Y/N L/N; Codename "Velikan", was once part of a PMC named Shadow Company.
After hearing the news about General Shepherd betraying 1-4-1, he left the company on his own term, many tried to stop the silent soldier but they didn't succeeded...
(A static appears on the screen, as if the cam is reading the signal outside. After a few seconds, the screen gets clearer and better before it shows Ash and Fuze talking and pointing at the map for making a plan...
Alongside with them, there are two canadian special forces named "Frost" and "Buck", which they got assigned to work alongside with Rainbow Six for today's mission...
The cam slowly makes its way down to Velikan's shotgun, counting each shells by loading it into the gun.)
Ash: "Alright, listen up. We're making a small briefing to understand what situation we're in right now." *looks at Y/N, sternly* "Velikan. This time, i want you to listen to my plan. Am i clear?"
(Y/N remains quiet and nods his head, understanding what Ash just asked.)
Fuze: "Come on, comrade. Share your voice with us, Nyet?"
(Y/N stays quiet again before going back on checking both of his weapons.)
Buck: "Is there any problems?"
Ash: *sighs* "None. He's just new and acts like Mute."
Frost: "Is he also mute?"
Fuze: "We do not know, comrade. But as long as he shoots at White Mask scumbags, that's all matter. Da?"
Buck: "Yeah, that makes sense."
(Buck and Frost look at Ash.)
Frost: "What's the plan, captain?"
(Ash begins to show the map to the team, all of them besides Y/N are looking at it for make Ash's strategy.)
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Ash: "As i mentioned to Fuze and Velikan, one of them will use the shield and be the lead pointer while the other goes around the house and enter from behind."
Frost: "Sounds good. Who's taking the back?"
Buck: "I'll go. Velikan, you're with me?"
(Y/N pumps his shotgun in confirmation as an empty shell comes out from the side.)