Chapter 3

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I woke up in probably the most uncomfortable way; by falling off of my bed. At first I just laid there with my eyes shut, taking a moment to compose myself. I assumed I had moved a lot in my sleep and just rolled over too much, but then I heard a voice above me, one with an Australian accent.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Jenna giggled and I slowly opened my eyes to see her peering down at me. I panicked for a minute, completely forgetting why Jenna stayed over last night. It eventually came back to me, though.

We had ended up staying at the park talking until it was dark out and Jenna wanted to walk me back to the dorms. I had agreed, figuring it would be safer for us to go together. When we reached my dorm, I remembered that she would then have to walk back to her place alone. I had no idea how far away she lived so I insisted she just stay over. It was late and dark and I didn't want something to happen to her. I was pretty tired by then even though it wasn't too late, I remembered sitting on my bed talking and then setting up a movie on my laptop. When it was over, I lent Jenna some more comfortable clothes than the ones she was wearing. The last thing I remembered was laying next to Jenna and feeling her wrap her arms around me, the best way to fall asleep.

"Yeah, I think I'm alright." I nodded and grabbed the side of the bed to help me up. I flopped down beside Jenna and turned my head to face hers. She stared into my eyes for a minute of silence.

"You have really pretty eyes." She commented. I looked away from her for a moment and then returned to my former position. She had to be kidding, right? I had the plainest eyes ever. Her eyes though, those were some pretty eyes.

"Nope, mine are lame." I said. She frowned and shook her head at that statement. She obviously disagreed with me, I just didn't see how.

"Did you sleep alright?" I changed the subject and she went along with it.

"Yeah, fine. You?" Jenna asked and I nodded. She stretched her arms and then cuddled into the blankets. I had trouble resisting the urge to aww at her. It wasn't my fault she was really cute. I picked my phone up and checked the time, I still had about and hour and a half before my class started today. I was lucky enough to have the afternoon class.

We laid there for a little while longer before Jenna got up to use the bathroom across the hall. While she was gone I got out of bed and got Lynn up because she had her class at the same time as me. Jenna returned and I introduced her to Lynn. Fortunately Lynn wasn't cranky and I think they slightly hit it off before Lynn left to shower.

"I should probably be heading out now." Jenna said out of nowhere in the middle of our conversation.

"Um okay, I'll walk you out." I told her and went to put my shoes on. Why did she just suddenly need to leave? Did I say something stupid?

"No, that's alright I can walk myself out." She stopped me. Jenna gave me a quick hug and then left the room without another word. I slumped down on my bed, questions running through my head. I didn't think I had done anything to upset her. She didn't mention having anything to do today. Maybe in real life, I didn't live up to her expectations. She probably liked me better when she could just text me. I was startled out of my thoughts when the door swung open. I looked up to see Lynn strolling in.

"Hey, where's that Jenna girl?" Lynn asked after looking around the room.

"I don't know, she left all of a sudden. No explanation." I shrugged. She set her things from the shower down and sat down beside me on my bed.

"I'm sorry, you seemed to really like her." Lynn responded. She wrapped her arm around me and I leaned into her.

"You don't need to apologize. I don't even know why this is getting to me, I barely know Jenna." I sighed. I guess I was just a sensitive person. I was glad Lynn was here for me, I'm lucky to have gotten her as a roommate.

"Yeah that's true, but you've been talking for a few weeks now, right? Maybe she was intimidated you?" She offered and I laughed. I couldn't even see a situation where someone would be intimidated by me. I was too short for that.

"Nope, maybe she just didn't like me? I hope she'll explain herself sooner or later." I said. By then, I needed to get ready for class, seeing as I had a little less than an hour and I liked taking long showers. I gathered my things up and got in the shower.

After getting showering, getting ready, and eating something, Lynn and I walked to class together. We went our separate ways when I got to mine. Throughout the entire class, I was distracted by thoughts of Jenna. I was paranoid that I did something to make her not like me anymore. When I should've been taking notes, my mind was running over this morning. Trying to remember the things I had said. The class finally ended and I walked out with a frown.

alexa and i were going to get something to eat, wanna come with to take your mind off of things? - lynn

sure. where? - tay

Lynn texted me where a minute later and I started walking in the direction of the restaurant. I hoped this would distract me from Jenna, I didn't want to think about her anymore today. Just as I was walking up to the doors of the restaurant, my phone vibrated in my pocket, alerting me of a new message.

sorry i left earlier without telling you, something just came up - jenna

I shoved my phone in my pocket without responding to the text. I needed to think about how to handle this. I knew I was being a little dramatic, but it seemed like Jenna was being kind of suspicious.


this took longer than I wanted it to, sorry

thanks for commenting/voting!


(and I added alexa in bc this story is not going to be a lynn and tay fic at all, tay and lynn have a completely platonic friendship)

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