to break the silence)

Head Chief: "This soldier helped us saving one of the hostage from getting executed, he likes to be called either 'Velikan' or 'Megalith'."

FBI: "Engaging the terrorist without giving the green light? What if he missed his shot and got the hostage killed?"

Head Chief: "That may be true, but our sidearms didn't have such range to prevent the execution." *looks at Y/N* "They are from Team Rainbow, the C.T.U. company we were talking about."

Speznaz: "What plan do we make?"

FBI: "Glaz, you'll be our sniper, so take overwatch."

Glaz: "Understood."

A Shadow Within the Rainbow (R6S x Male "Velikan" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now