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If you didn't know, I go to school with my driver with a motorbike.

And there are a few awkward moments riding a bike.

Or getting off the bike

Or getting up the bike

Ex 1: Getting up the bike.

1. The 'help me I'm using a skirt'
So we always use our uniforms which had a skirt and the skirt is pretty long. Probs about below the knees.

Now I have to deal with this everyday.

I step in the place where you put your feet, and after that I'm just stuck like: help.

*awkwardly grabs motor bike and plop on it while the motorbike shooks a little bit.*

2. The 'awkwardly grabbing the shoulders'

So if I can't get up the motorcycle/motorbike properly, I grab my drivers shoulders.

Now this is v v awkward bcs I stand up on the place where you put your feet and when I plop down the motorbike bounces.


Ex 2: Getting down the bike.

1. The 'my leg is stuck'

Whenever I get down the motorcycle and I can't get my other leg to get off, I basically looked like I was horse back riding, and I can't get off the horse.


My feet just kinda.

Hangs there.

2. The 'I can't get off because of my tight skirt'

In Fridays, we use long skirts way below our knees. Worst of all their denim.

So their v v tight. And I just stand up, and trip my way down to the dirt.


So that is my story

The fault in our motorbikes.

Out in the farthest theaters


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