Chapter 11

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I was worried about Jenna. She had seemed off when I talked to her on the phone and she said she needed to talk to me. We had agreed before to meet up on Thursday, I guess Jenna changed her mind because instead she decided to visit the day after I saw her already. It could have something to do with Ashley and why Jenna had to leave so abruptly yesterday. I just hoped she was okay. 

Jenna had asked me to come over to her house so I was walking over there. The days have only been colder and colder, resulting in me wearing black jeans, a sweater, a jacket, and my favorite pair of heavy socks. My phone shuffled through songs, landing on a song by years and years that I couldn't remember the name of. I finally got to Jenna and Ashley's apartment building and walked up the stairs to her floor, and knocked on the door as soon as I reached it. After a minute, the door opened and Jenna let me in. After shutting the door, she kissed and hugged me, then lead me to the lounge. We sat down on the couch in a way so we were facing each other. 

"Are you okay? Is Ashley okay?" I started off and Jenna looked away from me so I could no longer see her face. These things were most likely what Jenna needed to talk about, right? Maybe she decided that she didn't want to meet my parents anymore? I hoped that wasn't the case because  I was pretty excited for my parents to meet her. 

"Tay, I did something really bad. I'm scared you're going to leave me and-" She chocked out but couldn't finish her sentence. Jenna turned her head to look at me, tears dripped down her face. I was afraid of this, what did Jenna do that would cause this?

"Jenna, you can tell me, it's okay." I said, taking her hand in mine and giving it a squeeze. Jenna nodded and sniffled. 

"I know you're going to hate me. I lied to you. Ashley wasn't the one who needed help, Hayley did. I went over to her dorm and she was crying and I tried to comfort her. She got the wrong idea and she kissed me." Jenna said quietly, tears continued to fall down her cheeks. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why did Jenna lie to me about seeing Hayley? I thought there wasn't anything going on between them, but this new found information definitely points to it.

"But you didn't kiss her back, right?" I asked, hoping she would deny it. I stared at her as she bowed her head, looking at her lap. Jenna wouldn't cheat on me with Hayley! 

"Tay, please hear me out! I wasn't thinking straight, I felt bad for her and I didn't want to make her more sad." Jenna's voice was very shaky and the room was filled with the noise of her crying. I couldn't stand it. 

"You cared more about not making her sad than me? You expect me to shrug this off? Fuck you Jenna McDougall." I spat out, I dropped her hands and started walking to the door. Jenna grabbed my wrist, stopping me form leaving. 

"Please Tay, give me another chance! I don't know what happened to my brain! Please don't leave! I-I love you!" Jenna pleaded and I shook her off. I was angry. Why would Jenna do this? I walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind me. 

My walk home was when my thoughts caught up with me. Jenna and I just broke up. Jenna cheated on me with Hayley Williams. Was this just a nightmare or was this real life? I felt the urge to pinch my arm but I knew it was stupid, this was real. I was upset and mad at everything. On my way home, I stopped at Walgreens and got a small container of ice cream along with a few cans of peace tea. I paid for my items and then continued my walk home. 

In about twenty minutes I was laying in bed, eating ice cream, and watching a new anime series on Netflix. I just wanted to be distracted from the events that took place tonight. I just couldn't believe that all of this actually happened. 

What did Jenna mean that she wasn't thinking? Did she really forget that she had a girlfriend? Who even does that? And with Hayley of all people? I knew she was going to mess this up somehow I just didn't think Jenna would be dumb enough to give in to her. 

After finishing a can of peace tea, all the ice cream, and nine episodes of the show I was watching, I decided to just sleep off all of the emotions I was currently feeling. I threw out all of my trash and put my laptop away before laying back down in bed and turning all the lights off. I wondered where Lynn was but dismissed the thought because she was probably with Alexa. 

I sighed and closed my eyes, only images of Jenna were on my mind at the moment. I felt a mixture of frustration and sadness. I want her to be with me right now, holding me as I fell asleep. At the same time, I wanted to never see her face again, I wanted her to disappear. Why did she cheat on me? Did Jenna ever actually like me at all? She was so desperate as I left her apartment but she had to have known that things weren't going to end well. 

I eventually fell into a restless sleep, not prepared to face the next day.


Ugh what a day it has been. I dropped bottle of hairspray on my foot, I accidentally bought the second book in a series instead of the first, and I cut my hand open from a white board and almost passed out because of how much blood there was.

I also forgot to mention in the last a/n that Hayley is bi and that's why she was with a boyfriend and before dated Tay.

This story is going to be done soon! There's one more chapter and then an epilogue. Crazy right?

Any predictions for the next chapter?

Do you agree with Tay's decision or was it irrational?

Thanks for commenting/voting ily

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