Part Thirteen

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The boys were coming home today for a two month break. I woke up at two and got in the shower getting ready to see them I wore a pair of light jeans and a nude strapless top. 

About two hours later I grabbed my keys going to leave for Remingtons where we were going to meet but as soon as I opened the door I got a text from Emerson.

E: Traffic is super bad today, driver said we won't make it home until either really late or tomorrow. Sorry darlin' love you.

M: damn I was just about to leave

E: I'm sorry hun

M: It's okay I'm gonna go to sleep or something.

E: alright I love you

M: love you too.

I walked back in the apartment and changed from my jeans to a pair of sweats leaving the top on. I pulled my hair up and charged up my phone walking into the kitchen "hey?" I said seeing a guy with dreads looking in the fridge "oh, your De'arion?" I asked when he turned around "and your Mia" he said holding out his hand for me to shake "yeah, nice to meet you where's Julia?" "oh, she's getting ready were going out." "oh, okay have fun" I said walking back to my room after grabbing a water.

It was around Ten and I was laying on the couch watching a movie when I got a text from Remington. 

R: you still up?

M: yeah what's up?

R: good open the door

I furrowed my eyebrows reading the message pausing my movie and walking to the door. I unlocked it and opened it seeing Remington standing in front of me. "oh my god," I said throwing my arms around him he chuckled pulling me closer to him "I missed you." he said resting his chin on mine "oh my god" I mumbled again not believing he was here. "where's everyone else?" I asked closing the door once he walked in "no idea they thought you weren't awake so they just went home." "you didn't?" "I didn't care, I had to see you." he said putting his thumb under my chin tilting it up to look at him "Remmy." I said as my breathing hitched he smirked leaning down pushing his lips against mine, he pulled away moving his thumb to my lips pulling the bottom one down before dropping his hand. 

I grabbed his hand pulling him to the couch sitting beside him "tell me about tour." I said smiling "It's good, you definitely need to come back with us and do merch our girl keeps trying to get with me." he chuckled "I might." I shrugged "no, you will" he said grabbing my legs pulling them onto his lap "well why should I?" "to see me, to be our merch girl, to see Emerson." he said rolling his eyes at the last part "Remmy..." I trailed off "your mine now, he needs to know" he said cupping my cheek "am I?" "are you?" he mocked "I don't know, I feel bad, this is wrong." "but it feels right." he said leaning in but not kissing me "tell me you love me" he said against my lips "I-I love you" I gulped "I know" he smiled against my lips before closing the space between us, He pulled away resting his forehead against mine. I stretched my neck out pressing my lips against his. My eyes shot open and I pulled away hearing laughter flooding the apartment. "Mia!" Julia hickuped running to me engulfing me in a hug falling into me "Julia." I mocked looking over at Remington "oh," she pulled away looking at him "hi, Remington I didn't know you were coming." she said drunkinly he smiled and waved "Babe! this is Mia's" she trailed off not knowing what to call him "Remington" she finished as De'arion walked into the room "Mia's Remington? nice to meet you." he said extending his hand to him "likewise" Remington said shaking it "this is De'arion." I said to Rem "oh." he said as they sat across from us 'sorry' I mouthed looking over at him.

Me and Remington sat awkwardly staring at each other as Julia talked about something "okay, have fun were going to bed" Julia said standing up pulling D to her room smirking at me with a wink. "they might be back" I sighed laying down on my back "take me to your room, they won't go in there." he said pulling me up. "take off your shoes Leith." I said watching as he almost layed on my bed "right, sorry" he said kicking his boots off "better?" he asked laying back "better." I said grabbing the hand he held out for me, he pulled me down on top of him wrapping his arms around my back looking up at me "I never asked if you liked your song?" "I loved it" I said biting my lip "good." he said pecking my lips.

Me and Remington stayed up all night taking and watching movies finally falling asleep around four. 

I woke up feeling kisses trailing up my neck, I turned my head seeing Remington smiling at me "good morning." "morning." I stretched pecking his lips "what time is it?" I asked pushing his hair back "twelve." he said pulling me into him "remmy" I laughed pushing on his chest "whaty" he mocked kissing my temple "we need to go soon." I said looking up at him "let me enjoy having you before I have to go back to sharing you." he said pushing his lips to mine "I promise you'll have me soon, I don't know how much longer I can be heartbroken for him." I said setting up "do you love him" he asked placing his head in my lap looking up at me "I mean yeah just I thought it was more then friends but now I don't think so." I said playing with his hair "I'm sorry" he apologized "It's not your fault, I was confused" I said looking back down at him "I still am" I said truthfully "I know" he said setting up. "can I shower?" he asked standing up out of bed I nodded and pointed to the door watching as he walked away. 

I pulled out my phone smiling at the picture I took of him last night posting it with the caption 'look who came to see me last night. @remingtonleith missed you!' 

We took his car to Sebastians seeing everyone already there he turned off the car looking over at me "mine." he said leaning in pressing his lips on mine "let's go" I sighed pulling away opening the car door. "Hi darlin'" Emerson said wrapping his arms around me I looked over seeing Remington take a deep breath and smile at me walking off "hi Emmy!" I said hugging him back "you came with Remington?" he asked pulling away "yeah, he came to see me last night and fell asleep on the couch." I lied kissing his cheek to reassure him "I'm just jealous he saw you before I did." he said kissing my cheek I gave him a half smile as he grabbed my hand walking in the living room.

Authors note: I don't know which one of the three I feel worse for..Emerson getting cheated on by his girlfriend and brother, Remington having to share Mia with his brother, or Mia stuck between the two boys she loves the most. 

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