Edge of 2nd

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Before I got to the Edge Rooftop I was praying on Hannah's bed. I was so nervous to have a good date with this boy. I praying for something to come out of this. I got to the Edge at 8:09 p.m. I passed the Public Parking garage. I went back around by 2nd and Brazos. He was at the front of the Marriott hotel just like he said. When I walked up I forgot how tall he was. He hugged me tight. When I hugged him, he smelled really good. I forgot to compliment his cologne. I think I gave him a friend hug, but I want to be more than friends. I wanted him. We walked in and the hotel was massive. I think I was mostly awed by him wanting me with him on this date. He asked the front desk for the Rooftop Bar. It was on the 5th floor. We walked to the elevator. He said he was flying out to California and then to Denver for a guys' trip with his ex-coworker/roommate. How did I deserve this life? I was amazed I got to walk out there with someone who I found interest in and hopefully found interest in me. We sat down; he thanked the waitress. I did too but this is what I hate about first dates. The waitress gave me wide eyes waiting for my answer. She knew we were on our first date. I don't like that they knew. I like to keep my relationships private. It took us a while to order because I didn't know what to order. I was profusely sweating out of nerves and how good-looking my date was. I casually wiped the sweat from my armpits in front of him. Not sure if he noticed. I thought out of sight out of mind. I told myself I wasn't going to drink but I was ordering a drink, there was a drink called Sunset on Congress. "It was meant to be."

"It's fate" We were just talking about fate, destiny with just where we were, I chose the date for us this time. The drinks came and I was nervous because I got a massive drink. I didn't realize how big it was. I barely drank any of it. I felt really bad. I knew I wasn't going to finish it. He thankfully came in handy and drank two drinks. Now he knows that I don't really drink and when he orders he might just get one next time for himself. The date could've been an hour but it took 2 hours, because I didn't drink my drink. When I had barely even touched it, the waitress came up and asked if I liked it. I bent my head in shame. When the waiter was gone, I pauses and explained why I did that. I told him about the time in Venice when the waiter asked me the same question. This time having a different answer.

"Do you like it?"

"I wanted to try a white wine instead."

I was being a Karen then and my sister Hannah was annoyed. Then guys came to sit a little to close with us and I knocked over the glass of red wine. I didn't want to ramble on about myself.

I repeated what I could remember from yesterday about D.C weather and where was from which was Maryland. He went to high school in Maryland and then to Maryland University. He has two degrees in Mathematics and Finance. He played "tennis, baseball, hockey, football, and track etc." The one sport he said, I perked up when I heard "tennis". I was amazed it was the first sport he said he plays the most now is hockey. I should've seen that coming. I did not want to stereotyping him. I think my brain did it for me. Did he know something I didn't? He really gets the best of me. There was a group of people who stood up and were taking pictures. We were in the background. I turned away from it trying to be nonchalant. He wanted to photobomb. He had half a heart out for me and I finished it for him. It took me back to a time at The Arches. When my parents tired to make a heart and it failed miserably. Of course, he was confused at first at what I was meaning. I explained it in better detail. I wasn't really paying attention to the sunset but I was more paying attention to the person in front of me. He said he liked his view which was me. I said can I agree with you being on the other side. He was into reading articles and knowledge based readings. I asked him if he was interested in learning A&P. I started quizzing him on A&P, he knew the names of the nerves like olfactory and optic nerves, but he did not know that they also went by CN I and CNII. "Glaucoma was caused by putting to much pressure on the optic nerve" which was true. I was impressed by that.

What is the CN X ? He had no clue. I told him the answer after 4 minutes. It's valgus.

If he had got that answer, how would you feel?"

I said "Infatuated". He said "Not the word I was thinking and laughed."

What were you thinking of?


I can't remember everything we talked about. When it was time for us to leave, he asked if I was ready to go and I was. I think we both walked pretty fast away from there. I was hoping to take ahold of his hand but I did not. We walked back the way we came. We got in the elevator and you know the story about elevators. Yes I felt a little sexual tension no enough to go for it. He was eyeing me to see if I would fall for it. I was more concerned about getting caught. I truly wanted his arm to guide me out the door. We were to far away physically for my liking. Outside on the pavement I nudged him playfully. He asked me where my car was I pointed to the garage because my voice was hoarse from emotion. I didn't want the date to end and have to wait a whole week for another one. We walked by a guy on his phone and I whispered to Adam "the guy behind us has been seating there ever since I pulled into the garage." I wonder how long he had been sitting there. We walked to the elevator and waited, we both walk in together. He was staring at me intently waiting for my go ahead. I was calm and collected not here. I never make the first move even though he made it several times. It was the grimier elevator too. It had to be. We start toward my car. I'm not sure if I was excited to get out of there or that he wanted anything from me. I awkwardly didn't want to leave him there. I knew he was waiting for a kiss. I faced my body toward and looked up into his eyes. I was waiting now. I wished I was looking into his eyes. I had my eyes already closed. I could feel the anticipation within his body. I was soaking in him. He gently kissed me well. He didn't kiss enough and it got me yearning for the next time. I see him. I needed to look at him. My voice broke when I said his name. I watched him go. I got in my car and drove into the entrance. That's embarrassing. I backed up and drove to the ticket counter and paid for my parking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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